Riots happening in brussels right now

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albanians or niggers

Is in true in Belgium you folks have a running with the gibs

violent nonwhite migrant riots part and parcel with living in a major city

people in the second video are speaking turkish kek D:DDd

Perfect testing ground. One person eight the coronavirus and put them in the crowd. If none of them die from the virus we will prove once and for all that the coronavirus was a Jewish trick

>belgians taking their freedom back by going outside to play
>belgian cops being cunts and following direectives that will get them killed
you feel the way the shit clings to the air?

Why are your trees shaped like minorahs?


Look at those franco degenerates quenching their thirst for violence and disorder. They should all be chemically incarcerated

This is perfectly normal behavior.
Son"t forget these youths have been stuck inside for nearly 4 weeks!
Assaulting police and stealing guns is a perfectly legitimate way of blowing of some steam in a diverse society.
In a couple weeks, when the ramadan starts, you'll see much more of this enrichment.
Allahu Ahkbar and shalom to everyone!

Belgium is the most evil country in europe hopefully you all die. Never forget dutroux and the x-dossiers


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seems a bit much to call that a riot

more like afternoon jogging

That's what happens when the French mutts can't eat fries, they start jogging intensely between muslims.

get back under the fridge roach

>Riots in #Anderlecht (EU capital Brussels, Belgium)
migrants destroying 4 police cars
yelling Allahu Akbar
while shooting with a stolen police gun
How can this be allowed?

you fucking deserve this. when are people going to grow some balls and cleanse them from our nations?

Why are waffles chimping out?

That seems like the very smart thing to do in these contagious times.

those are roaches my friend. not waffles.


Urban or turban

based sadiq

It's Pass Over rn


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now in holland too

Of course they are user.
Germany and Belgium is like a Turkish colony in EU

isn’t brussels 40%diplomats 10%hookers and 50% moslems?

Allez y les frères baiser les belges cette race de pédale wAllah nique les blanc fragile on leur pisse dessus ils vont rien faire bientôt la belgique à nous !!!

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Vid saying they are rioting over a criminal died in a chase with police.
Happen regularly here too.

Attached: Belgique.jpg (633x781, 177.97K)


Fuck, Yas Forums is destroying my mind. And I love it.

Isn't Brussels the capital of EU?
I hope those muds will burn it to the ground.

as if there's a difference