BREAKING: German police attacked by migrants in Frankfurt

Migrants are having grill parties in parks. German autist horseback police tried to split those parties. Migrants attacked them.


After approaching a group of people who were clearly breaching lockdown rules, one police patrol was pelted with stones.
A second police patrol was attacked by a group of around 20 men armed with iron bars, stones and roof tiles, forcing the patrol to retreat.
The police called in a helicopter patrol to search for the perpetrators by air, following some of the suspects to an apartment in the western district of Griesheim and conducting a raid.
Six suspects between the ages of 23 and 31 were arrested in the raid, while police also seized weapons including samurai swords, nunchucks and brass knuckles.

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miss the old times, no cavalry charge and flying heads, just some raid

at least the shitskins have the balls to start swinging against the fucking pigs. I'm beginning to hate Cops worse than niggers.
>puh...puhLEASE! I was just following orders!

Off the rooftop you go, let's see of pigs CAN fly.

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now thats that old emu spirit ive heard of

>including samurai swords, nunchucks and brass knuckles
weeb fugees on the rise

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Hahaha virgin horseback police vs Chad bbq refugees

Germany is lost. If the migrants have no respect or fear for the Polizei then your society is fucked. Even us drunk American troops stationed there got pushed around by the Polizei as they did not fuck around in those days. We had zero fear of British police even then but knew the Germans would beat your ass if you pissed them off.

>police patrol was attacked by a group of around 20 men armed with iron bars, stones and roof tiles
I’m sorry Hans, if we get through this, then history will remember Germany as the only country who tried to resist jewish degeneracy!

Didn't you mean
>bbc refugees

This. K-town was proper fucking orderly.

The Brit police probably just wanted to get pissed up with yous

Wtf? I love migrants now.

What would happen if they did catch them, I wonder? Deportation?


Grill parties are a now crime. KEK. Go fuck yourself with your fake virus shit.

you're such a jewed piece of shit. they aren't migrants you retard npc.

Yes you did, you nigger-importing faggots

lol. for some reason Kaiserslautern has been filled with Syrians, they increased from 0% to 2% in a few years


But for what fucking purpose, ffs? Can't just blame Merkel, the cunt keeps winning.

Good. Only thing niggers are good for is attacking pigs.

>Samurai Swords and nunchucks

Was there a muslim weeb-gathering or something?

Nunchucks are illegal in Germany as far as I remember and eventhough they aren't difficult to make I find it hard to believe that a muslim went out of his way to make one, especially as an actual weapon, after watching too many Bruce Lee movies

>at least the shitskins have the balls to start swinging against the fucking pigs. I'm beginning to hate Cops worse than niggers.
>>puh...puhLEASE! I was just following orders!
>Off the rooftop you go, let's see of pigs CAN fly.


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Germans don’t give a fuck

I bet you don't have a weapon pussy faggot NPC

Your shithole is racist as fuck

why are you in slovakia, mutt?

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muzzie civil war in europe when

>What would happen if they did catch them, I wonder? Deportation?
20 hrs community service... grilling halal meat for their friends on weekends in parks

Muslims love anime


could someone suggest me a person finder, like a site which scans facebook etc and gives you infos on a person. i know that exists, but i forgot the few i knew

without some pork, sure, it is a crime

If you go to any cheap gym or martial arts club, chances are, most members are either Turks or Russians.



Wrong, Johannes. Turks or Chechens.