>Sydney Adventist (known as The San) informed COVID-positive mothers and their partners: “Your baby will be, with your consent, taken to a room close by straight after birth and nursed in a crib to reduce the transmission of the virus to your baby”.

>“This is in line with advice from our paediatricians and in accordance with hospital policy," it said.

>“Unfortunately, we will be unable to provide skin to skin contact with your baby at birth. We understand this is a very difficult concept to consider, however the effect of the virus on your newborn is unknown and we will be doing everything possible to protect you both.

>“Your baby will be nursed separately from you until your tests, and those of your baby, are negative," the newsletter said.

>Babies would be fed expressed breast milk by nurses, and if a mother felt well and wanted to breastfeed and care for their baby, she would be asked to sign a consent form prior to birth, the document read.

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Other urls found in this thread:


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Why yes, I murder glowniggers who waste taxpayer dollars by posting on Yas Forums, How could you tell?

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the glowies don’t even put in any effort. Frankly it’s offensive. The fact they think we are that dumb and stupid, to “fall” for their “praise tarrant” low effort posts.
They don’t even banter either, just some shitty low effort literal retard tier post. It’s just straight up rude and offensive really.
They don’t even hold based impromptu ama sessions like cop user did for a couple threads the other night. What a waste of tax dollars

>Why yes I do vote greens how could you tell?

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>why yes i vote for the greens, how could you tell?
>Can someone help me crack the lid of this söylent bottle? I swear they’re just getting harder and harder to open

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Just got ass blasted

Moar deets

Why would you post a picture of a convicted paedophile with your post. Are you stupid or just a shit stirrer?

>seventh day Adventists private hospital
>the state

You really are a dumb cunt.

Mr Kelly did nothing wrong. If you didnt know, the woman who complained was broke and in the USA and she needed to come back to AU. Surprise, surprise, she was writing A BOOK. what a great way to drum up sales in a book no one gives a fucking shit about.


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What the fuck has Mr. Kelly got to do with this? I mean, hasn't his good name been dragged through the mud enough?

>with your consent

calm down Nudge

I have a Eureka flag sticker on my v8 Commodore, ask me anything

Attached: eyrwka.jpg (250x147, 4.7K)

Ok. I’ve had it with this corona shit.

Tim Brooke Taylor has died.

wow, The Goodies was my favourite as a kid

whats 9+10

A lot of Australians depended on its escapism growing up.

I reckon this is unironically reason enough to go towar with. China.

>The bogans are worse than the artists you dumb cunt.
As a virgin artistic bogan everyone here is terrible
At first I thought it was just a nsw Coffs mid north - south east Coast thing but it's everywhere
Can't stand Brisbane either south full of gooks north full of normal fags west full of meth fucked dropkicks
Fuck it imma just go innawoods and go full tegrity farms
The vf was literally just a facelift ve
Which is a superior car
>can fit vf interior and exterior
Vf has all the magride and touchscreen dodads sure but I don't see the appeal especially since boomers overprice the fuck out of them
Oh well they will get rekt by the worst financial depression in 100+ years and prices will drop
Not that I hate the vf mind you it's just not worth the extra money over a 6ltr vy or ve

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Corona virus was cause of death

kick out the changs

how much do I have to pay to be express fed breastmilk by nurses?

Tuning gooks online. They want the bleach

My math aptitude is above average

Do non-whites feel any shame when they pretend they're Australians?

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Answer: 910

Did you ever see the one where they travelled to Australia to catch Rolph Harris? They were fucking funny.

>nursed in a crib to reduce the transmission of the virus to your baby”.
It's useless. It's confirmed in Wuhan this Virus is able to pass onto the new born directly through birth.

might go to beds gents. feeling less blackpilled than yesterday about the martial law lockdown. Thanks to the anons on here that agreed and felt the same way yesterday. Now i’ve just taken the honkpill and just laugh. Let the normies beg for their martial law and bread lines

Yup. Ducking hilarious stuff. Especially the hunting scenes.

How much does it cost you to fill up a V8 these days?

>might go to beds gents. feeling less blackpilled than yesterday about the martial law lockdown. Thanks to the anons on here that agreed and felt the same way yesterday. Now i’ve just taken the honkpill and just laugh. Let the normies beg for their martial law and bread lines
Just go innawoods

This. In order to hose down the narrative its like they've had to hire a whole bunch of anybodies lately. You can almost see the job advert "no experience required".

Another user in the auspol the other day beautifully pointed out their posting styles and patterns, some of them were 100% retarded outsourced pajeets.

They have just been given the order to pollute every thread with as much white noise as possible. They don't even try to argue. Basically like vuvuzelas.

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Sorry Mr. Kelly.

>I have a Eureka flag sticker on my v8 Commodore, ask me anything
Post car
50 bucks for premium 1$ltr

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>pretend they're Australians?
wait, is there any species on earth willingly want to be viewed as Australians?
Am I missing anything?
Australians in civilised world like Europe, UK and America deliberately hide their accent in public because of shame.

I honestly think most foreigners have nearly no capacity for any form of objectivity whatsoever.

Yeah, i think it’s just divide and conquer, or disrupt and conquer. Idk.
Maybe you’re right, and they’re not trying to “bait” any genuine anons into glowposting rather than to stop meaningful discussion, and any retard dumb enough to go along with their “muhhh praise him” bullshit, is a bonus they can pick up and gulag along the way.

> in the civilised world like Europe, UK and America
Correction: in the civilised world, ... and America.

LOL yep I remember that. Wild Rolfs everywhere. They don't make anything innocently funny anymore. I don't think they even make comedy anymore at all. Fast Forward. D Generation. Australia standing in it.

Kiss driving that goodbye soon.

>however the effect of the virus on your newborn is unknown and we will be doing everything possible to protect you both
if the mother had the virus the baby would have it anyways.
I see your marxist are making progress. Destroying families is one of their most important goals because marxist don't have people that love them.
And we know that isolating a newborn from its mother is extremely bad

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