Are quantum computers just modern day mysticism?
Are quantum computers just modern day mysticism?
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yes its african voodoo you figured it out
more or less. i think they attach big words to things in order to baffle people, the same way they’ve been equating computer algorithms, no matter how advanced, with artificial intelligence, something orders of magnitude more complex if not altogether different.
they do this to impress stupid boomer faggots who don’t know any better.
Yes. Next question
The computers themselves no. The hype around them absolutely.
10,000 years from now Anthropologists will find that thing and conclude “it must be a ‘hat’.”
yes, there is no such thing as actual super position. A thing is either somewhere or somewhere else.
The “quantum computers” are just large normal supercomputers.
>the same way they’ve been equating computer algorithms, no matter how advanced, with artificial intelligence, something orders of magnitude more complex if not altogether different.
machine learning is very real and very scary. don't conflate.
This. It's going to cause a "Computing Winter" the same way artificial intelligence went through an "AI Winter." Impossible promises will be made, and people will get hyped, and then cut all funding when they realize it can't be done, setting back progress.
dunno but i they are real you could do some really cool shit
you can have one of them iterate every possible pixel combination of an image with the parameters (16 million colors, 1000x1000)
then have another run image recognition so you weed out the gorrillion pic related from relevant images
and another one piecing together the relevant images frame by frame referencing common pixels, stitch them together and create a sort of Street View of them.
you also need a server with a new type of storge tech but in the end you get EVERYTHING and exploring it will be like playing geoguesser
the best part is that the whole shabang is a finite problem
Scientists are modern day mystics. At least in Ameritardia, where they worship scientists.
You should submit your paperwork and scientific evidence and instantly win that Nobel prize money.
We live in a quantum computer.
>He thinks scientists are worshiped here, and there isn't an underlying current of anti-intellectualism.
The fuck?
Yes, because quantum mechanics and thus computers are fake.
NEETs are modern-day monks.
as long as bitcoin and cryptocurrencies continue to exist, I think so. anyone with a real quantum computer could make such a fast, untraceable, and large profit simply by owning the bitcoin network that its continued operation basically proves that quantum computers don't exist.
Yes it’s basically just a giant metal peepee
I don't think they are mysticism, people just have a misconception of what they can do
Machine learning is all about recognizing and taking advantage of a heuristic. It's incompatible with dynamic, irrational humans. It will always be stupid in that aspect.
Superposition is a way to explain the double slit experiment. The other good explanation is probably the carrier wave theory but it has some flaws.
More like Mysticism was ancient quantum computing.
a computer algorithm is a very generic term and artificial intelligence is still an algorithm at its base function
Yes and no
They arent what most people make them out to be.
So far theyre only good for specific calculations.
Theyre useful for some scientific applications but thats it.
No. They're still under heavy research, though. What makes you conclude that?
What on earth are you describing here
I think the problem is that media articles written about machine learning conflate the term with artificial intelligence.
Any advanced enough technology is similar to mysticism and magic.
I believe he's suggesting doing the Library of Babel, except for pictures.
no one is saying they exist
if we managed to create them it wouldn't be that hard to increase security to be capable of handling their power
> craziest dragon dildo I have ever seen
imagine you have a camera that takes pics
every pic is using the standard 16 million color spectrum and the resolution is 1000x1000
IT IS A FACT that through computation you can generate every picture possible with that camera
your bedroom right now, your bedroom in 20 years, the sun from a few miles in orbit, every planet in the universe, every angle, every zoom level, every moment capturable by that camera can be determined and the computation won't be infinite it literally can't be
That is 1.6x10^13 calculations, not including size of data.
It will either take 1000 years to calculate or melt the machine.
t. EE
"Black child builds computer from scratch, AMAZING!"
Yes, digital machines, that is. There's a reason current computer security is threatened by quantum computing, because it can brute force a solution, the same way it can brute force his scenario.
another genius afrikan invents his computer?
take that, racists
hence why quantum computers can be cool if they are real
you can even create a seed base system so you won't have to actually generate every image on the spot or store the entire image
and when exploring you generate the images using the seeds relevant to your fov
Truth truly is stranger than fiction. Here is a video with a brief overview of D-Wave quantum computer.
The D-Wave computer uses information from parallel dimensions. Go to 05:30
The technology of the D-Wave computer has advanced since the making of this video, to 2000 qubits.
Yes. That and Internet Of Things, Artificial Intelligence, Digital Twins etc. are all just bullshit buzzwords that need jack off to.
in theory, right now they cant even add 2 numbers
>ryzen 2
Fucking nigger..