Australia has declared WAR on the CHINK MENACE

Attached: aussie vs ccp chinks stealing baby formula.webm (386x484, 2.92M)

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Australia WAKING UP

Attached: Aussie vs ccp agents.webm (1280x720, 2.92M)

btfo chinks

Attached: aussie vs ccp spies.webm (720x720, 2.64M)

Attached: aussie gov vs china.jpg (660x371, 93.12K)

Drop a nuke or STFU. No point fucking with chinks unless you're going to do it to the subhumans that actually live in China.


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Oh wow...was that a stare-down? How brutal can Aussies be?



Love the file name but it isn't time to deploy the meth fueled shock troops just yet.

again? what is this, reporters trying to write stories by anonymously inciting anons? wtf

I hate when people intervene like that. just let em fight.

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Underrated post

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why havent normies directed this to the jews

indy dundee go geddem ya soft cunt

They invaded long ago, you've already lost

Asians aren't bad, the whole reason you guys hate chinese is because you accuse them of posting bbc which makes you insecure.

Whitoids, we're your only friends in a world where your women would rather have black babies and vote for open borders. dont take us chinese for granted

Why do you post a Turk?

they're so tiny. like hobbit people

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The chink male is only the size of your average Sheila. How can they even compete?

What a brave chinksect confronting an old fat fuck.
Why are you still letting this ugly fucking crickets steal your supplies and sending them to kung flu country you fucking Australian pussies, kicked them out your country and curve stop the mother fuckers they aren't even humans they don't have rights

You would love that, huh insect?
If this mess had started in Jerusalem then yes, but we know precisely who is to blame.
And honestly none of your dis-info is going to remedy it. They should just shut you down, and send you lot to be reeducated now.

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I'm serious, you have the balls to talk shit to a single chink in your territory but don't have the balls to perform freedom of navigation exercises in the South China Sea

We dont have nukes.

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>Asians aren't bad, the whole reason you guys hate chinese is because you accuse them of posting bbc which makes you insecure.
>Whitoids, we're your only friends in a world where your women would rather have black babies and vote for open borders. dont take us chinese for granted

Fuck off CCP, bot. Japan and North Korea only acceptable Asians. Well, Mongols too since they wrecked your shit and wall all the time.

im not a chinkoid, it's just when i see the normies out there taking law into their own hands, jews should be at the top of the list

how did they steal? they're still in the store

Fuck off Chinky Winky

must be kikes

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Wh*Ties are just jealous of the Asian masterrace. This is the last century of the Wh*Te race and that's why you're so mad.

australians are fucking disgusting

>Japan and North Korea only

Fuck those fucking mantis too, stay on your side of the fucking ocean, there is a reason God made it

Chinese have been doing this with milk powder for a few years

Australia doesn’t need to because the us does it regularly. We also have a carrier group sitting right in the middle of the South China Sea, which China can do nothing about except protest like little babies.

i'd be utterly mortified if someone started throwing bricks through the windows of all the chinese owned childcare centres and health food/supplement shops that never seem to be open despite being placed inside very expensive commercial rentals
i really can't stand violence

Everyone’s wearing masks, why Is no one stomping the ccp operatives faces in?

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Why would china circulate this in clear and concise english?

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>Boomer aussie gets scared and runs away


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based australians

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Lol you must be a Chinky "Woman" to deflect so much. We already know Canada has no whites left except for onions cucks. They're a caliphate state of Islam infected with the Chinkoid menace. So calm down there and realize you are being rightfully targeted for your crime of bio warfare. Go back to China.

we will lend you some based aussie bros we have tons

We're not that bad

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mazel tov shabbos goy

Please do. This is starting to get out of hand.

It is unfair though. If you hit back at an old fuck where I live you get in extra trouble. Old bastards know this so it makes them brave.
That chink was someone important though. A regular guy all alone would back off. Higher ups never do.

>e. This is the last century of the Wh*Te race and that's why you're so mad.

Lol Corona is literally 1488. More non-whites than whites getting infected and dying. Survivors having permanent lung scarring, organ failure and other issues. Their life is cut short while the whites are dealing with this easily. A correction is coming due to Corona chan and you'll end up in a ditch or begging for your women to be bleached. Sit down there, camel fucker.

Fuck these chiniggers. Bugs get RAID. Rice war now

Reminds me of in Deadwood when the Pinkertons come to town and their first action is the repeatedly kick Mr. Wu in the ass and shout "Move along, Ding Dong!"

Japanese and North Koreans mainly stay there, kike. Calm down before you shit out a golem.

She probably could have kicked that cuck’s ass lol.

there's now a limit on how many tins of baby formula people can buy because chinese kept buying out entire stores and sending it back home to sell for profit
so now they just buy as many as they're allowed, take it to their car and then come back in for more until there's none left

The chinks outside China should be rounded and put in camps and force them to behave like human beings. I doubt it's possible but we can try.

Some fucking sound would be good

Lol nerve struck, eh chink?