You must have a tested and verified Iq of 145+ / aka giftedness

You must have a tested and verified Iq of 145+ / aka giftedness.
If you qualify, you are meant to rule the world according to God's / The Cosmic plan. YOU and US alone can save humanity from this concotion of idiocy. so, what do we do about the brainlets in society?

Attached: brainchadelephant.jpg (710x823, 136.28K)

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I qualify, and I am pro White ethnostate. FUCK CHINKS N JEWS N BLACKS N SANDNIGGERS

so, intellect based caste society? I mean, brainlets got vulnerability to dunning-kruger effect. If they know their place they could be useful for the dirty and dangerous jobs.

What about us around 130, can we help in any way?

I’m around 110
At least i’m above 100 so i’m not complaining

>big brains leading
>God's plan
"But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty" -1 Corinthians 1:27

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Why do you care about other people?

>says specifically WHITE ETHNOSTATE
>you mean an intellect-based caste society
What part of no niggers do you not understand?
>we can let the brainlets do the dirty work
Quit trying to sneak niggers in. Everyone in 1623 thought it would be hot shit to have some nigger slaves and look how America turned out.

ok autist , you can go back to your model train set now


Did you realize our most intelligent and gifted savants are usually NEETs, our society has no idea what to do with?

keep dreamin klaus

Dreaming what? It's true!

You talk like a woman
I don’t like women

Indentured servitude

You sound like a faggot.
I don't like faggots!

I was tested at 156 when i was 12, but i doubt it's still that high, i used to party quite a lot (being a DJ) during high school, so i probably burned many brain cells with drugs and booze. You are also forgetting to factor where a person's heart is, you don't want a bunch of evil geniuses ruling your country.

we did in the cold war, the government would take these kids on both sides to trian them up to engineer weaponry. the world-ending kind. a caste system trumps meritocracy as only people belonging in a position will stream there, not thousands upon thousands of kids that want to be an astronaut and drown one the 5 that actually should be one.

>You must have a tested and verified Iq of 145+ / aka giftedness.
>If you qualify, you are meant to rule the world according to God's / The Cosmic plan. YOU and US alone can save humanity from this concotion of idiocy. so, what do we do about the brainlets in society?


Attached: insectKun.webm (594x716, 2.64M)

Note how even the grocer is like ''wtf do I do with this faggot?''

Etiquette is a form of intelligence too, innit? enough reason to exterminate the chinks.

Nepotism and subservience are important factors you should consider in your equation.
In some cases you are right, but most high intelligent people I know do not strife to become good goys.

Umm, take a look around...

reminder IQ is just a number if you have not accomplishments to show for it and that a nigger dishwasher is more productive and contributing than you

What about your country and most academics in general, Hans? they're left-wing bendover types with the strength of a sheet of paper, but political hygeine is something high school should teach everyone.

Dunning-Kruger effect means you are too incompetent to know you are incompetent, for example, it's like using duct tape to repair cars for your entire life and because you don't know how a car is actually made, you don't know that you don't know how to repair one correctly. It's rampant - politics is followed with stupids.

and that goes against the cosmic / gods plan. High iq people should be nurtured and be nobility by default, so they can grow.

>nobility by default
i want to revolt and usurp you for my unintelligent and evil reasons

Fellow 142 here,
Make a moral based society, Open eugenics is necessary to counter the hidden carefuly orchestrated dysgenics by pedo satanic jews.
allow and fund selection of sperm cell to the general public for 2 purposes:
- select best genes for iq
- eliminate genetic disease
Invert family aid:
A lot of aid for 1 kid, half as much for 2...
Educate the general public about the importance of genetics, so that themselves participate to the effort by taking this into account when they think about having a family (number of kids)
Fund volontary sterilisation of the least mentally capable, do not force it but culturally shame low iq big families or high iq with little or no kids.
Change the culture and the social system so that high iq women can have many children and are praised and helped in doing so.
This will invert current dysgenics pushed by the career woman meme and the hate on the traditional family.
Stopping immigration and sending non whites away will make low payed job disapear and forc women to stop using conchita's daycare or paying thirld world nanies to be surrogate mother

Good thing is morons are easily satisfied and happy. I'll give you a life supply of a beer of choice and a lifetime ticket for the nearby amusement park so you can go on the rollercoaster and buy cotton candy if you make some people un-alive for me.

>political hygeine is something high school should teach everyone
While the ONLY political discourse (at least here in germany) is "evil nazi's must die" and "be progressive at any cost" and shit.
Sorry for the demoralisation, but your idealistic ideas sound like a dream and you DO should take a look around.

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with political hygiëne i actually mean /against/ these ideas. modern Germany is a threat for europe as a whole and the normies there (here too, Netherlands is a derphole too) need to learn to think with the hea and motivate with the heart. and not use emotions for both.

You are an idiot. Synergy is the key!

138 ehh

god damn I really need to buy a new keyboard. HP keyboards are awesome cost/time wise but this one is tired.

What are your solutions then Hans, what are the flaws in mine?

Jewish degeneracy is too stronk, the Elektrojude is everywhere!
Emotions deep withing the heart are one of my last hopes.

You sound like a godless, transhumanistic authist.
Yes, we should stop immigration and change A LOT about society, but we need to get EVERYONE on board! Thus synergy is key!

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there's this old pro-US army propaganda that i really like and explains it well.

it even bashes the media.