Are jews poisoning our minds with porn?
Are jews poisoning our minds with porn?
Coffee isnt bad for you in moderation put it that way
More like improving your life with porn.
built for white dick
Who gives a fuck? It's glorious having access to free porn.
why are you asking self-evident questions?
No. You are
No. You are.
Women are toxic. Pron is the release, to clear your head before talking to one; so you can realize she's an unhelpful idiot that intends to do you harm.
god i wish i was white
There are better uses of your time.
I hate when pretty blond girls look like my sister
Made for asian men's pleasure
her face wants me to grab her by her hair and look into her eyes as they glaze over with uncertainty and fear, and then saw into her trachea and carotid arteries with a semi-dull serrated knife that i got out of a drawer in the kitchen
We just offering you the escape from dark reality. Porn is good for your psychological health
yes but theres always a path back. water fast increases autophagy, fasting + exercise even more, dry fasting + exercise= god mode. Autophagy recycles the weakest cells for energy. so all the porn + drug abusing can be healed. Pray and try to find God and build a relationship.
Like... beginning of the year it was 5am, i walked my dog around the block. i told god... give me a sign, if ur out there ill find a $20 bill on the ground in the dark. i shit you not i found a $5 bill. lesson? well you dont get what you want but God is listening.
last month i was praying what i should do for money. i had thought of calling my old boss from a year ago... i prayed everyday for guidance... my boss calls randomly a week later... we talked and agreed on 25% more pay than last time... last weeks pay check was $1750.
life is strange brothers, but as long as ur heart is beating theres a path back to health and god.
Yes, pornography is a weapon.
>praying god for money
crypto kike
You types just can't help it can you? To be so self unaware you don't realize how delusional you sound and how it completely overshadows anything valid you might have said.
I don't know if it's jews, but porn is poisoning mind. If you're on Easter no fap, you're certainly struggling now with the thought of spanking that monkey hard to some pron
pron takes away all initiative and edge from your behavior (well, just like women, but that's a different matter)
wtf dude you’re not supposed to interrupt a slide thread with knowledge
The root of all evil is the love of money.
I hope so
who is that.
Ok muhamed
Because they want to weaken you and make you docile and lazy, passive etc. It's their greatest weapon. Don't procreate, goy. Keep watching porn.
you bet it does ... i'm high test, and hold a steady job
if i don't wank for 3 days i'm already on the edge to strangle a fucker, but rather than doing that i put that energy towards more discipline
hit the gym even harder or push beyond the "meh i'm tired wheeeze" < nope, i'm now "my anger is high and focus will be my bridge"
you can bet your asses ... porn is poison for ones mind
I wish you were too.