Ancient Romans look nothing like Italians from the present

Ancient Romans look nothing like Italians from the present

more than 9/10 of all the meds i met are swarthy

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cringe cope kys

>cringe cope kys

o i am laffin

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Cringe inferior race cope ull never be roman like us

Why are you brown?

Maybe if you remove your memeflag, we can discuss this more.

Romans came said they came from a Trojan and Syrian (Aeneas and Dido) and Celts come from Anatolia. So there were some redheads

My grandfather's hair was red and his family was from Naples
I had dark red hair as a baby and it darkened to black
Youre an idiot if you think ancient Romans arent the same as modern Italians

Google Severus.

augustus was 1.70 btw

My mother looked like that and she was from Verona

>muh ancestry anecdote
No one cares mutt

>roman like us
Lol, nigger

Except she has a moustache.

Its relevant Muhammad

>more than 9/10 of all the meds i met are swarthy
that cause they are descendants of Romans who were swarthy, you fucking retarded pink skinned euro nigger, i bet you get sunburns

>Romans descend from Dido
>Dido was Syrian
>Celts come from Anatolia
What an absolute brainlet post

what about it?

Yeah, because when the barbarians came they racemixed

During the Islamic expansion Spain and sicily were under caliphate rule. Islam is an universal religion, they believe in one people.
Sandniggers from Arabia went everywhere including southern Europe.
Southern Italians (Terroni) are effectively arab rape babies.
If you want to see what the Romans looked like, look no further than the aryan northern Italians.

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>Cringe inferior race cope ull never be roman like us

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but abate is from naples pastabro

I don't have jewish nose, it's Roman nose

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Why the fuck would they be the same? Similar sure but it’s been a lot time with tons of migrations in the interim

>tfw doubt

I am more roman than you are shitskin

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whats the difference?

>Southern Italians (Terroni) are effectively arab rape babies
Finally someone who understands that.

This is true because Romanians aren’t arab mutts like the Italians.

3000 years have passed bt holland is still an useless shithole lmao

They looked nothing like larping nordoids either.

That's pretty Italian look tbqh.

isn't it really strange how you retards will point at northern Italian Romans as proof of Romans being nordic but southern Italian Illyrian and Iberian Romans are completely ignored by you guys since it doesn't fit your narrative? Constantine the great had black hair and he is most likely what today is called albanian.

We do better in almost every metric per capita. Italy is doomed anyway.

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at least we have money lol

t. pastanigger diaspora

And your point is what dipshit. Do you look just like your dad? If so, how do you decide who gets dibs on yo mum every night? Post on Yas Forums and whoever gets more (((you)))s wins? Leave my italybros alone cyberbully memeflag.

Hadrian is also a good example he is from what is now southern Spain and he also had black hair and dark features that are common in the region to this day.

so I come with an argument that you cant respond to, and I'm apparently Italian? cope more.

Italy is literally a third world country mate.

Augustus my balls