Will you get chipped?


>MIT engineers have developed a way to store medical information under the skin, using a quantum dot dye that is delivered, along with a vaccine, by a microneedle patch.

>The dye, which is invisible to the naked eye, can be read later using a specially adapted smartphone.

>It will be required to get chipped to prove that you are vaccinated

Will you get the chip?

Attached: mit.jpg (651x503, 38.04K)

Better idea, why don't we just kill Bill.


No chip
No access to shops
No access to jobs

No chip=nolife

Because he is smarter than you

Not for much longer he isn't, you shilling faggot.

>Will you get chipped?
i will kill those that attempt to chip me.

Fuck no

No chip, no vaccination. Fuck jews

Lolno, and I bet there will be a revolution before they force this on the billions of strictly religious people in this world.

I'll opt for the armband instead

So you are willing to lose your job or social security?

Doctors and hospitals are for retards

Own my own business and farmland. Doesn't affect me.

People aren't going to accept it you worthless shillling piece of shit, so you can go and tell your glownigger bosses about that.

Fuck you,
Everyone who isn't retarded.

Attached: 1582733883469.jpg (640x405, 32.79K)


You know they will. It will be a combination of convenience and obscurity, and folks will merrily abandon their privacy they didn't know they even had, just like they did on every other platform in every single country.


Of course not, this is the mark.

Kill me, torture me, ostracize me, do whatever you think you have to do, it doesn't matter, comfort of any kind is not worth eternal damnation. Force chip me and I'll tear it out.

steel jackets dont care about your IQ

Here comes the problem
>by a microneedle patch
It basically means you can be stamped blazing fast way and you will feel nothing. If they do during an arrest/handshake/dunnorandomrelatedexamples you wont even know you got marked.

I don't get it, why do we need to introduce these kinds of things? What is the actual reasoning behind it? It just seems so bizarre that every other vaccine up until this point has been fine not to be constantly tracked.

It'll have to interact with whatever scans or reads it in some way, so just grab a scanner and self-scan every week or so.

Data is the new oil, and you are about to be drained

I think he’s willing to lose his life buckaroo.

This is literally an invisible tattoo, why are you talking about chips?

>quantum dot dye
Say what? We in the quantum age now?

The Mark of the Beast has to be willingly given.
The way you mention if anyone gets it who does not want it then the Lord will forgive them.

Only if it's free as in free beer

Can I get in black instead of chrome?

I meant more so whats the 'reason' behind it? Pretty much everything in the msm just says its to battle viruses, but how does it do that better than writing it down in a file? They aren't actually pushing a reason it seems.

That's just because they couldn't conveniently track it, at least not on this level. You still had a record somewhere of all vaccines you had as a kid, so that any doctor could consult it at a glance. At least that's how it works in Russia. You wouldn't carry it around though, and besides, there never was a raging plague to require that. Meanwhile this tech is so cheap and simple, just a couple of pinpricks, it's easy to read and hard to forge, it's a dream really.