How does one see outside this box? Or maybe even leave it behind?

How does one see outside this box? Or maybe even leave it behind?

Attached: BOA Cube.png (504x475, 203.68K)

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I know some anons must have at least some idea how to do it.

Imagine you dont exist anymore, right now imagine your empty bedroom, imagine the world living without you.

What has changed? What is important? How many people will miss you?

Now come back and look inside the box (computer monitor) and then into the other box (browser) then look at your pic (another box) and finally the painting of a box.

Thats it, you just got out of the BIG box for a moment.


I got the feeling tesseracts are somehow relevant to this subject.

The box is Platos cave you know?

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Is there no any other way? Also aren't we simply just coming back for another round?

No, everything you are just dissappears. There is nothing after this life you just cease to be. There is no reincarnation or an afterlife or anything of the sort you just die and rot away back into the earth.

cross = cube opened

just sayin

All I know is the elites and most religions disagree with you.

Well they are all wrong and you know it. Nature does not care for the individual why should it care whether your consciousness lives on after your body dies? Religion and mystical superstition only preach comforting lies. When you die you cease to be there is no eternal darkness there is simply nothing, you become no thing. You were a conscious mind and after your biological functions stop there is no observer left of any kind. We can not imagine what death is like because it a sort of no colour not blackness or light eternal its neither its nothing.

Agreed to disagree. Well, one day we will find out.

build for bbc (big box cock)

Reject duality.

Buddhism or Gnosticism. Escape Maya, reject the demiurge.

You mean I should simply realize how everything is the one?

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You don't want to leave it behind.
But some salvia or dmt is the easy way to peek outside.
Hard way is meditate on it for 10+ years.
Some can search their whole life and never see.
Most don't realize there is something outside.

It is when you think you are outside the box that you are the most entrapped by it. "The" box isn't actually a thing therefore working to escape it only creates it.

More like big black cube.

>reject the demiurge
And how doe's that happen in practise?

Well I guess better start to meditate then.

Interesting point my friend.

There is a Channel of light that extends from you all the way to the source Creator.
Tell yourself to "Open your crown Chakra" then allow the Higher consciousness to help you see out of the box of density.

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You need to trust your gut. If something feels off don't discard your feeling just because it doesn't conform to a narrative someone shamed you into believing. Slow down, take out a piece of paper, and write down what you feel. First write down that you feel a certain way, then explore possibilities as to why you feel that way. You need to be honest with yourself.

I guess I just understood one more (maybe even the most important?) meaning for the halo in religious art. Thanks lad!

The usual patterns in narratives in every aspect of knowledge are:
- An overhyped standard (((narrative))) repeated until exhaustion by most people and usually involving many jews or their prostitutes.
- Many easily verifiable, obvious or extremely plausible fragments of narratives that nobody talks too much about and jews try to ridicule, discard, ignore or shame into submission.

The idea is chasing the second part and getting used to see things from a non-kosher perspective.

(this is for the lurkers, kike)

Makes sense actually. Usually I find the best knowledge when I simply get this inner urge to search for something special, like stuff just appears into my conscious mind and says "You should probably go into this thread, and ask that user for some book recomendations". And yes, so far it has worked quite well. Thank you!

Actually some jewish guy gave me some good advice on may way to look for truth.

Meditation is good. My only suggestion is you approach it without expectations otherwise you may corrupt the process as clouding your consciousness with "goals" will make it difficult to extend your perception beyond its normal confinement because you'll still be stuck within that box.

>The box is Platos cave you know?


So practically I should just stay still and focus on my breathing? To the phase between breathing in and out, I assume?

If you are a diligent seeker of truth. I offer this guide.

is this the fabled no-no square?

I think the tesseract is in some ways an alchemical symbol of transformation. If you look at the gif you posted for example, initially you see a cube within a cube. Over time, the inner cube becomes the outer cube. Reminds me of the Gospel of Thomas.
>Jesus said to them, "When you make the two into one, and when you make the inner like the outer and the outer like the inner, and the upper like the lower, and when you make male and female into a single one, so that the male will not be male nor the female be female, when you make eyes in place of an eye, a hand in place of a hand, a foot in place of a foot, an image in place of an image, then you will enter [the (Father's) domain]."
Mind you this is gnostic Christianity, and I am not well versed enough on the subject to declare it Truth or not. Many people would argue that this idea leads to damnation. I have no firm opinion on the matter.

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Yes, it's because the way we interpret the universe actually effects the way it behaves, just like in the double-slit experiment. It seem's like that's also how the real magic works, people effecting the universe around them. I'm not really good at explaining this thing though, maybe someone can give a better presentation?

cant put my instincts into words


you must seek out and kill the "EGO"

The ego perceives life through the lens of duality. Duality is the opposite of reality — it is the division of life into opposing forces such as love/hate, good/bad, right/wrong and holy/sinful.

When we divide life, we suffer. The result of the dualistic ego is judgment, hatred, condemnation, and alienation. While we accept some things, we reject other things. While we love some people, we hate other people. Instead of unconditionally accepting life in its wholeness, we segregate it into “acceptable” and “unacceptable” experiences, people, beliefs, thoughts, and emotions. Thus, we suffer.

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Focusing on one's breath is a good anchor for starters. Let your autonomic system take over and let your breath flow organically. Make no attempt to control it. The idea is to not exert any influence on anything.

Thank you again, I'm gonna check it out.

That quote seems to be about uniting the divine feminine and masculine, pic related.

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