The only country in Africa getting 5G and Corona is South Africa.
The only country in Africa getting 5G and Corona is South Africa
Consider my almonds activated
Map of the world shows outbreaks correlating with 5G rollout
Does 5G activate corona? Or do 5G governments fake Corona
probably to do with all the malaria treatment they take
Good one shill!!’ Like half of Shit Africa barely has clothes. But they’re all on some high priced malaria treatment
Also correlates with cities you retards. Its population density thats the issue
I don’t know much about Nigger Land. But I’m sure there’s dense Nigger populations
Why do they have malaria and other diseases if disease spread is all about population density
They can't test for it in these areas like they can in 1st world countries. They're dying they just can't confirm why yet.
Corona is about migration, not 5g. Everywhere that someone might need to travel to because it has international trade links has been hit with the disease. Not hard
5G map needs updating. The UK has it and has done for a little while.
There’s plenty of migration to Africa. American niggers go there all the time. But corona is spreading despite border closures everywhere
Yeah no shit. We have like 9 cases so far and zero deaths. Guess why?
You mean the only African country with white people, and thus has Corona testing and cell phone technology?
Lol they just dont know how many there are infected in africa because they dont have any tests or manpower to count the deaths, the west is too busy working on its own shit to play doctor for africans, theyre fucked big time if it gets there
The only country in Africa testing for corona has confirmed cases of corona..
hope it kills lots of niggers
You know what else Africa lacks? Underfloor heating.
I bet radiators are the cause for corona.
Yall are dumb as fuuuuuck.
Or maybe it's because nations with better tech can test more people? Just a thought
Places with 5G correlate with the most desirable to live by people who travel. Africa is a shit hole no one wants to visit on purpose. It will spread all over it eventually and kill millions.
This is the level of retard we're dealing with in this shithole board.
Malaria is transmitted through mosquito bites, not person to person contact. Mosquitos thrive in warm climates, which is why cold, highly populated countries remain unaffected. And that is why it can persist in highly isolated areas in Africa too.
If it was transmitted through droplets or surfaces, everyone would have malaria by now.
Tourists are fine. Many of them didn't want to go back to their countries. But their embassies sent them anyway.
All detected cases were those who returned from middle East and Europe.
They have been lying. They were killing pro US people and calling them deaths by corona. Now the killing has stopped, so has the death by corona
ZOG places following jews in Freemason Satan clubs do 5G. Niggers have their own system
meaning everywheres got it but its only available there...
maybe the 5G system/products/parts are infected?
>engineer opens box from china
>gets infected
>everyone he comes into contact whilst installing the system gets infected
>all the people who got infected so far, infect more people...
take your meds schizo
Random parts of New Hampshire has the coronavirus and none of the areas have 5G. It hasnt hit Africa hard yet because Africa is a fucking shithole with minimal international traffic in comparison to Europe/Asia/America.