Very cool. :)
Very cool Switzerland
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context please
European solidarity is disgusting?
>In the town of Zermatt Switzerland they have been displaying national flags on the Matterhorn to show support during these trying times. Today they did one for the United Kingdom
>Fuck europe
>solidarity bros
eu is not europe
>meme flag
Don't be such a nonce user.
>I love europe but fuck off. Rule Britannia!
fag flag, jew
Just use your real flag user.
Goyim move on
Nothing to see here
stupid goyim
He's just mad they didn't do the Israeli flag.
> show support
It's a projection
Does this really impress normies that much?
Stop being obsessed with the joo
but it is always the jew and the worst jews are c*nadian jews
No, the worst jews are the rats in America.
in causing real damage, yes but their shitposting skills are way behind canadjews
Wrong pic
lol, Serbs bring the best banter.
>it's so dim they have to use a long exposure or HDR photography
what about america u mountain kikes
Just confirming what we already knew. Rightfull British clay
splayn nit?
Someone should hack it and display the nazi flag
>european solidarity
Hmm, someone skipped geography.