You might hate refugees but what about their children who are just trying to escape from war and poverty...

You might hate refugees but what about their children who are just trying to escape from war and poverty? This is me at a Swedish kindergarten (from when I was a teacher) and about 50% of all the kids were refugees who went through unimaginable horrors before coming to Sweden

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>assuming that is you
their children will grow up to be welfare recipients and terrorists
crack their fucking skulls or kick them out

Attached: Heres your (You) now fuck off.gif (500x341, 1.03M)

Without all the refugees who will provide all the BBC that swedish women crave? EXACTLY!

Yes they are often more radicalized a lot of 2nd gen immigrants turn radicalized and kill innocents. And yes it is my interest to not become a minority. Why is it fair for them to pursue their interest and not me mine. This is clearly not you by the way why larp. Idf sweden wants to become an islamic country so they can say how tolerant and non-racist they are they can.

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you seem to have a lot of different hobbies dont ya!

How sick do you have to be to pretend to be that girl, like tf is wrong with you bro?

shoot them niggers.

Why not help their home country?

Based. Their countries are shitholes for a reason.

>their children

i would have consensual sex with you after i turn the meat grinder on(in minecraft) that all of the refugees fell into

Assuming that the average nord has guns
even if they do a bolt action can only do so much

I thought that was you at a gaming convention?

They will bring the horror with them to you.

You have to remove them from their parents,and only maybe then you'll be able to make them into people.

Greedy lazy scumbag goblin children. They should all be sent back, no exceptions.

The refugees will soon inflict unimaginable horrors on Sweden while Jews will exalt, you deserved this!

Kill them all, big and small.

fuck off faggot kike

i wonder if she fucks black guys

>Larp detected


>You might hate refugees but what about their children
hate them

>went through unimaginable horrors.

You would think this would be an impetus for sorting out the shit in your country... No! Let's just move the people - and by extension their problems to a white western nation, under the assumption that the problems will just go away.
The troubles with these people are mostly genetic, their low IQ's and resulting lack of empathy is what produces the horrors in their countries of origin.

>You might hate refugees but what about their children
You should try putting them in cages. It works pretty well here.

they should be groomed as ambassadors with the desire of fixing the countries they ran from. They to have a responsibility to help eliminate the problems that people run from, instead of becoming tools of the smugglers.

Daily reminder that "refugees" in Europe are leeches.
Those who are truly in danger and need of refuge don't travel all across Europe to get into the most comfortable countries with the most gibs
Now fuck off

You are such a wierdo, user. Why are you so obsessed with 'Josefin'? You keep making threads and saying you are her, that is pretty strange, don't you have hobbies or anything else to do?

The real answer is the man is head of the household so wherever he goes the family must follow. It doesn't matter that the kids are born her, they follow their parents and since the mother follows the husband they all leave together. You take your race mixing coal burners and fuck right off niglets in tow.

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> jews cause endless wars in Middle East and wreck the countries surrounding Israel
> lots of sandniggers want to flee this
> jews bring them into Europe

>You might hate refugees but what about their
slippery slope.
Yes, that too. You have to draw the line.

Real talk. Ain't no such thing as fighting age male refugees.

>unimaginable horrors
who put them through those horrors? their own people. they slaughter their own kind and yet you think they care about you? why is it the worlds job to save them from themselves? fuck them, fuck you, and fuck this dumb thread