fucking q-boomers at it again with this shit. they're doubling down on corona somehow being related to shutting down pedo rings.
now they claim trump's rescuing like 40k mole children from underground bases where they've been bred as sex toys for the satanic globalists.
anyone got any fresh links on this topic other than (((jenna jameson's))) twitter?

Attached: holy-moly.jpg (1078x1065, 262.17K)

Other urls found in this thread:

It doesn't matter. Their lives are destroyed along with everyone else's. They just don't realize it yet.

thats fine but i just want to laugh at some boomers while the world burns

The only thing Trump plans on resucing is Jew bank accounts.

Don't call them mole children

Attached: EVQdaWcWkAUTCR1.jpg (720x578, 79.93K)

Mods move this to /x/ already.

It's amazing how ridiculous that story is but yet so viable for some

>the crypto lizards-giraffe hybrids are bankrupting the fed to fund the hydroslide on saturn


Attached: 1535999982227.jpg (1040x977, 652.76K)

where did q user say mole children?

You know, once you invested too much into a story, it's kinda hard to admit being wrong and back out.

>Qoomers being politically correct
Dumb niggers, all of them.

Q never spoke about that. This is all based off of info from "The Nobody" in a thread on /x/ yesterday. The reason I know you're a VPNfag is because the thread was about NWO and China, not Q.

No no no the mole children are used as food. They kidnap fresh surface children for the sex toys.

>where did q user say mole children?
twitter, faceberg, reddit, voat, 8kunt, here, everywhere

Moyel children

Kushner and his mossad pals must be having the time of their lives right now

Here, see for yourselves. Pretty sure the thread is still up. Nothing more than what's traditionally been speculated with Q (dragon family, only mild). Even still, the thread was about the evils of China. Why do shills do this?

Attached: 1586648555472.png (732x8483, 1.76M)

Wait. So Trump isn't using coronavirus as a cover to invade the DUMBs and fight the morlocks or whatever?
You must be shitting me.

but specifically
which post?

you asked where did qanon said this, there's been hundreds if not thousands of qanons sperging everywhere on the interwebs its hard to keep track of them all

thanks user

the heartfelt replies from boomer grannies praying for the mole children is pure kino

i have literally no idea. i just see it being pushed by his acolytes

a search for mole children on twitter shows results from about a week ago

I was looking for this yesterday

Attached: 1586065423361.jpg (960x541, 48.15K)

>crisis churches

Attached: Q-onan_retardates.jpg (720x420, 153.95K)

the idea that people are willing to be compassionate to people that might not even exist is a wonderful thing
pretty sure Q predicted this too

What the fuck are mole children?
Also, fuck Q-tards.

Attached: IMG_20200204_072333.png (440x440, 275.33K)

>you asked where did qanon said this
>hundreds if not thousands of qanons
See the problem here?

Mole children was not a coin termed by anyone who follows Q and wants Americans to be free of media mind control.
They would have just called them "children", because that's what humans with a soul and a conscience would do.

>mole children
>tunnel tots
>cavern cubs
>burrow babies
>crawlway crawlers
>passage progeny

Those Q people believe that these Satanic Pedophiles, have created, trough genetic engineering, some sort of animal/human hybrid.
They take Podestas fucked up Art as a point to prove their conspiracy theory.

Attached: Pepe-Cat.png (604x516, 88.41K)


Attached: mole children.jpg (636x900, 121.66K)

Will they have human rights or animal rights???

>Jews left out of COG
Congress not allowed bye bye dual citizens
>ZOG defeated by COG
ALL your missiles we sold you have BACKDOORS, thanks intel
>Zionist left outside to die while we survive inside
Enjoy your shit tier fallout shelters MOSSAD, WE OWN THE MOUNTAINS

Continuity of Government
COG is in charge now. The presidential seal has been removed.
>we are at war
Invisible enemy, chinese sleeper cells, many subversive shills...
>but COG is in charge now
>compete cold war history of COG
From mystery bunkers like Mount Pony where the FED keeps 400 Billion in cash like breaking bad or the plans we had to evacuate the president on dummy planes is in this doc!!!
Part 2 coming soon about FUTURE COG with AI controlled continuity

The shill, Shareblue, Brock, Obama, and all you tranny kikes are going to be rounded up and sent to GITMO or Tribunaled....

Attached: IMG_20200411_202004.jpg (1280x720, 70.69K)

thats what i was looking for

Attached: 1585746152034.png (398x380, 147.83K)

qanon(s) ≠ q

i don't see any problems

bwahahahahaha MOLE CHILDREN????

these people are so fucking stupid.

*term coined, me so sleepy.
You guys forget all the time, when words fail, and they will, the path that remains is the path of pain.
This. And I'll say it again, it wasn't any Qanon, it was someone calling himself the Nobody.

Jenna Jameson is a dirty kike whore with big fake plastic titties but she has great blowjob technique

I just hope that this part is a larp, but considering the events and the evil, I wouldn't be that surprised if not. Genetic Hybids or what are they?

Attached: 1586636114622.png (1300x2811, 347.41K)

I mean I believe it up to a certain point, taking into account Podesta's creepy art and especially the "Finders" documents, but come on man, generically modified "Mole Children"?

add this one to the list

Attached: molechildren.jpg (544x146, 6.5K)

This is fake bullshit, Q never said any of this shit, this has nothing to do with Q the shills are trying to poison the movement but it's too late