Why do jews hate Jesus so much?
Why do jews hate Jesus so much?
It's only to trigger rednecks, they invented the whole scam.
Easy punching bag with no social consequences.
Because he exposed their money lending schemes, see The Cleansing of the Temple. They hate it so much, they wish it never was written down.
As an example, you can see the damage control on the Wikipedia article on this subject.
Jesus would totally beat the shit out of that kike
Because Jesus said they are of their father the devil and called them the Synagogue of Satan. j
Jesus is right. Jews hate the truth and killed their messiah because they love evil more than good. The bible says the wrath of Gos is upon the Jews.
based Japanese poster
This is out of context though.
> Be Gods chosen
> Fellow jew says anyone can get the blessing from God as long as he believes in God.
> Kike: shut the fuck up you bitch. Only we are Gods chosen. Not goyim.
Because it became the religion of Europeans and they hate Europeans.
The "jews" didn't kill Jesus, the pharisees did.
Lets just say, your whole history has been centered on the idea that your god will deliver to you a conquering savior. Your people are so infatuated with the world and conquering it that you can not wait to receive all of the wealth the earth has to offer. You see, your people have thrived by going into successful nations and taking them over. Eventually the host nation expels you with extreme prejudice. Eventually you arrive at a point in history where you are getting absolutely ass-blasted by your host, one of the most powerful civilizations ever built, and you hear that God has finally sent the messiah. When he finally comes around, he's just some scrawny carpenter's son that, rumor has it, isn't even his. And when he speaks, he tells you and your people that you must repent of your constant sin and not store up treasures on the earth. He claims he is the son of God and therefore his word carries the full authority of God. And now his word is saying that there isn't anything of value on the earth. His message is picking up speed and you are confused and upset that God didn't deliver the warrior-king you expected. You have been told for so long that the Messiah would come as a force and make all of the world's peoples bow down in subjection to you. Well, this guy must be a blasphemer. So you have him killed, but his message carries on and grows, and grows, and grows, and now people that follow him are ruling the world and are familiar enough with your history that they can see you trying to ensnare these new burgeoning societies that are being built and are calling you on your bullshit at every step.
And, in the back of your mind, you have to be thinking, maybe that guy we killed was telling the truth. That material wealth doesn't necessarily equate to God's blessing. . . "No", you think. "We were right to kill him. He wasn't the messiah. . . . right?"
But, yeah, I have no idea why they wouldn't like Jesus.
They're Jews.
and the pharisees were Jews, what's your point
This fucking reddit-faggotry needs to end.
>Why do jews hate Jesus so much?
Synagogue of Satan.
And can those that love Evil commune with the Righteous?
because jesus was a jew and his followers were jews and those that protected him and offered him escape were jews
Jesus didn't exist anyway. He is a composite character.
>Jesus didn't exist anyway. He is a composite character.
>Jesus didn't exist anyway
jew trope
>x doesn't exist
They do this with everything they hate, including countries like Palestine
They have always hated God because they are greedy subhumans and nothing is ever enough for them.
childish behaviour - just close your eyes and say it doesn't exist
Because Jesus was against usury and exposed the evil nature of the jew.
Because Christianity is the end of Judaism, and Christian society has been their host and main target of subversion for over a millennia. They did a hell of a job wiping out their host’s faith in Western and Northern Europe in a relatively short amount of time.
It's a psyop. Of Jews, people like Sarah Silverman are the most irrelevant and most braindead, absolutely nothing they do is organized from the top-down or reflects anything general about Jews. Most of the people making edgy Jesus jokes fall into this category.
If Yas Forums weren't full of a bunch of cum-drunk tranny zoomers cloudrapping to their favorite Kanye album, they would read all the extensive papers written by rabbis over the last 500 years that discuss Christianity's complementary role to Judaism, and the predicted future when all Abrahamic religions will become one.
Don't hurt yourselves picking up a book, clowns.
>Jesus didn't exist anyway. He is a composite character.
lol the absolute denial you scum have to go through to justify your subhuman actions
Off topic thread. Reported. And fuck jannies
They hate whites who look Northern European. It's by chance they lived among such people who also were Christians. If there were no Northern European Christians, Jews wouldn't care about Jesus and make fun of Odin and Thor
They hate him because if he didn't come to save them, the y could tell God that nobody came to tell them about their wrong ways. Now they don't have any excuse.
The real question is why christians love jews so much?
she's just bitter and angry about her weird fridge body
It's the foundation of modern Judaism.
Oy vey! How dare you even lay blame at the feet of the Pharisees. It was the Romans, goyim!
Imagine being God’s chosen people but then rejecting him and starting a satanic cult of self worship
Of course they hate Jesus , because they know he’s right
nice damage control, schomo
and why did you post a Caucasian girl? Semites aren't white
Wonder if Jesus was saying they were descendants of Cain (being the first murderer)
Cope harder mutt
Just like every other prophet of Abrahamic religions. Whether it is for Jesus or Muhammad, the first traces we have of them or their cult is over a century after their alledged lives, and guess what, the prophets in the old testament also didn't exist.
Give me a single credible primary source on the existence of Yeshua.
Can you spurce any? Genuinely interested.
>why do jews always play both sides?
>Jesus didn't exist
Pretty sure historians disagree
On the other hand Nazi gas chambers for the purpose of mass executions never existed.
She is such an ugly cunt.
because jesus was a faggot and a degenerate that dealt with prostitutes
Sure David, but Moses exists right, and God gave you Jerusalem but you lost the ownership certificate.
Give any source*
if you're going to appeal to authority then at least pick a good authority