Why aren't you MGTOW?
> What is it that satisfies you about supporting a woman with nothing in return?
Why aren't you MGTOW?
I am though.
because a lot of men here are virgin low QI material
We already have one incel faggot thread going Ride it to the bottom, cuntlips
I simp to no woman and they have to "play" my turf at my own rules.
My standards are too fucking high for these woman, thus, making it hard to ever find a love mate which is alright imo.
Cause I actually like women and the ones in my life have been good to me
So you're a beta cuck with no balls who will betray your own for pussy lol
Alphas never used the word beta. You're just a faggot that's been rejected by women your whole life. Go your own way and never reproduce. That's best for the world anyway
I do enjoy watching the tradcucks on Yas Forums get triggered over an insignificant number of men not wanting to fall for the modern marriage trap.
>don't reproduce, goy, women are your enemies!
Women are stupid and shouldn't have been given the right to vote, but they are also loveable and important in society. Just not in male roles.
Ah, it's this argument. Even though MGTOW is demonized in the MSM, as well as deplatformed and demonetized on social media and video hosting sites, it's still somehow a Jewish psyop. How do you handle the cognitive dissonance?
I am.
>supporting a woman
dumb retard, my woman supports me
i'm not bumping this cuck thread
I got a goal, it's to have children, as many as I can. Going MGTOW literally just means defeat in that sphere. Do you wanna have a family and a legacy or do you wanna have bragging rights that you fucked a 10/10 botox demon? MGTOW fags never got out of that retarded high school mentality and see marriage as who you get to fuck uninterrupted. Yeah, if you look at it that way you're gonna enjoy a lot of alimony payments. Women need to be taught to respect you and leash has to be tightened from time to time but if you don't have it in you to even try to assert some control, then you're just a cuck.
>Women need to be taught to respect you and leash has to be tightened from time to time
Who are you trying to fool? You know damn well that you would never do this in real life. You'd cower and say "Yes, Dear", because deep down you know the moment you oppose her she can send the full power of the state on you.
Take the black pill and face it: It's over!
This is what a genetic dead end sounds like
Nice coping beta
I'm saving to move to the 3rd world. White women are trash and brainwashed by kikes. Even black or asian women give more respect to me in a relationship. I subscribe to a lot of mgtow philosophy but I'm not ending my genetic line. I will probably have a child through surrogacy but I will never get into a serious relationship.
I hope you arent thinking about latin american women, they are just like white woman but uglier and with facial hair.
>Cause I actually like women and the ones in my life have been good to me
You can't post a more cliche bluepilled line
I slapped a bitch in the face right before I fucked her just last week
No larp. She was laying on my bed next to me and said something weird. I just slapped her right in the face. Rawdogged her about 5 minutes afterwards
Project harder
I'll probably follow my sexpat uncle's footsteps to SEA. At least they can pretend to respect you as long as you can spend on them unlike white bitches. But again not looking for a serious relationship.
>Why aren't you MGTOW?
MGTOW is the literal definition of cognitive dissonance, and if you don’t agree then you’re a beta incel.
Work out and better yourself if you really want to “go your own way”
>Why aren't you MGTOW?
Because it has been psyopsed by beta males who want women back in the kitchen or want to work hard etc etc. It was supposed to be to drop out of society and live like a wildman with no w*man to domesticate you not being a cope for beta males who werent born in islam.
That is my plan too, cheers.
Because I'm not a cowardly man child that generalizes all women as whores because some thots on the internet act that way. And also because I don't lack the drive and initiative to find a worthy woman so that we can reproduce at a time our race needs us to the most.
Because I'm not an incel, and owe it to God and my ancestors to have children.
MGTOW are the political equivalent of atheists, the loudest complainers about the very thing they say you shouldn't care about. And just like atheists, it's all cope.
If you're getting with nonwhites, you're ending your line.
I theoretically am but i don't i identify with the movement.I don't give modern women the thought of day whilst mgtowcels are like childfree types where they obsess over something they supposedly don't care about.
I encourage all men to go mgtow
more pussy for me
Don’t even try. Yas Forums is filled to the brim with tradcuck simps
Why do you assume I get nothing in return?
You can have children without marrying but i guess poorfags that cant pay rent wouldnt be able to do this.
I may or may not get a good women for me
I live life in a way that doesn't revolve around finding a mate.
But if a mate crosses my path and is available for coom then so be it I'll expend energy in the attraction dance, but after time will end it by asking her out rather than what I used to do, by thinking waiting years being friends will result in something.
MGTOW is more enlightenment liberal nonsense.
imagine unironically believing in the equality of the sexes and because of that being bitter that women have it 'easier' than men.
when in reality women are expected less of because they are literally inferior to men in every area besides child-raising and homemaking. why WOULD we expect the same of them as we do men?
stop posting, liberal.