what will it take for anti-chippers to see that microchip implants will do far more good for the world than we ever thought?
What will it take for anti-chippers to see that microchip implants will do far more good for the world than we ever...
fake and gay, fuck off with these retarded fake articles you giant faggot
wtf i love bill gates now
if they can make anime real then sign me up
No jews to have ever been part of the chipping process and no hints that they would like it to be mandatory.
I bet you're the type to wait at a red light at 2am with no one around.
Get better at making fake articles. That was way too obvious. Clearly reads like some faggot passive-aggressively criticizing privacy infringement with over the top sarcastic praise.
Kill yourself kankerhomo
I'll take the microchip when you allow me to crispr myself into the god emperor.
I almost got T-boned by a guy who decided that stoplights were optional after midnight.
>achievemend unlocked
>your wifes boyfriend let you sleep on the couch
if they can finally get it into their dumbfuck skulls that computer chips are just like any computer, you need to be smart and make sure you protect it so people don't fuck with it, then they'll listen. but no. they'll be just as tech literate as boomers because "aaaah muh chips noooo they gonna make me die!" or some bullshit and then they're the ones who'll get hacked. They'll only get hacked because they know they're scared of change. This is a very traditionalist board, make no mistake.
>you can take him home to give him the loving he deserves
wow theyre pushing the pedo agenda too
>random child
>you have complete access to where he lives
Watch Dogs (2014) was ahead of it's time
>Game dev started 2009
thinly veiled anti vaxx autism thread
yeah that pedo shit at the end made it pretty obvious this is a fake article, looked it up just in case though (it was fake). I get why you're doing this but if you're gonna make these fake articles at least do a better job.
this article is a fake
but what about the trip of truth
i am conflict
It's not the technology that's evil, it's the people giving it to you
Basically everyone does that now because of red light cameras except for places that don't have them yet.
what was watch dogs?
The article is fake, but the idea is fun to think about:
>see when you last paid rent
>see you were five minutes late to work
>see the last video you watched was kind of racist
>see that you avoided taxes
>"wow got, you sure do go to national parks a lot where it's harder to track your movements. Glad we have that on your record now as a high risk"
>"Your behaviors have been identified as problematic. A display above your head will now show everyone our Google believed political ideology. You can go to settings and beg us to turn this off, we won't anyways"
It was about baby sitting twenty dogs, making sure they got fed and were given attention.
>tfw it displays you just killed someone
The god emperor wasn't "crisprd" he simply was. You'll make a fine Astarte though user. Noe take the gay chip and spread diversity.
>and take him home to give him the loving he
whoever writes these troll articles is a pretty cool guy
It will be so awesome. Agent Smith's AI can hack into your body at any time.
fuck off with these fake and gay articles you glownigger
> In these ancient days, all the shamans of Earth gathered in a grand conclave to decide what must be done to stave off the day when they had all been consumed by the Warp.
>In the end, the shamans decided to pool their collective psychic energies by reincarnating as a single soul in a single Human body to create an individual they called "the New Man." The thousands of shamans, as one, took poison, and as one, they died, their souls flowing into the Immaterium in a rush of psychic power that overwhelmed those daemons who sought to feast upon it with a cleansing, purifying fire, a flame imperishable that became one soul out of many.
>A standard year later the child who would become the Emperor was born in a Neolithic settlement of Anatolian herders and farmers of a normal mother and father, with normal brothers and sisters. His psychic power was so great that its energies altered His genome and physiology in the womb and rendered Him immortal so He would no longer need to reincarnate and could not be assaulted by the daemonic creatures of the Immaterium upon His death. As He grew older, His potent psychic powers began to manifest.
he wasn’t CRISPR’d but he also wasn’t exactly not CRISPR’d
you can call it CRISPRing through sheer force of will
When will microchippers realize that you are already chipped. It's your smart phone
>turn my life into a video game!!
>omg so epic
We've heard all this argument before.
>Technology will set you free!
It doesn't set you free. It puts you in an ever tighter cage and turns the planet into a high tech dystopian hellhole.
how do we convince normies chipping is bad?