China is a big pain in the ass. When they finally become Capitalist, the other smaller countries like Venezuela and North Korea won't have a big daddy to look after them and they will eventually collapse. This rotten ideology must die.
When will the last traces of Socialism and Communism die?
when you tards stop buying electronics made in china
Wait how can Vietnam be communist, didn't the USA win the Vietnam War? Every American on here tells me they won the war.
lol you are jelly cous your shit cunt was never cool and red.
There is nothing cool about Communism.
China is not communist you moron. Neither are any of the other countries you posts. Read a book.
That's a good thing. Even I the "bankrupt greek", the "victim of capitalism" I never had to worry about going to the super market and not finding what I want
Bierut was a puppet, the real deal is Moczar
They won the war and forced the north to sign the agreement of truce at like the status quo border. The us has promised the south they would protect them should the north attack again dollar for dollar bullet for bullet. Unfortunately for the south many democrats had won their seats in Congress and the senate on promises of ending all military action in Vietnam. At first it started with small incursions into the territory from the north before long they just flatly invaded again and completely took it. Many people were executed or put into re-education camps afterwards.
They sure as hell aren't capitalist either. The state handles all production and the citizens are not allowed to own property. Why is it that only socialists can play the purist game
Russia will become communist again soon. Inside knowledge, don't tell anyone.
The current vest of ideas communism has taken is Eurasianism.
Ethiopia says "Hello, comrades". Ditto the thirty or so other commie shithole third world countries. The left in the West keeps quiet about them in case people make the connection between mass famines and communist ideology.
Butthurt britong never got to hang out with uncle Joseph and best Korea
That's a lie, we always had enough food because we stored an pickled it for later.
Nigger your country is a full blown socialist country so what the fuck do you talk about?
Never, unless you end them.
none of them are even 1% of the problem that ZOG nations like uk/france/usa are
they didnt win or lose they just called it quits
Hah! Saud joined our little club half a decade ago. It's London - New York - Dubai now, silly little muslim.
ok gypsy
What a terrible infographic. Let's ignore the PRC being around during the Chinese Civil War and just call it 1949 once they won, let's not include any one-party socialist nations like Venezuela or Angola because I don't know.
When the King of kings comes to put an end to it.
Cuba is the only socialist country there, the rest are third way.
>Even I the "bankrupt greek", the "victim of capitalism" I never had to worry about going to the super market and not finding what I want
Oh, yes, Being able to look at every possible good in a supermarket although not being able to afford it is surely a huge improvement in availability of scarce goods!
Do you have multiple socialist policies to pay people? Yes. Do you have schools in bum fuck nowhere for 1-2 children because they cant be bothered do come into the mainland? Yes. Do you have pension system? Yes. Do you have free healthcare and free school system? Yes.
I can keep going with what the fucking socialist have implemented as policies and are being considered now wrongly as being part of the normal right wing policy.
when the jews die
The only thing that is going to die is the Neoliberalism. Communism does not depend on establishment power.
>The state handles all production
That's fascism. Communism is a mythical global utopia that will never exist, it gets used as a buzzword so smoothbrains not like you will rally around the "noble idea", and smoothbrains like you will go full boomer and complain about "muh communism" while china behaves in a more cutthroat corporatist manner than any country on the planet.
>the citizens are not allowed to own property.
Yes they are
Again, read a fucking book.
It's all but gone, what you think the Jews want to split their wealth with you? The Jews used it to take control of the Goyim property and wealth. You think they're going to give it back hahaha. You wish. NK and cuba are the last true holdouts.
As long as envy and sloth exists, there will be idiots that think communism is a good idea.
Cuba has opened to free enterprise, it’s not pure socialist any more
They lost. Their goal was at a minimum maintain Vietnam divided as they did in Korea. No way you're actually this retarded.
Lmao imagine being proud of being russia's bitch
China has more billionaires per capita than Japan.
Vietnam is virtually an ally of the US now.
China is no longer communist, it's just totalitarian now.