Very cool Switzerland

Very cool. :)

Attached: Matterhorn UK Flag.jpg (1080x1350, 253.72K)

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context please

Attached: 1573654083361.jpg (600x389, 37.12K)

European solidarity is disgusting?

>In the town of Zermatt Switzerland they have been displaying national flags on the Matterhorn to show support during these trying times. Today they did one for the United Kingdom


Attached: france matterhorn.jpg (1080x810, 78.63K)


Attached: Italy matterhorn.jpg (889x887, 156.55K)

>Fuck europe
>solidarity bros

eu is not europe

Attached: 3lv6nk.jpg (1252x1252, 143.37K)

>meme flag

Don't be such a nonce user.

>I love europe but fuck off. Rule Britannia!

fag flag, jew

Just use your real flag user.

Goyim move on
Nothing to see here
stupid goyim

Attached: 1586660411448.jpg (1024x729, 144.27K)

He's just mad they didn't do the Israeli flag.

> show support
It's a projection
Does this really impress normies that much?

Stop being obsessed with the joo

Attached: 1586174809377.jpg (540x663, 218.35K)

but it is always the jew and the worst jews are c*nadian jews

Attached: 1567504272027.jpg (239x255, 17.24K)

No, the worst jews are the rats in America.


in causing real damage, yes but their shitposting skills are way behind canadjews

Attached: 1586236299821.jpg (523x355, 84.86K)

Wrong pic

Attached: 0a1c495d5e942d80eb8a2d17183c2cdd-700.jpg (1244x700, 100.25K)

lol, Serbs bring the best banter.

Attached: 1584561795762.jpg (456x456, 14.43K)


>it's so dim they have to use a long exposure or HDR photography

what about america u mountain kikes

Just confirming what we already knew. Rightfull British clay

Attached: Edward_Whymper.jpg (240x300, 21.92K)


splayn nit?

Someone should hack it and display the nazi flag

>european solidarity

Hmm, someone skipped geography.