/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #3149 - Eternal Purgatory Editions

► Detected: 1,797,804 (+18,061) ► Died: 110,075 (+1,296) ► Day: 94 (-11:27:53)

— 4.7 billion people under lockdown —
— 215 countries and territories infected —
— 6.0x more confirmed deaths than swine flu —
— 62 vaccines and 244 treatments announced —
— 3,414 strains have been sequenced —


Africa to lose 20 million jobs due to coronavirus

All 50 US states under disaster declaration, first time in history

Panic hits Kenya as 17 members of parliament test positive

91 fully "recovered" cases test positive again in South Korea

People abandoned, left to die in Canadian private seniors residence

Kidney and testicular damage found in three clinical datasets

Virus spreads through pipes

Jews 8 times more likely to die in the UK

Under 1 year old baby dies in the US

Texan tests negative twice, then positive

China underreports number of infections and deaths

Engineered SARS-related bat coronavirus caused polemic over risks

China denying virus tests to keep numbers down

DOW tanks 3000 points or 13%, worst day in history

H1N1 only had 18,500 confirmed deaths, rest is estimated

07:47: 52 new cases in Afghanistan
07:35: 2,186 new cases and 24 new deaths in Russia
07:22: 16 new deaths in Romania
06:40: 266 new cases and 10 new deaths in Ukraine
06:34: 53 new cases in Oman
06:08: 135 new cases and 2 new deaths in Israel


Attached: CVG.png (419x424, 177.88K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Americans are butthurt.
>develop SARS2 virus in America
>unleash it in Wuhan to try and destroy China
>China rapidly takes draconian measures and btfos the virus swiftly
>dumb mutts didn't expect the virus to reach the west
>it does and massively infects Europe+burgerland
>Zion Don trying to do damage control by calling it the Chinese virus
>can pinpoint the exact date when president Xi called him and told him to shut the fuck up, telling him they have evidence the virus was made and deployed by the jewSA
>suddenly doesn't call it the Chinese virus anymore and deflects all questions about why he doesn't
>China on its way to reinvigorate itself while mutts are too dumb for social distancing and too greedy to open up the economy early
>meanwhile the American healthcare system gets exposed for the thirdworld shithole tier it is

Americans got their ass ravaged by their own virus. Let's call it what it truly is from now on:
The American virus.

Will CCP fall because of Covid19?

So currently about 1.2% of NYC is infected

#1 United States 534,494 (20,637) #2 Spain 166,019 (16,972) #3 Italy 152,271 (19,468) #4 France 129,654 (13,832) #5 Germany 125,452 (2,871) #6 China 82,052 (3,339) #7 United Kingdom 78,991 (9,875) #8 Iran 71,686 (4,474) #9 Turkey 52,167 (1,101) #10 Belgium 29,647 (3,600) #11 Netherlands 25,587 (2,737) #12 Switzerland 25,300 (1,081) #13 Canada 23,318 (653) #14 Brazil 21,040 (1,144) #15 Portugal 16,585 (504) #16 Russia 15,770 (130) #17 Austria 13,945 (350) #18 Israel 10,878 (103) #19 South Korea 10,512 (214) #20 Sweden 10,483 (899) #21 Ireland 8,928 (320) #22 India 8,504 (289) #23 Ecuador 7,257 (315) #24 Chile 7,213 (73) #25 Peru 6,848 (181) #26 Japan 6,748 (108) #27 Norway 6,459 (124) #28 Poland 6,356 (208) #29 Australia 6,313 (59) #30 Romania 6,300 (306) #31 Denmark 6,174 (273) #32 Czech Republic 5,905 (132) #33 Pakistan 5,170 (88) #34 Malaysia 4,683 (76) #35 Philippines 4,648 (297)…

#1 Spain +2,992 (+366) #2 Russia +2,186 (+24) #3 Iran +1,657 (+117) #4 Belgium +1,629 (+254) #5 United States +1,615 (+60) #6 Netherlands +1,174 (+94) #7 Portugal +598 (+34) #8 Saudi Arabia +429 (+7) #9 Indonesia +399 (+46) #10 Mexico +375 (+40) #11 Belarus +352 (+3) #12 Sweden +332 (+12) #13 Romania +310 (+15) #14 Ukraine +266 (+10) #15 Qatar +251 (+1) #16 Serbia +250 (+6) #17 Philippines +220 (+50) #18 Switzerland +193 (+45) #19 Denmark +178 (+13) #20 Pakistan +159 (+2) #21 Malaysia +153 (+3) #22 Austria +139 (+13) #23 Bangladesh +139 (+4) #24 Israel +135 (+2) #25 Hungary +100 (+14) #26 Brazil +78 (+4) #27 Morocco +72 (+2) #28 Finland +69 (+7) #29 Croatia +66 (+2) #30 India +58 (+1) #31 Bosnia & Herzegovina +54 (+1) #32 Norway +50 (+5) #33 Andorra +37 (+3) #34 Thailand +33 (+3) #35 South Korea +32 (+3)…

Attached: CVG.png (2000x1027, 350.82K)

I listened to this Dr. Bruce Lipton on Coast to Coast AM. He said that he suspects the cases are very wide spread and almost everyone has Corona virus. Meaning the death rate is extremely low. He also said it wouldn't even be that high but we have no immunization memory against it.

