Is canada fucked?

Fellow leafs, is coronavirus gonna end canada??

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English canadians are worthless pieces of shit, so anything that could genocide those fuckers will put a smile on my face.

Isn't he dead?

Rob Ford died, this is his brother Doug Ford or as he's known, DRUG FORD for all that hash and crack he and his brother were slinging back in the day.

Doug Ford is a national treasure.

You'd choose him over good ol' Robbie?

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So what? Its simply supply and command.

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Is he the leaf equivalent of a norf?

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Rob Ford could have been Prime minister.

We're not doing nearly as badly as the US or Italy
Things are bad right now, but we can still get through this if we act smart and work together.

Highly doubtful.

> Also, sorry.

Lmao your shitty province has the most cases so get ready for the frog genocide faggot

No. It might end toronto and vancouvwr though, which would be pretty epic. Think of their chink population. I think the numbers there are much higher than reported

*melancholy piano music plays*

You know you'll always be.. my heeero.

Smoking a bowl, to zeero.

I'll always remember, my heero.

Even when he had, too much beeer.

I'll always remember, my heero.

Because your heart, is always heeere.

So far, more angloids have died fron chink flu than anyone else, and thank God for it.

Only if the quarantine lasts far longer than it probably will. There's an aspect to Canada getting fucked that few people talk about because society at large has been taught to ignore and not think about it and thats farming.

We produce a lot of our own food domestically, and right now our farms arent running at normal capacity because there aren't any workers there. Reason being is a lot of farms hire foreign workers, mostly from Central/South America, to come and do all the hard labor for minimum wage. There's a federal program for it forget the name of right now. Anyways, right now that aint happening since those workers, who went home for the winter, arent being allowed to leave by their own governments. Thats not to say no farming at all is being done, but right now a lot of em are stuck, and the longer this goes on the less food is produced in the year. That includes the stuff we need to export to get any kind of profit for the country, and that also means our already fucked food prices are gonna get worse as there wont be as much domestic supply. That means we'll have to import more to make up for it at a likely higher cost to consumers. If things can get running again by the end of April that would be optimal given the circumstances but if this shit is still stopping those workers from coming in by mid-May or God forbid June then we're in for a ride for the rest of the year. I dont think that scenario will occur but who the fuck knows these days.

>why not just hire Canadians currently out of work to do this

Try and convince any citizen that was actually born and raised here to do 15 hour days of hard labor for minimum wage and tell me how that goes.

>canada once made men so kind they shared their crack cocaine

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if it ends the dominion of canada itll be the beginning of the free republic of canada

It's going to end the world as we know it.

Canada is a service economy... I hope it collapses hard.


quebeccers are the most backwards cunts in this pozzed country by FAR


Incredibly, there are some people on whom a T-shirt is not OK.

Not an argument.

it's a factual statement


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What is a Canada?

We're selling you to China. Should have left when you had the chance.

Maybe if you have an IQ of 20.

>t. maple syrup slurping bonhomme de neige cocksucker

Thanks for proving my point, nigger.

what a unit

where;s your welfare gonna come from when all the anglos die?

why can't Quebec stand on its own two legs?

US 21k deaths
Canada 600 deaths

This is 1812 all over again. Canada can't stop winning. We even have significantly more testing. Feels good to be superior.

Copy pasta

nah all the Norf types are in ALberta

Its spelled candida

Says the province with 15% of unemployment. Keep being the welfare basket of the country, Alberta.

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I hope so

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>Try and convince any citizen that was actually born and raised here to do 15 hour days of hard labor for minimum wage and tell me how that goes.

Albertans and Newfies would do that shit

>37.6 million
600 deaths
>328.2 million
21,000 deaths
Do you see a difference?

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Ah I see the seething Quebecy is still crying that he isn’t a sovereign nation

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*dumps raw sewage into the St Lawrence*


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