How come no right winger debater had succesfully exposed him?

How come no right winger debater had succesfully exposed him?

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literally who?

there's no reasoning with those who defend pedophilia and other degeneracy.
>all fields

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Because like every shitlib or hardcore centrist, he resorts to sophistry and obfuscation by asking things like “what even IS race?” Or “like, what even is IS?”

because he's a god.

He only debates mentally challenged normies who couldn't come up with an argument even with fucking google access. If he were to debate anyone competent then he'd get fucked on all levels imaginable.

I could destroy him in a second, like what kind of a man gets physically abused by a woman in a relationship? If he can't even define and come to terms with his own natural gender, then how can he argue about anything really?

I'd smash his face in the street any time of the day, I'd fuck him until he loved me both physically and mentally

debate him then nigel

I have nothing to gain from the mental gymnastics jerkoff with him, also communicating with NPC's is counterproductive to your mental capacity. His existence alone makes my brain waste resources just to comprehend how atoms can form bonds in a mass that results in a biological waste that he is. It's truly mind boggling

Video gaming guy with no educationist very smart

An incestious pedophile midget who (unsurprisingly) is a rapid leftist

You gain nothing from debating him.
He just wants to "win" aka talking as fast as possible while pulling "facts" out of his arse.
Even when I agree with him I just can't fucking stand his way of debating and he is such a dispicable little man.

Neither did any left winger debater

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I'd agree he uses way too many ad homs and is a massive faggot who lets his gf get blacked while he watches but he seems indestructible in debates, his faggot snowflake fanbase will suck him off.

>seems indestructible

Name one competent person he has debated, protip you can't

He only debates twitch streamers who have at best minimum understanding of history, pollitics and philosophy. Sure, destiny can drop good and intelligent arguments, but that doesn't make him intelligent, especially when debating retards. It's like you had an argument with a child and you won the debate because the child didn't know any better. Same thing with destiny and anyone who tries to debate him.

He's a fucking centrist liberal dipshit.

nick fuentes is the only one who stands a chance

He got absolutely DISMANTLED by a right wing Scotch stoner with a pug that Seig Heils you retarded faggot

I would debate him. But, only in person. Not over the internet, where he can play his games in safety. It is a different feeling to be in arms reach of someone who can smash you, when you intend to antagonize them.


Operation Chinkstorm 2020:

For years, the liberals have been crying muh Russia and calling people they disagree with Russian spies or Nazis.

Now it’s time to turn the tables. Every liberal is now a Chinese sympathizer and a filthy Communist. If they can cry Russia, we can cry China.

Fucking who?

Stop naming e-celebrities with self made degrees

Ben Shapiro for example would fuck destiny out of existence

Lamo of course you spout a Zionist kike. Ryan Dawson already spanked Destiny. I'd like to see a Dawson vs Shapiro debate. That wouldn't happen though. Half of Shapiros audience would leave with a better understanding of the atrocities committed by Zionists in the U.S. government and the state of Israel.

There's nothing to expose, the guy's very open about how much of a scum sucking degenerate he is
Ad homs is the only way you SHOULD debate

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Zionist or not, he knows his way around debates and you can't possibly refute the fact that Ben could anally fuck both destiny and Dawson on both a physical and mental level

Because Destiny shamelessly embraces the liberal ideology. He doesn't fall into a trap of moral paradoxes that are the end of every liberal.
He openly admits he doesn't give shit about
>muh niggies
>muh trannies
>muh minorities
>muh precious babies in cagies
>muh imperialism
The only thing that matters to him is creating a better world.

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Because his debating skills are godlike.

he went to another country to cuck some dude and found a way to paint it in a positive light

I've only listened to a few of his "debates", and they all devolved into a source war. He's obviously intelligent, but the lack of original rhetoric/ dialectic puts him on par with the rest of source "debators". Anyone can find a source to back up their ideology/ viewpoint, only a few can actually explain that ideology/ viewpoint.

>creating a better world

Spoken like a true degenerate


Nick won this debate

Two seconds ago you said you didnt even know who Dawson is now you are talking about your homo fantasies of your favourite ZOG mouthpiece beating him in debate? You are wrong though if they debated foreign policy and Israel Ben would lose badly because the facts are simply against him and Dawson knows alot about US foreign policy.

Lmao. Dawson has been training mma for the last twenty years and is much bigger than Shapiro. Now as far an actual debate? Depends on the topic and timeframe. If it's a debate on foreign policy Shapiro would have a tough time defending his zio forever wars. Shapiro was shook by catboi and the groypers. I hope I'm being rused here.

so he doesnt care about anything that actually creates a better world

typical pseudo intellectual who claims to understand science

Ryan Dawson totally demolished him. It was embarrassing to watch.

You dirty midget kike. I’m really tired of your shit, faggot. I hope some nigger with down syndrome puts a bullet between your eyes.

Metokur destroyed him

Has he been physically abused by a woman? Whut?

Because he stands for nothing and that is hard to argue with.

>there's no reasoning with those who defend pedophilia and other degeneracy.
Agreed. Catholics need to get the fuck out and stay out.

He has lost literally every debate

>allow me to derail the debate topic into endless nitpicking and question every axiom into obscurity
>oh times up? looks like i win again

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