What does /cvg/ think?

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>Virus can kill immune cells used to fight off illness

>Typically T cells are able to capture a cell infected by a virus, drill a hole into the cell and inject chemicals into its membrane that destroys both the virus and cell.

>However in the researchers’ experiment, the T cells were instead taken “hostage” by coronavirus.

>According to the team of researchers, the T cells were effectively “prey” for coronavirus, which then disabled the lifesaving function of the cells.

Damn, /ourgirl/ is really something

They are all dead already.

Someone posted this last thread, and good OC deserves to be remembered.

Attached: Casey Ate A Bat, A COVID-19 Ballad.png (648x2854, 370.14K)

Una mattina mi sono alzato
o bella ciao bella ciao
bella ciao ciao ciao
una mattina mi sono alzato
e ci ho trovato l'invasor.

O partigiano, portami via
o bella ciao bella ciao
bella ciao ciao ciao
o partigiano, portami via
che mi sento di morir.

E se muoio da partigiano
o bella ciao bella ciao
bella ciao ciao ciao
e se muoio da partigiano
tu mi devi seppellir.

Seppellire lassù in montagna
o bella ciao bella ciao
bella ciao ciao ciao
seppellire lassù in montagna
sotto l"ombra di un bel fior.

E le genti che passeranno
o bella ciao bella ciao
bella ciao ciao ciao
e le genti che passeranno
e diranno: o che bel fior!.

E" questo il fiore del partigiano
o bella ciao bella ciao
bella ciao ciao ciao
è questo il fiore del partigiano
morto per la libertà

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If coast to coast am says it, it has to be true
t. red lectroid from the 8th dimension who lives in mel’s hole

why do you have to move to Canada if your country is so great? and what's that about a bullet? did i really trigger you so much that you are threatening a stranger online now?
you are just denying reality at this point, your country is full of disgusting, uneducated, subhumans who was their clothes in the same river they shit in. these are not "normie memes", these are facts widely documented everywhere and you running from that shithole only proves this.
enjoy your state in the white man's land and don't over do it with rape.

Lol you euronigger shilling for China. Some funny shit.

he looks like a nicer bill


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I’m fucking livid that the range is closed, I can feel my fucking aim worsening.
I just want this goddamn outbreak to end.

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I think you're a fucking idiot.

Is there a evolve version of corona chan next year?

The world's end.

Will somebody please assasinate this moron?

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its a chink with a proxy
there's several of them

Why do they do this?

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In his defense, he said a lot of sensible stuff. One being that stress leads to a weakened immune system.

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>Finland +69

Attached: nice.png (517x316, 167.77K)

>muh range
What are you planning to do? Shoot the virus?

I say one more week.

They're siphoning of the 2.3 trillion
Not even joking

South Korea is already rapidly losing control of the situation. Asymptomatic spread fucked them over.

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Wtf? Then the pandemic would be a lot less entertaining.

>MSM still believing chinese numbers
>Praising containment measures
>Praising and playing actual CCP propaganda about the "10 days hospital" on public TV
I hate living in a chinese onahole country

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1.804.000 CASES

Finally, I have started to get worried it is slowing down.

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I want a fucking outlet for the omnipresent, crushing sense of boredom caused by this.

Shiet nigga, surprising

Your president is trying to force automobile companies to make ventilators but you cant even create a domestic supply of masks?

>be czech republic
>10 milion people
>one company with around 50 workers can make 2 million masks a day

Do you even try? Trump should be on top of this shit. Its forcing companies to produce goods at home was his deal, right?

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>Dude, just trust me.


extremely based and not racist

How bad is it in india?

Attached: India.webm (320x240, 2.23M)

Based nipposter

>China numba wan! We no create virus!
An asteroid cant wipe china soon enough

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Have you seen Wyoming's numbers?
Who says guns aren't the answer

Death to America. The Americans must pay for all the bloodshed and the invasions and the proxy wars they've waged over the years. Karma is real and Americans are being punished for ruining countless innocent lives. This is the way of the world, no evil deed ever goes unpunished beneath the watchful eyes of Vishnu and Americans will face the harsh consequences of their sinful actions through this divine pestilence

I’d attribute that more to the fact there’s only ~500k people in that state

I think you burgers are a fucking cesspit of stupidity.