Slut posts about how much money she makes off only fans

>slut posts about how much money she makes off only fans
>someone calls her out on it
>her fucking brother of all people jumps to her defense and starts simping for her
>his DM's get bombarded with images of his sisters tits

How can anybody justify sex work, especially in their own family? If theres nothing wrong with sex work, surely theres nothing wrong with someone sending your sisters tits? It's just a regular job like any other respectable job, they claim.

Now poor Harvey here is traumatised because her sister had to be a slut. Sex work is mental illness

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God I wish someone would send me pictures of my sister's tits

It's simply America. They're beyond repair.

Imagine some1 hacked that site and everyone who donated to a whores info got leaked

In a world with endless free porn, HOW THE FUCK is onlyfans a thing? I'm gonna need a hard redpill on this. I feel like there's someone wringing their hands behind the curtain

The sister in question

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they're brits

You could have just asked. I’ll send them. Text me. Can I have your # I lost it.
>t. your sis

Looks like a tranny. Probably why she makes so much.

The girls string the simps along with copy-pasted private messages, so they can feel like they're in a real relationship, when really, their loneliness is being taken advantage of.

It’s a place for “girl next door types” to post nudes and not feel like they’re going full blow porn. There’s an appeal to some guys for that kind of thing.


this is fucking pathetic from both sides

I don’t care about women posing nude. They always have since the beginning of time. I just couldn’t imagine being so pathetic as to actually pay to see them.

This is literally it, look at the replies to any of these girls posts on social media and you'll see an endless amount of betas in the replies acting as is they're talking to their girlfriend.

I seriously don’t know why onions boys pay for this shit. This is literally a dime a dozen whore. I could literally buy a hooker better looking than this cunt in Roppongi for $150 for 2 hours.

>flashes tits in public
>brother sees it
>calls others incestuous
Women really are a meme.

Of course it is, but only one is a manipulator, and their removal fixes the entire situation.

I would go to town shit talking my whore sister if she started an onlyfans and I had Twitter.

do girls actually think that botox makes them look great? and yes I know men do it too

Nice try, I know she's not awake at this hour.

The reason it isn't a real job is no one needs it done - the demand is entirely artificial due to an excess of single men who have no chance at taking part in the dating pool in part because of women like this. It's a disgusting and shameless, self aggrandizing enterprise profiting off of the loneliness and misery of mankind's undesirables. Beauty reduced to a commodity for consumption for those with no grace in their lives.

How could any man pay for her nudes? They're all on reddit for free and desu they're quite shit. Other than getting her tits out she does nothing

She’d look prettier out in the sun, laughing and playing. The state of women is a fucking travesty, brothers.

>fucking incestous freaks sharing her nudes on internet so her brother can see....

They're playing the lottery, hoping to bang her. Joke is, they have better odds of winning the actual lottery.

its literally not a big deal
people shouldnt be paying for this
people shouldnt be upset that someone is a whore for doing this
because it doesnt matter, but to retards it does

they collect welfare for a reason

Why do men pay for this? You can literally find this or better for free.

>taking pictures of your fake tits in your smelly room is a real job

The Gaijin gets it. The very day that prostitution becomes legal and there are sets of laws regulating pay (1099 independent contractor) healthcare and frequency of medical tests as well as regulations for wearing protection and having security.

The second all this goes into play, these whores will be worthless.

We really need to follow the rest of the world and regulate and standardize prostitution.

Because society is broken and values females at 100x their actual worth. Even a crumb of pussy is worth 10% of a simp's annual salary.

This will end up creating a world where traditional women become camgirls and pretend to be a dutiful wife.
Shit, now that I think about it, this might work right now.

its with text messages and """personal""" when she just copies one thing and sends it to 50 people at once
ofc the beta faggots think its something special and only for them

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Has she paid her taxes?

Yes because being a prostitute will be considered the bottom of the bottom.

Think about it. You have no marketable and or redeamable skills or qualities and the best thing you can do for a career move is to use the gaping whole god gave you? Trash.

Having men, especially these simp lonely beta men, be given a source to dump their load once in a while will provide them with a place to "get a clear head" if you catch my meaning. This will allow them to start focusing on other things then sex sex sex sex 24 fucking 7. Also, having regulated and controled but legal competition spread among anyone legal age or older in their state will force these 23+ year old roasties to either A, develop usefull fucking skills in life because the bio clock is moving forward with or without them. Or B, Mass cat lady suicides.

Either way, humanity evolved and pushes forward, but right now we are stagnant. We should be exploring the fucking stars right now guy yet we dont even know what the tenticles by the thermal vents in the oceans are yet.

Sex work is legitimized by using tattoos.

>telling women to smile

>receeding hairline
>mediocre tits
>fat belly
>skinnyfat thighs
>0 muscular tone
>catfish angles
>pounds of make-up
>ugly face
this 5/10 body and face earns $80k from betas? top fucking lmao

And she still can't compete with this.

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Cam whoring is the sexual exploitation of men, in the literal sense of the term. Women take advantage of a biological instinct for monetary gain while never actually satiating the psychological drive of their victim.

>B-but these simps should no better! Uh, th-theyre just weak!

That’s textbook victim blaming. I’ve never been enticed to give money to these sluts, but I can understand why men do it. They’re subconsciously being enticed to have a relationship with these girls.