Brit/pol/ - Deltron 3030 : Virus edition

>NHSX [NHS tech] Apple & Goolag making app that will TRACE you at all times - the price for lifting lockdown

>Assange Fathered Two Children while imprisoned in th Ecuadorian Embassy

>Schools re-open in Denmark, Norway & Austria re-open shops

>Spectator: A 'New Word Order' for post-corona Britain

>UK pumping £200 million into WHO, Red Cross and other NGOs

>Over 1000 fines issued by police for lockdown breakers

>Fake News spivs laid off as ad revenue collapses in Media

>Police apologise for arresting man and threatening pepper spray as he helps elderly relative

>Government approval up to 61% from last week's bottom of 52%

>Why are most alternative media embracing a police state?

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Other urls found in this thread:

we already got a thread 33 nigger


Why would someone trip/name fag on an anonymoose Tibetan cartoon forum for discussing the huwhite race?

looks like a train wreck

it’s full of foreigners though because of the stupid op image

is that a thread?
our system seems to think it's spam

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3rd for BoJo

ok, if you lads are explicitly anti christ
i wont be back

fuck off then jesus'-foot-licker

foot lickers get the foot

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I'm not.

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Love you lads, lots

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How can he be stopped

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Yas Forums is full of fedoras

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I'm not, user

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Boris Johnson is out of hospital , the clapping worked

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>but it has flares though

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deaths per million chart. I don' know why the media report total deaths when it's meaningless

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Even Spain was max 18 deaths per million people? Then what's the big deal? I don't even KNOW one million people.

>the media report total deaths when it's meaningless
to scare people
to sell papers
to sell agendas
to make people rich
to give the power
to scare people

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hi bongs

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reminds me of aids where a small subset are vulnerable to they punish everyone

right in the feels

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>man follows bible teachings of his own accord
>Catholic’s outraged


Becaus it's a contradiction in and of itself. If you really follow the Bible, you are Catholic. If you are anything but a Catholic you are just LARPING as a Bible follower. The Catholic Church MADE the Bible, not the other way around.

What happened to all the mid-late 2000s atheist fedoras?

Catholic doctrine is the average Christian is too dumb to interpret the Bible themselves and they aren't completely wrong.

My missus went to an old catholic school run by irish nuns. Instilled in her a lifelong hatred of catholicism. And nuns.

Message from Boris:

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The Catholic church didn't exist in any capacity when the first half of the Bible was made

just watch the Coomings bbc doc.
Glad we have a genuine genius playing unironic 4D Chess in number 10

The Catholic church didn't exist in any capacity when the first half of the Bible was made and the church in the day of the NT being put together doesn't look like anything like the church today.

Correct, that's why we call people who only have that part Jews, not Christians.

why aren’t you orthodox?

>and the church in the day of the NT being put together doesn't look like anything like the church today.
Of course it didn't. It was almost 2000 years ago. The Church is alive, it's not a dead institution.

I was about to say, he looks fit and healthy.
The filename is how long I give him.
Having subtitles as well.

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I'm Latin. See the flag? Plus, the East fell to Cesaropapism long before the Schism. I hope they can get out of it soon enough so we can get together again.

>Just out of hospital
>Already in a suit wearing out his lungs with a five minute video about RNHS

FFS get some more bedrest you idiot

>my church is the original church even but that other church that says it’s the original church isn’t the original church because the head of my church said so, so they’re not the real church, what? who cares how accurately they follow the bible? how is that relevant?


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Wut? The first tecorded mention of the books of the OT is in material by athanaseus, coptic bishop of alexandria.

genuine question for the christniggers in this thread.
are you racist?
if so, how do you reconcile your racism with christian universalism?

They were all the same Church. There was no "my Chuch their Chuch" bullshit. The East started with this bullshit when they bent over to the Emperor, too bad for them.

>Boris Johnson leaves hospital: PM stops off in Downing St with his pregnant fiancée Carrie, a driver and bodyguard – with not a mask in sight – to broadcast heartfelt message for people to stay indoors before the couple head to Chequers
doesn't he realise that he's still contagious? you shed the virus for weeks after "recovery".

I find it amazing that people have unironically read the bible, and I say this knowing full well I am wasting my time posting on an anime board

Where I wrote Bible, read New Testament. Now, the problem is solved.

>Motion: Some things undoubtedly move, though cannot cause their own motion. Since, as Thomas believed, there can be no infinite chain of causes of motion, there must be aFirst Movernot moved by anything else, and this is what everyone understands by God.

>Causation: As in the case of motion, nothing can cause itself, and an infinite chain of causation is impossible, so there must be aFirst Cause, called God.

>Existence of necessary and the unnecessary: Our experience includes things certainly existing but apparently unnecessary. Not everything can be unnecessary, for then once there was nothing and there would still be nothing. Therefore, we are compelled to suppose something that exists necessarily, having this necessity only from itself; in fact itself the cause for other things to exist.

>Gradation: If we can notice a gradation in things in the sense that some things are more hot, good, etc., there must be a superlative that is the truest and noblest thing, and so most fully existing.This then, we call God

>Ordered tendencies of nature: A direction of actions to an end is noticed in all bodies following natural laws. Anything without awareness tends to a goal under the guidance of one who is aware.This we call God

>are you racist?
Of course not.

but when the catholic church bends over for whatever monarch is running them the most gold... it’s okay because it’s just that one pope who’s bad right?

>God made me
>I'm a racist
>God made me to be a racist

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Yeah i meant NT. The gospels were written in koine greek and almost certainly put together by the coptics.

Would you walk down your local favela casually at night?


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>but when the catholic church bends over for whatever monarch is running them the most gold...
Could you provide me with a historcal example? When did a Monarch get to set Church doctrine in the West?