Why are antisemites so ugly and pathetic?

Why are antisemites so ugly and pathetic?

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I mean she is pretty cute

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this thread is now a cat thread post cats.

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post cute long-nose tribe IDF lady cats

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Good looking people generally have an easy life and they are happy.

So since they are happy its a bit dumb to blame ze jewz for being happy.

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>why are semites so ugly and pathetic?

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g_d damn she cute huh anons?

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semites are sexy as fuck

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Only retarded and stupid people are happy.


sick burn!

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ugly incel

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germany has never won a war
israel has never lost a war

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no, retarded people cannot define what happiness is and therfore they stay miserable

jews belong in ashtrays

Check out khazarmilkers dot com


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Well the names have all changed since you hung around,
But those dreams have remained when there's Jews around


show flag, pussy

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sorry brah, not white enough, none of them actually.

why would they want to be boring white karens?

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Truth is the most antisemitic people are the people who have to deal with jews on a regular basis. So the worst antisemites are probably in the senate, congress, Wall Street and Hollywood.

Jews are literally desperate these days with those shill threads.
How did the German burn 10 000 body a day when countries infected with covid-19 can barely burn 25 body a day with modern technology?
Not an antisemite, I'm interested in cremation.

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that's actually false
most antisemites have never met a jew

Why are some Jews like this?

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why do you believe sourceless memes

everything is better than ash?

and skin cancer

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Just wait till you meet her family...

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seethe more, fags

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I love you. Pls be a man not womenz

is also the hooked noses, don't know why, just not my thing. But hey i'm happy for you to, you can fuck them all you want.

that's a 6 tops.

They are not baseless or false, it's very real...


you're probably a 3 at best lol

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have you ever even attended a circumcision ritual? don't talk about shit you don't know

who dis?

and still wouldn't touch a jew even with gloves on

why are jews so ugly and parasitic?
which one are you?

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>that's a 6 tops.
Hey user cool it with the anti-semitism. If you want to make your own thread dedicated to proving there is such thing is as an OK looking white girl, go for it, but don't hate on a rabbi just for doing a little hasbara.

Just educate yourself, that should be enough.


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Why are kikes genetic trash forever?

then why are you in this thread?

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Why are jews so fucking ugly and parasitic.

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You have to touch jews to throw them in an oven.

Stealing white genes doesnt remove your trash core

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>Why are antisemites so ugly and pathetic?
Because the lens through which jews perceive the world is fractured and warped and they cannot see the beauty in it.

For them the ugly and warped is beautiful, and the true beauty is like searing pain for them to perceive.

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waiting for the BBQ, have some spare time.

here's your aryan beauty btw

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>White genes

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are you a white incel who can't get laid in america?

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>semites are sexy as fuck

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levantine* genes
miss germany btw

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no man, throw a shekel in it they go in out of free will.