Israel sucks

How is not supporting Zionism anti semitism? I don't think the people who say this understand the concept of religious tolerance. Religious tolerance means I accept that you believe something that I do not and leave you alone. Religious tolerance does not require me to accept your claims of divinely given land rights on the other side of the world and fund your efforts to conquer that land.

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Other urls found in this thread:–Israel_relations

Zionism is anti-semitic cause it is all about conquering land from shemite ar*bs. But there is absolutely nothing wrong about being anti-semitics cause fuck them so zionism is based

>How is not supporting Zionism anti semitism?
I already explained it to you, but you still seem to conflate the two different things:
>not supporting Zionism is not anti-Semitism, it is non-Zionism
>being anti-Zionist is anti-Semitism

And it has nothing to do with religion or religious tolerance.

are you doing that old Zionist false dichotomy that I have to take a side in this conflict?

>are you doing that old Zionist false dichotomy that I have to take a side in this conflict?
I also explained this part previously:
>either you don't take any side and you dgaf
>or you take side in which case the only logical conclusion is to take Israel's side
So no, it's not a dichotomy, you can ofc chose to hate on Israel/all Jews, but that makes you irrational and an idiot, and indirectly a supporter of Islamic terror ofc. It's not that you cannot take or do that, it's more like that you should be aware what that package and label comes with.

>How is not supporting Zionism anti semitism? I don't think the people who say this understand the concept of religious tolerance. Religious tolerance means I accept that you believe something that I do not and leave you alone. Religious tolerance does not require me to accept your claims of divinely given land rights on the other side of the world and fund your efforts to conquer that land.

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Hating islamic terrorists is antisemitic tho

Ok metitzah b'peh

which means the persian mutts living in israhell and larping as levant jews are antisemitic when they kill palestinians, and it's not the same case vice versa

>Hating islamic terrorists is antisemitic tho
No, and this distortion is all so tiresome. Yes, 'antisemitism' is a very problematic name, and the world should have came up with smtgh better to describe it. But as it stands, it only means hatred and discrimination against Jews, and only Jews, and it cannot be used in the context of other people who just so happens to speak Semitic-languages. And the etymology comes from a guy who explicitly made up the word in order to label Jews, since at the time, Europe only had Jews and no Muslims (how things are changing, huh?).

>Ok metitzah b'peh

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Because you are slaves to the jews and must do whatever they want, even if it's nonsense or ruins your lives.

>the agent from Mossad's "special" company is on duty again

>or you take side in which case the only logical conclusion is to take Israel's side

really? Please explain how that is the only logical conclusion because as an American, Is see no reason why I should care who controls a tiny patch of land with no resources and little strategic importance on the other side of the world.

I neither hate nor love the Jews.. I am going with the third option of apathy.

OP here.. What the fuck are you trying to say?

>Please explain how that is the only logical conclusion because as an American, Is see no reason why I should care who controls a tiny patch of land with no resources and little strategic importance on the other side of the world.
Okay, I try to explain it to you one more time:
>care about it
>don't care about it
So, as you can see, there's two main paths, two main concepts. Idgaf if you care about it or not, or anyone else for that matter. Both are completely fine by me. But, if you so chose to CARE about it, then you will obviously have to make up your mind about it, period. Chances are, people who care about this specific conflict, will either be pro-Israel or pro-Pali, y'know... So yes, for all I care, you can be in apathy. Most normies doesn't give a fuck about it anyway and it's completely fine.

Because the fcking shitplace was a desert before the jews came.

Look at some pictures before Israel was made a country. The place was just a desert with no productivity and no real significance.

So just let the fucking grabblers have their say in the world, who gives a shit anyways. Either you have sandfaggots or grabblers in the desert,

>Ok metitzah b'peh

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look at all the triggered khazars in israhell
I wonder how many babies they'll take their aggression out on since that's an even match, physically and mentally speaking

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I am not seeing how supporting Israel is the logical conclusion here.

Shit.. As an American, I feel pretty boned by Isreal.

When AIPAC got Congress to give Israel the largest aid package in American history they had been running an annual budget surplus of ten billion for five years.

so that seems like a waste of money.

and then there is Israel becoming the second largest supplier of military technology to China, selling American military technology that they got to free to our rival is pretty much a deal breaker to me.–Israel_relations

Why should I put up this shit deal for my nation so there can be Jewish homeland on land I give two shits about?

Im new here is this guy trolling or just retarded

And those improvements to that land means should mean something to me? Why?

I don't care all that much what happens other there. I live in the center of the North American continent and it has nothing to do with me at all.

I don't want be involved in that shitfest and I certianly don't want to pay for it.

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>I am not seeing how supporting Israel is the logical conclusion here.
For the 4th time: you might as well don't give a single flying fuck about it. So I'm not claiming you should support Israel at all cost, all I'm saying, that it is very much obvious whom to chose if you MUST chose between the two.
>so that seems like a waste of money.
So? Idgaf. Vote for people who won't give money then. Not that you'll find any, since the US military has a vested interest in the region and Israel is their base there. Also, is that the only waste of money you care about, or could you name 3 other things that are wasteful?
>Israel becoming the second largest supplier of military technology to China
Fair enough, but how many times did the US sold weapons to Arabs, heck, how many times did they leave weaponry in shitholes and deserts that was later on picked up by terrorists? Hating on people or countries for making business is the habit of a communist (and even they did that).

When di you plan to give back the states to the „native“ US people (Apaches and the like)?

Fuck off hypocrite.

uh oh

wait i just red the sub title
>the united states gives more in foreign military financing to Israel each year than to all other countries in the world combined
also wrong(pic rel showing only military aid)
you shitskins have no shame

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>עונה להם ברצינות
dilate, tembel

He isn't saying that Isreal shouldn't conqyer the land, just that the US doesn't have to pay for it, or recognize any divine claims to the land

Well, thats a good view of this crap.

Contrary to all D&C some wise man should unite under their common business and make some sense in this clown world.
Time ago it seemed possible that some Nigel could unite with Beppe Grillo or Salvini and with some Le Pen, Kurtz, maybe Orban and could twist things in Brussel..
you know, one can hope..
but the woods seem a better option with all this viruses, chips, 5G, increasing survelliance, taxes..

Sorry buddy but Palestine is literally the Phillistine kingdom, but with Arab migrants.

FUCK JORDAN(Saudi monarchy in Levant
FUCK PALESTINE(Phillistine but Arab foreigners)
FUCK LEBANON(except for good Christian Phonecians of course :D)

Israel IS a legitimate state, whether you like it or not islamocuck

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