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That is a brilliant idea m80

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actually genius


The food supply is controlled by miserable people whose fight against misery is the fundamental cause of their misery. Encouraging people to kill themselves with food is inappropriate governance.

op was not a faggot this day.


Jew + black muslima in a hijab for max woke points

Dump them all onlinr next Saturday for added kvetching

great but this a rehashed thread from 2017

The far-left Jews absolutely despise Orthodox Jews.
You should be photoshopping the typical New-York Ashkenazi scum into those ads instead.


Sometimes the memes make themselves

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I have a big twitter troll account and will unironically participate. Got links to some good transparent .png of jews & blacks?

Remember it's better to do a jewess + a black male since jewry is passed through mama.

This OP is just a dumb retard

This is an old psy-op. From around 2 years ago.

Kek top tier idea

90% of this board is newfags and glowies. This thread confirms

I donțt know why Orthodox Jews make the face of the kikes, it's the sephradic and ashkenazi Jews that has fucked the world over.

holy shit. zucks gf has far wider shoulders than he does.

implying they are not the ones in israel right now

falling for the meme that there are different kikes

it's the same shit user
the Synagogue of Satan
don't fall for their trickery

it's the same shit with the muslims
hurr durr shia bad sunni good
then they send US troops to protect "the good ones" only for them to be betrayed and killed in the desert

There is some creepy shit going on
all his staff are married for asians

people doubt the transvestigators yet you have shit like this, "she" is a tranny.





People just see that as a white man you're doing their work for them, odds are most the original actors are Jewish anyway

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Cuck the kike campaign
Diversity for israel
Protest that Arabs can marry Jewish girls
It’s actually illegal an they get jail time for it
Let every race breed em out

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No vice versa you f you’re arab man and u duck a Jewish girl it’s a year in prison
So protest to repeal that law

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askenazi jews literally specialize in being the ultimate cuck race. instead of the common practice of letting men spread genes through conquest and rape, eg. spanish and virtually every other culture that didnt get killed off, askenazi jews literally cuck themselves by giving away their women to people far better than themselves. while this meant that in the beginning only the desperate and those who needes merchant money married with them, since I have to admit, jewish women werent, and mostly still arent known for being pretty, some of them today actually look like whites. thats because only marginal jew dna is left in them. thats where you get the hot israeli jew army girls with blue eyes and blonde hair from. this is still pretty rare tho. priest caste, which keeps clean from the genetics of others, orthodox jews, only consider these askenazim jews as long as they served their purpose. ie. world domination. they will be treated the same as the goyem after they fulfilled their purpose and the mashiach arrives.
t. orthodox jew

Islam says it’s from the father so Somali dad will mog jew wife

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