Here's your super spreader

Here's your super spreader

Attached: 1582175583699.webm (480x854, 1.24M)

That's nasty and all, but it's hot soup, likely to kill any germs within a minute or two.

if he can drink it, then its not hot enough to even kill normal bacteria

Here's your SOUPer spreader

I think that's just your run of the mill thief.

based facetious user


200 IQ comment.

He's just sneakfeeding
Spreaders spit, cough and smear intentionally
Good job on finding one unsanitary white person though, Shlomo

Except it's a virus that dies under 5 minutes at 60°C
Didnt you learn anything the past two months nigger

Everyone in hanguk "double dips". Don't at like this doesn't happen here.

God, niggers are retarded...

Attached: Truth on Soup Pics Date.png (718x619, 107.62K)

Especially retarded niggers like Tariq Nigsheed

Attached: Tariq Nigsheed Soup.png (788x178, 32.02K)

Also dies in about 20-30 minutes at 56°C
Why are you niggers so ignorant ??

Everyone hates this guy.

That's the Soup Jew.

you must go back

i can tell a nigger wrote this because niggers lack common scientific knowledge of things like this

Knock him the fuck out.

Attached: 1500556601760.gif (448x246, 2.44M)

>The shit is from early 2019 you non-image-tracing faggots The shit is from early 2019 you non-image-tracing faggots The shit is from early 2019 you non-image-tracing faggots The shit is from early 2019 you non-image-tracing faggots The shit is from early 2019 you non-image-tracing faggots The shit is from early 2019 you non-image-tracing faggots The shit is from early 2019 you non-image-tracing faggots The shit is from early 2019 you non-image-tracing faggots The shit is from early 2019 you non-image-tracing faggots The shit is from early 2019 you non-image-tracing faggots The shit is from early 2019 you non-image-tracing faggots The shit is from early 2019 you non-image-tracing faggots The shit is from early 2019 you non-image-tracing faggots The shit is from early 2019 you non-image-tracing faggots The shit is from early 2019 you non-image-tracing faggots The shit is from early 2019 you non-image-tracing faggots The shit is from early 2019 you non-image-tracing faggots The shit is from early 2019 you non-image-tracing faggots The shit is from early 2019 you non-image-tracing faggots The shit is from early 2019 you non-image-tracing faggots The shit is from early 2019 you non-image-tracing faggots The shit is from early 2019 you non-image-tracing faggots The shit is from early 2019 you non-image-tracing faggots The shit is from early 2019 you non-image-tracing faggots The shit is from early 2019 you non-image-tracing faggots The shit is from early 2019 you non-image-tracing faggots The shit is from early 2019 you non-image-tracing faggots The shit is from early 2019 you non-image-tracing faggots The shit is from early 2019 you non-image-tracing faggots The shit is from early 2019 you non-image-tracing faggots The shit is from early 2019 you non-image-tracing faggots The shit is from early 2019 you non-image-tracing faggots The shit is from early 2019 you non-image-tracing faggots


Irrelevant. The point is people are like this normally, even during a pandemic.

Give me something to throw.

Attached: 1576518653758.jpg (532x532, 47.24K)

Attached: 1586245296053.webm (998x602, 2.86M)


Attached: but he didn't.png (1600x900, 1.18M)

No, it's not when you have retarded niggers like OP and Tariq Nasheed pushing it as current...see

How'z about a image trace?

Typical Whitey


So what, retarded cunt?
Did that dude die in the meantime and does not do that anymore?
Do people no longer pull this kind of shit anywhere in the world anymore?
Dumbfuck, you missed the point.

Attached: Dindu Dinner Time.webm (480x272, 1.94M)

>Dumbfuck, you missed the point.
No, you did. When you push shit as current when it is a year old. And this shit is wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy more of a nigger thing than a white thing.
>t. I've worked in a bar/restaurant/club for +15 years

