Coffee and Alcohol = Acceptable
All other drugs = Degenerate
Coffee and Alcohol = Acceptable
All other drugs = Degenerate
All of those are degenerate.
kys jew
A dash of legal degeneracy leads the consumer to pursue bigger, more thrilling forms of degeneracy.
Atheists are more degenerate than Muzzies. That’s saying something.
try crack bitch
Coffee = Acceptable
All other drugs (including alcohol) = Degenerate
Alcohol is 999x worse than Weed. Beer increases estrogen and caffeine strips calcium off your bones
You'll never have power again.
The white man is angry and he sees you trying to subvert him to the jew
No, you're going to be against the firing wall when we take power. Christians are weak, sniveling cowards who talk big but as soon as you threaten them they cower and flee. They're literally in capable of fighting back because they are eternal cucks. Killing them will be stepping on roaches. Easy.
>t.dirty sandnigger
I shit in mouth of mohammed, and this bitch love that.
Alcohol specifically Beers, Ales and Spirits are part of a white man's cultural heritage and tradition. Just because something is jewed by mega corps and weaponised against us doesn't mean it's an inherently bad thing. Weed isn't heritage or tradition, it's used by lazy feckless faggots and that's why I support legalisation. I want you high because I don't want you fucks voting.
Christianity is Jewish fanfiction, Jesus never existed, Easter is a pagan holiday, and OP is a faggot. Pic related.
tobacco and alcohol = legal but taxed, socially stigmatized
cannabis, psilocybin, LSD, DMT-containing plants, mescaline-containing plants = decriminalized but illegal to sell, don’t ask dont tell
all other drugs = possession, manufacturing, distribution punishable by bullet to head
Coffee is disgusting and makes people into unnatural humans who think they are smarter than they are.
Coffee and Alchohol probably spurred the development of Human Civilization.
Did Christian faggot. You’re an idiot who believes a religion exclusively followed by giant hypocrites who are too dumb to read and thus too dumb to realize the book they’ve based their beliefs upon is an enormous troll.
In the end of that book, when Jesus comes back, who gets blue-beamed to the afterlife? The FUCKING JEWS WHO WROTE THE BOOK! 144,000 of them, to be exact, 12,000 from each tribe.
No one who believes in such idiocy without realizing or acknowledging how bad they’re being cucked by the people that killed your savior should be allowed to dictate anything to anybody. You shouldn’t be allowed to speak. You should be forced into camps until your reading comprehension is caught up with that of a sixth grader, or you actually read the damn book.
That's how it has been for centuries.
Coffee has close to zero addictiveness and is a good way to start a day.
Alcohol can be drank, used to disinfect and also used in Religious ceremonies. Also it was an alternative when potable water isn't available.
Based image.
>caffeine is brainlet cope
Coffee = Acceptable
>Alcohol = Moderation is key, verging on degenerate.
MDMA = Moderation is key, verging on degenerate.
>Cocaine = Degenerate, especially crack
Heroin = Recreational is degenerate, medical ok.
>Meth = turbo degenerate
Amphetamines = Medical ok, recreational degenerate
>LSD/Shrooms/DMT/2CB = Acceptable in moderation
Ketamine = Degenerate for recreational
>Nicotine = degenerate cigs, but cigars are based
Everything else = don't give a fuck
>read a book
>anything but the bible
cope harder kikel
Alcohol can fuck right off. MDMA bae.
Oh, this thread again.
That your picture is anti-Christian and only results in more devision among the groups on Yas Forums. Also, while I agree with the stance you described, you provided no argumentation as to why you hold these views. You put very little effort into this, and on top of that you're using arguably the memest of the memeflags. So, Mr. 1 post by this ID (or should I just call you shill?), I hereby call for sage.
>All other drugs = Degenerate
When Jesus smoked the pipe he was smoking hash. (Made from weed). The elixir of the gods that the Bible gives ingredients to contains weed.
I'm rather sure using weed is fine.
Caffine literally caused the renaissance. Peoples brains went into overdrive and it got humanity out of the dark ages. England literally conquered the world to get their hands on A FUCKING LEAF, and got China hooked on heroin to pay for it after they bankrupted their country buying it.
Well coffee entered europe's diet a bit after the renaissance, like tea. It's a good stimulant on the right doses nonetheless.
Coffee isn't a drug.
You're not the boss of me
Cope. I am the epitome of man. For adrenaline, I track down bears and wrestle them down with my Jiu Jitsu, you should see my rubber guard technique. I hunt for my food with my bare hands not put a frozen hawaiian pizza in an oven. I drink clean water from the spring not buying fiji water at walmart like a fagot. I dont watch television and only have internet because i setup my Satellite dish at the camp in the mountains for monitoring my accounts. Be like me. Dont be a faggot caffeine drinking queer
Crystal meth in a needle into my arm into my vein.
Europe= Acceptable
UN= Degenerate
See what I did there?
faggot christcuck.
ok mujaheed.
Because beer and coffee increase estrogen level?
Fucking kike.
Have sex