Bros why is Lithuania counted as Northern Europe but Ireland is just West on most maps?

Bros why is Lithuania counted as Northern Europe but Ireland is just West on most maps?

The boarders should be:
West: fat rich people
East: boring depressed people
North: tall gay people
South: charming lazy blacks

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i famosi charming terroni con sopracciglia ad ala di gabbiano e risvoltini

Baltshits are East European

The whole grouping things together system is retarded in my opinion. It's too complex for the average person to grasp it.

Exactly and now they're going shilling for "central Europe"
Went to Slovakia once and all refused to acknowledge they were Eastern and got fucked by commies

mostly due to climate

britain and ireland are milder than we should be this far north due to the gulf stream

because north and south overlap with west and east, are you braindead?

sotto Roma invece è Africa

>Denmark man
It's just to divide us bro

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We must be pained gray, we dont belong to e*rope

ma chi ve vole

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It hurts you? :/

U bored ain’t ja?

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No it's just stupid you're Eastern you have bad food and look sad all the time

cope, ivan.

I cannot leave my house yes texting Lithuanian qt who wants to bake bread for me she calls herself Eastern

L'unica cosa importante che avete inventato voi coglioni sono le Lego

>we wuz aqueduct builders and shiet
non sapete nemmeno tenere su un ponte al giorno d'oggi

Sei la sorella scandinava ritardata che parla come se avessi la sindrome di down Immagina di essere chiamato gay dalla Svezia

We may be charming and lazy, but we're not blacks pastabro

Ok fair bro just the southern people

Balts are Balts. fuck north, but especially fuck west, south and east

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>Northern Europe

I vote for Yugoslavia to be included in South Europe

our if curiosity, are you a terrone? i think so. because you always fail to understand that the genetic distance between a north italian and a scandinavian is the same as that between a north italian and a terrone. also, lombardy alone has the same population of the whole scandinavia. so, why should you and i cluster together? we don't even share the same history. if anything, i cluster with the south french.

Sono di Verona

don't mind him, he is just a terrone di merda.


what about your parents, terroncello?

is it our higher standard of living that makes ruskies so butthurt?

No Fosse e Valpolicella

it's all your great accomplishments in history mostly
you ability to be on receiving end of any gibs source, be that USSR or USSR-II is causing only abouit 10% of our butthert

Our biggest acompishment is genociding ruskis faggots.

it gives us pleasure to get gibs from degenerates

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i do believe that all Africa envies you for that skill
i am sure this fact make your life more bearable

yes, your gibs are much appreciated

of course, it was quite awful when you telepatically command you german serfs to start the genocide. Ooof, those bloody Litvanians, our arch-enemy.

Lithuania is not Northern Europe, it’s Eastern Europe. Nobody thinks that shithole is Northern Europe.

I know you appreciate it a lot