Brits/Americans believe their societal values are spreading to Germany.Wrong, just wrong.
Germans are still 97% white and the 3% aren’t mixing with the Germans
Other urls found in this thread:
Germany isn't white since Stalingrad.
More proof
Who is that absolute doll on the left in the blue dress?
These people are pretty non-obese for Germany
Strange, the only time I went to Germany there was about 25% non whites in the streets, and it wasn't even the housing project.
Where are all the white people?
what a shit thread
literally only 4 humans - 4 blonde males, rest is white trash or females.
East Germany
30% of Germany now is brown turkroaches, cherrypicking images off the internet is not proof
Only 8% of Germans aged 18 to 30 with a high school diploma are obese/visibly overweight.
All Germans are beautiful
Doubt it.
They are ugly but they're ok desu. Don't D&C between european brothers.
Death to amerimutts and kikes of course.
I want the little goth qt on the left
>97% white
cmon dude
Badden Badden.
What percentage of Germans are Russian rape babies?
lmao nigga I don't give a fuck about Germany stop assuming we even thinj about you
The best germans were killed off about 75 years ago and what remains is not impressive.
So fucking ugly lmao. No wonder all of the girls in Germany fuck n31gg3rs
>4 blonde males
>5 clearly have slavic genes
>one mantlet so small he has to stand in the first line with womens to be even visible on the photo
no hans, you did not just lose the war, but also your white genes.
>doesn’t care
pick one
the worthless french faggot says lol
take a shower
I agree partly. In my view, this interracial fetish exists mostly in capitalistic Anglosaxon countries, because they're least cultured and are most degenerate. Germans are on 2nd place, possibly on par with Swedes. French are still hanging on but on 3rd place. But American degeneracy will never penetrate deeply continental Europe, I see this in how different interests and language of continental Europeans are from Anglosaxon countries.
This is either disinformation or a cope, post some stats.
Seems they missed one during the 'incident'
probably bavarians kek
non-argument kek, just here to set you right pigboy
bye bye now oink oink
>lmao nigga I don't give a fuck about Germany stop assuming we even thinj about you
Do Muslims marry early and keep to themselves?
woops wrong image
I'll take these thank you. Especially the goth cute
here you go, end of 2017
So these are the people who watch scat porn
Agreed except on the one with the red dress.
Yeah Pretty sad
We never wanted your culture, but those 70 years really did Things to the worse for us.
this is the biggest cope post ive ever seen
awwwwe got girl is a cute cutttteeeee
Can someone make the yo onions Blanco meme in Arabic?
You can really see the russian rape genes in that pic
This picture is potato salad starring Germans
>Germans are still 97% white
nigga pls. yea if you go by Amerimutts' definition of counting Turks and Arabs as white, then I believe you
Any whiteness Germans have they have they got in 1944-45
There’s only two chicks in this photo I wouldn’t..
>Amerimutts' definition of counting Turks and Arabs as white
They are white.
There is only 1 non-white in pic related
Would. DEFINITELY would
>Turks are white
lol oh here we go with the kraut cuck
i call you back when berlin looks like Detroit with 90% NEIGGERS
whites, whites everywhere!
Kek they look more derpy than mutts
It already does lol. All this beta cuck german does is spam images he got off google of high school kids for some fucking reason, which is pretty fucking weird
Turks and Arabs are not white you dumb spaz. they have olive skin, black hair and eyes and don't fit in
Top Kek
only half of your pic is white, you dumb fucking retard. rest are swarthoid immigrants
>Turks and Arabs as white
>They are white.
Okay. Bye nigger