in 30 years when most of Europe is muslim what will be the faith of the slavs?
would they become concubines in muhhamedan harems like in the past?
In 30 years when most of Europe is muslim what will be the faith of the slavs?
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In 30 years most Muslims will be raped tortured and killed and their children babyshaked. That goes for you as well, Mahmoud.
86% of Moroccans believe in Witchcraft
Over 99% of Egyptian women are stalked groped and sexually harassed on a daily basis
Muslim countries top world porn searches, Pakistan tops porn searches for rape, child rape, murder porn, fucking dogs, fucking pigs, fucking horses, fucking donkeys, fucking cows, fucking cats, fucking fish, fucking snakes and fucking goats
Saudi Arabia is filled with pederasts and men fucking other men behind closed doors
Afghans practice "Bacha Bazi" literally "boy love" where young children are abducted and raped as sex slaves
Huge swathes of Pakistan and Afghanistans populations are addicted to heroin
Pakistani families are 13 times more likely to have recessive genetic disorders than the average White British family
map is incorrect
>In 30 years most Muslims will be raped tortured and killed and their children babyshaked. That goes for you as well, Mahmoud.
*majority shitskin
yes it should be more muslim, Merkel, her prompters and handlers are gonna shove diversity down the troth to even most backward eastern European villages. The globalists were just testing the waters until now, the real shit is gonna start soon
We will become their masters and BVLLS
>what will be the faith of the slavs?
Orthodox Christianity, obviously.
Honestly its the only answer. Orthodoxy is comfy
How come the Balkans are more inbred than the British or Iceland? Russia should be one of the least inbred countries, its huge and has tons of ethnicities.
I’m going to move away from Sweden if that happens.
And go where Japan?
I'm afraid you have to do it now, Ulf.
Georgia and Armenia 100%. Who the fuck made this map?
I don’t know, Iceland maybe or like the US.
Well I want to do an exchange student thingy so if I like the country a lot that I go to I might move there!
One thing is funny, French 50 years ago run from Algeria, where are they going to run now?
>in 30 years when most of Europe is muslim what will be the faith of the slavs?
So we're basically back to where we started in 1600.
What a monumental waste of time and frankly it should have been muslim 1000 years ago before it was infested with shitskins to prevent losing the racial identity of Europe.
Overall though, the religion is still retarded and if it gained a monopoly on the planet it would begin to implode and degenerate - as it did in the Ottoman empire to the point where Christian nations began to dominate and even transform it.
Forget it, borders are closed. You can't even go to most EU states.
Corona will eventually end you know...
Definitely some Kemal, who else/
I prefer a more scientific based religion which recognises memes as a thing. That way we don't just throw religious teachings away, but rather investigate them in a more disenchanted and grounded way.
I mean, figurative language is fun for me, but to most other people it's far too esoteric to be useful to them. In fact the esoteric nature of religious texts is why a master-slave relationship develops in religious sects. It's the fundamental flaw of sects that don't work to help people understand the figurative language they use.
That doesn't exclude an option of arrival another virus caused by dirty chinks who eat rats and cobras.
No it won't. It will mutate again and again. It is a parasite that will never cease until the virus is completely extinguished from the planet. Doing that could cripple the ecosystem of the planet potentially. We've had these viruses mutate side by side to the planet's organisms ever since there were nothing but simple multicellular organisms. In fact you can begin to consider them the "id" of the mutually beneficial ecosystem we're apart of - the "ego" of the planet.
Who do you think will hold out in the west? I'm assuming the US, Italy, Portugal, and Germany.
I really hope that won’t happen. :/
Its obliviously will be much higher here in Russia
>I really hope
You don't have to, it's guaranteed, Sven.
I like the 100% in the muslim nations.
That's doesn't actually exist at the moment so why would it exist in 30 years time?
Don’t say that please, I’m already too worried about corona.
Ulf, you should be more worried about the collapse of Swedistan economy after the virus, when there will be not enought allowance for Ahmeds and Farids, who will be very angry about lazy intolerant Torbjörns.
scary thing is that this doesn't include black population.
You mean the Christian african migrants?