
Is there anyone who actually has any criticism of Amish people? They seem to be doing everything right in life.

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Inbreeding is the only thing I can think of. Genetic diseases are quite common in that community.

I like pictures of barefoot Amish

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Yeah, I do. They are garbage tier people. They will lie, cheat, and steal from the people that hire them to do work. I used to design agricultural buildings, and I'd have people coming into the store every week buying shit to fix their brand new Amish barn. I refused to recommend them for jobs because I didn't want to be associated with them, due to how they act as a people. Also, they fucking stink, and they're rude. You know those webms of ortho jews acting like retarded spergs? The Amish act the same way. Fuck those farm niggers.

Oh, and they use electricity too, they just plug into a generator instead. They think God can't see them if they use a genny, instead of a wall outlet.

Their lifestyle is protected by the capitalist society they loathe.

They are like living in a zoo (quite literally because of all the tourists who visit them every year).
They don't fight, they would never survive alone in the real world.

>Photos are banned because they might cultivate personal vanity, which runs against the church's prohibition of "hochmut," a word meaning pride, arrogance and/or haughtiness.
Thots BTFO

>Jebedaiah with his Daughter-wife and their daughter

>According to the Young Center, the Amish do not consider technology evil in itself, but believe that it has the potential to bring about assimilation into the surrounding society. "Mass media technology in particular, they fear, would introduce foreign values into their culture," says an article on the Young Center's website. "By bringing greater mobility, cars would pull the community apart, eroding local ties. Horse-and-buggy transportation keeps the community anchored in its local geographical base."
Very interesting.

Amish here, ama

Did they get the virus?

They rely on US society to exist safely but don't contribute much and are super rich.

Wu iss du her?

I know they treat animals like shit. That’s just plain nigger tier.

ITT: seething kikes

Leave them alone, you filthy kike.

>They seem to be doing everything right in life
just because the big society around protects them

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...if you're a conservashit who thinks life consists of living according to a bunch of retarded rules dictated to you by your elders.

Nice job coming to a website like Yas Forums because you non-conform to the society and rules around you and then glorify being part of an insular, culturally, intellectually and technologically stagnant community which demands strict conformity and condemns the internet you use to speak your mind and access controversial facts and ideas.

Living proof Ted was right..or more correctly the people he got all his ideas from

>adhominem jewish rhetoric

The farm puppies, dumb-fuck. They're basically white redneck jews. There is nothing good about any of these stupid christian cults.

Attached: Amish-Among-Worst-Inhumane-Puppy-Mill-Offenders.jpg (432x258, 123.38K)

yes, they don't grow mustaches with their beards. fuck them.

Been around them my whole life. The ones by my grandpa are ok people, all have some little niche busisness. Neat community. The ones that moved in next to me are uncultured swine. They smoke, drink and lie and their kids are little thieves. The local gas station wont let the children in because they load their pockets with candy and shit.. they also don't have neat little businesses. They just want you to kiss their ass.

I wish I was born amish.

They are parasites that pay no taxes, though to be fair all farmers and all "large rural estate" types are guilty of the same parasitism. I believe they are the true secret rulers of America given how they can get out of every single law, including building codes and mandatory schooling. They just do whatever they want and have a slave nuclear armed english army defend their lives.

They meet building codes, have their own schools and they pay taxes.
And what is a large rural estate?

A rural estate would be a mansion with on a very large plot of land, as millionaires often have. They get classified as farms if they put a couple of cows or a beehive and then pay no property tax.
The amish schools dont meet any kind of mandatory educational standard, same with orthodox jewish schools. Its 100% illegal and no, they dont pay taxes, starting with property taxes, and their entire economy is in cash. Im surprised they dont use doubloons

God i can't wait until Iran glasses you.

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I have heard they act like Jews. Their "Christianity" is also a false gospel and they aren't saved. If you want to find out more about what they believe...

That dude promoted pedophilia, I don't give a shit what he says about anything.


Based kike snitch.
Seems like they are trying to outjew the Jew.

>That dude promoted pedophilia, I don't give a shit what he says about anything.
Source, because in pretty sure you're a lying niggerfaggot.

The christcucks hating on other (albeit more successful as they still have huge all white families) christcucks. Religion is poison.