Eat shit, Magatards
Eat shit, Magatards
i fail to see the issue
Looks good to me.
>Corbyn lost miserably
>Bernie lost miserably
>China has its "Chernobyl moment"
At last the world's long global nightmare is nearly over...
Ironic you point out a period where the greatest generation was created.
I'd kill to have that spot of land.
You are a fucking idiot. what a retard. Have you tried calming down?
Looks like he owns lots of land and has more in scrap in his yard than most Americans do assets in their entirety.
Hell he'd be richer than most with no assets at all if he didn't have debt.
ok baltic gyppo
woah wtf I was going to vote for drumpf but after seeing this meme it's clear that we need to give biden the nuclear codes
I bet where ever that is it's warm
I bet it would be nice
Good day mate, Why don't you put another shrimp on tha barby
>thinking this is an insult
>Trump supporters want Trump to be president from 2020 - 2024
Woah OP that is so intuitive and deep. How did you figure it out all by yourself?
Dude some guy is making 100k masks a day.
Thats 1 guy's weeks worth of product. Imagine how many people are doing this.
Its less than 1% of mask production in the US right now. You fucking gypsie
whatever you tried to say.. no one cares. move along.
>greatest generation
>did nothing but sellout America to jews
That's nice. I am still not going to vote for Demonrats.
Oh wow, you really put a lot of effort into that, I am now a whatever the other party is.
Look at that view mf.
1 million out of 365 million the federal government is receiving from 3m.
Notice how much trumpcucks get assblasted when you make fun of them meanwhile half of them aren't even posting with American flag
That's an abandoned building.
First production run for Jews only, goyim can wait another week.
>everything you suspected the kikes of doing, the Chinks were actively engaged in all along
Cats out of the bag, Chang.
I see many gems in that pic that only the white man can see
Why do liberals think posting a picture of a rundown plot of land is going to offend us? What does the average city look like? Needles everywhere, homeless sleeping in laundry mats, loud music, niggers and spics all over the place. Give me a run down piece of land with just a shack any day.
I'm sure some vacuous liberal coastal elitist didn't make this meme
>No carbon emissions
>No pollution
>No modern society
>Everyone built their own homes
>Small community of workers who will help each other out
What’s the problem? Isn’t this what you guys want?
AMEN BROTHER! looks like southern utah too! Beautiful liberated land. Ride on and continue shattering the faggot's dreams. God Bless!
Why does these greasy faggots clog the board
Post any negro area if Leftism is so great
>Needles everywhere, homeless sleeping in laundry mats, loud music, niggers and spics all over the place.
You are retarded.
Unless you live in the downtown of a huge city like LA, DC, NY or SF, that shit is not common at all.
There are plenty of nice neighborhoods in cities.
Rural retards just like to point to those areas as the reason they live in the middle of bumfuck nowhere and will never make over 80k a year.
>half of them aren't even posting with American flag
Guess why I dont have an American flag?
Because im not posting from America.
This might blow your tiny mind but there is a whole world outside America with various different countries and people.
That's true but what have you done to change it other than whine. Need some cracks and cheese? LMAO
Guess how much it costs to live in a “nice” area of downtown L.A? Such a workers paradise.
and a hundred grand in collectible autos
Wait so mechanics are bad people? Do you even know how to drive?
id unironically love to live there
I live in Seattle, Im pretty sure I saw a human sized poop on the sidewalk
That’s a really sick Aaron Rupar tweet user. It would be even better if jews didn’t overwhelmingly donate and vote democrat, imagine the burn that would’ve caused.
>There are plenty of nice neighborhoods in cities.
...And now they're all infected with COVID, thanks to Jamal and his block party.
It's Covid-free. Leftshits can't stand that. They need a Starbucks and public transit.
So you are saying all euro and Scandinavian socialist systems work and are worthy of emulation, also japan, South Korea, Australia, New Zealand and , Canada.
>implying I don't want a rusty ass tin roof shack with some big empty land in the hills