Why is it always the most worthless and underachieving losers them call themselves that?
Why don't successful people call themselves that so that it can atleast help make the movement look better
White nationalist
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look at that schnozz wow
Look at that schnoz
Shut the fuck up Jew.
Ofcourse i expect a basement dwelling loser to not take it well
>post a jewess who miscegenation with a nigger
Uh ok?
Where's the proof incel
Successful people have real accomplishments to be proud of. The losers here have nothing so they try to take credit for what their race has achieved.
1.2/10 heard that weak shit before, he took it well enough because you are not bringing a very strong game with your insults, try again.
>The losers here have nothing so they try to take credit for what their race has achieved
Says the genetic end lol
Niggers are fucking losers that contribute nothing to society.
again with the weak NPC insults, try harder please, this just isnt cutting it.
The guy on the right was a leftist.
Look at the pic. Its 100% a jew. Her jew genes are dead lol
Achiebement= Debt slave with goblin offspring dressed in TJ Maxz
The one on the right had a gf, something you'll never have lol
all in the nose
just look at that beak.
Jews btfo
You just said he was a genetic dead end a second ago. Are you mad that Germans slaughter millions of you Polacks in World War 2? Lmfao
Jared Taylor would like to have a word with you in Japanese after his Yale college reunion
What?! But Yas Forums historians told me (((germans))) haven't killed anyone?! Stormtrannies couldn't possibly lie, right?
Because "successful" people rely on the exploitation of workers by importing a permanent under class to devalue labour.
Le pol
lol source?
The mulatto daughters will go after white guys.
Ha that is funny someone actually edited that
Here's the real one
so... all "white" american women?
Wow, shitting in the blood of your entire racial heritage. That's pretty cringe bro.
> not editing the noses
Trudeau is an Elite and openly Racist
because when you don't produce anything or come up with anything valuable and generally feel worthless the only thing to be proud of is your biological background
not saying you shouldn't be proud of your ethnicity of nationality, but when you have hobbies you probably have other things to do too and gradually nationalism becomes sort of a 'background hobby' than something that dominates your insignificant and uneventful existence
Even her eyes look Jewish
Nice projection kike. Hot wife, 3 kids, working on 4th. Both of us are fully German and British blood. 150k a year salary not including bonuses and side work. This post now just confirmed im going to have at least 3 more children. 1488 over dodger.
Why did you make this thread? You better have a good reason or I will post it.
Not even the same girl you retard