Anyone else used to be a pro multiculturalism lefty until they actually learnt all the fucked up shit out there and realised Whites were the only normal people?
Anyone else used to be a pro multiculturalism lefty until they actually learnt all the fucked up shit out there and...
i've always been anti-cunt.
I've always been subconsciously racist but I got indoctrinated into multiculti from a young age. Why do they always wear funny little hats? Why cant I call you this word but you can call eachother it?
I was pretty racist back when I was "not racist", to be honest. The world around me was just so much more comfortable with it back in the 2000s that it was never a big deal. When it started going all crazy on the ID politics, that's when it became a big thing to me and I got pushed to the right on that issue. I'm still pretty lefty economically, but these days I have a lot more understanding about why people vote right because of racial issues. I think it's a mistake, personally. I think voting for your class serves you better, but IDK man I cannot deny that fucking niggers are fundamentally subhuman and will always wreak violence upon anyone around them.
yes and no, rather I came more to realise the historical roots of these sentiments and their biological substrate
I want humanity wiped out.
I wasn't until I was. Let the scum flood across our borders and let the drugs flow in. Degenerate the family and deplete national stability. The more of this the better.
anyone who isn’t black and is willing to kill or die for the cause of blacks needs to be murdered
yes, used to be full onions, now I hate this degenerate world more and more.
And if you were retarded enough to ever buy in their shit your opinion is worthless
Nope. When I was far left I still knew multiculturalism was bullshit and did not want non-whites living around me.
I've never liked black people but I used to blame how they behaved on economics and racism and ignore it.
Now I just fucking hate them for being themselves.
I feel you user
Yes lol.
Joke's on you. Spaniards aren't considered white here.
Multiculturalism had worked before in spain. But nobody expected the spanish inquisition.
When I was a teenager I went pretty left leaning, but moreso economically than socially because I was le edgy contrarian, which is ironic because socialism is pushed so hard in the media. I think once I learned about Yas Forums, I truly became racist because I never met anyone else who was, and I didn't know it was socially acceptable. I'll say though I hate niggers, not necessarily blacks, I've gotten along with some pretty well and I don't mind them being around if they contribute and make the effort to meld socially
How does it feel being a living meme?
Yup everything was explained by inequality and oppression.
Until you realise it’s just biological variance and natural law scaled up from the individual to the ethnic group that explains differences.
And differences are not inequality. Equality is a fundamentally impossible state which we can achieve so the end goal will never be achieved dispersed the struggle.
Therefore the struggle is the goal. Permanent struggle against order and nature.
So yeah when they started pivoting to “white man bad” even working class white man making the old proletariat the new bourgeoise based on racial grievances whilst at the same time ignoring human bio diversity, 100 years of intelligence studies etc whilst simultaneously bumping reddit POC slam poetry (about 6 years ago) I thought “nah this is bullshit, I’m out, fuck the liberal left”
Still the old working class blue collar left shares a lot of similarities with blue collar working class right now as they’re both considered enemies of the metropolitan shit lib left.
This is generally how it works. Especially when it comes to charity and empathy.
>German flag
>he confirms my theory by also being a npc meme
how the fuck do those niggers even wear those silly little hats
also gas the jews
yeah. was a total libetarian do what you want faggot and lived a meaningless, hendonistic life. then travelled the world for a decade and realised how shit people and the world is. was much easier liking niggers when i lived in north idaho and never saw them
>anyone else a mentally retarded lobotomy patient but just had a random moment of clarity?
No, anyone with a brain knew this was a bad idea from jump. There is only 100'd of years of history proving this.
>an element of a culture or system of behaviour passed from one individual to another by imitation or other non-genetic means.
Wittgenstein says Hello, as by the mere fact that you are using words for communication, you are indulging in memes as well. Guess what words, concepts, ideas etc. are ... they are culturally shared ideas, in other words memes. The more accepted an idea, the more it's utility is normalised the more smug we feel when using it ... take a guess how this applies to ideas about rationality, reality, truth and ideas about right and wrong?
Yeah always wondered the same after seeing OZ. My best guess is that the have a little bit of hair underneath to attach to
Never swallowed multiculturalism on an ideological level because all I had to do while growing up is leave my house to meet stupid people that wanted to kick me in the head and rob me.
When younger I was mostly confused about why all the PC shit and Inclusiveness existed for years in my country and it didn't really work, now I understand why.
I knew something was wrong before I was 6 years old. That means I was around nigger animals at an early age. I can only think of one that ever acted decent and we aren't going to have reverse Jesus so all White people can be genocide'd for special behaved niggers and shit skins somewhere. Who would still more than likely create another nigger unlike them if they bred. Low IQ people and dark skin breeds sub humans and sub animal people which tend to lean towards the NON White NON Israelite races concoction of communism for White peoples shit to go to genocidal sub animal parasites.
While Whites not being superior at the same time while also being the bad guys!!!
I was a “Democrats are the real racists” tard