What race are Australian Aboriginals?

They look like Africans, but I read that they are the genetically the furthest from them. Their skulls also look much different than Negroid skulls.

What race are they?

Attached: australia-aborigines-460.jpg (1296x930, 187.26K)

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Are you fucking retarded? They're Australoid.

They look nothing like Africans anyway

Australoid, look it up. Basically an ancient version of Dravidians, like American Indians are an ancient version of Asians.

They’re the missing link it’s just not politically correct to explore that

Poo people

They look like monkeys

Fauna, literally fauna

Yes, what race are they? Who are they closest to genetically?

>What race are Australian Aboriginals?

Australian Aboriginals

Niggers and apes


Boongs are basically the cunts who kept walking when they got to China, instead of staying and evolving into bugs. They're basically the beta test humans from 50.000 years ago.

Attached: 1100BF50-0266-4A9A-B341-C10F2F8D60A7.jpg (240x204, 18.08K)

Attached: jew call monkty.jpg (247x204, 12K)

Niggers of another mother my nigger


Like this right ??

Any dna data?

Attached: 41A9C18E-8BC9-4818-A6E7-2EC8772B49FA.jpg (480x640, 40.59K)

based rabbo

Indians-aryans=australian aboriginals from my understanding of past civilizations

>They look like Africans, but I read that they are the genetically the furthest from them
>>they are africans
explain yourselves retards.

Based sand monkey

Mad abbo is mad

Denisovan en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denisovan

They are the farthest from Africans genetically.

Attached: race-and-genetic-distance.jpg (688x549, 111.41K)

they look pretty close to Jomon japanese.

Attached: 1586621264898.jpg (1024x789, 164.15K)

>What race are they?
One race, the human race.

Isn't he the same one that said Gentiles are born to slave for Jews? They all look the same to me.

Are you sure you're reading that graph correctly?
It seems to say that the genetic distances are on the vertical scale rather than the horizontal scale which you're using in your post.

You have to go back to russia