Why are there so many gay anarchists/communists

What is it about anarchy, fighting against authorities perceived to be illegitimate, and communism, employee ownership over all facilities, equipment, and materials, that attracts so many LGBT+ individuals?
I cannot see how anyone could genuinely look at anarcho-communist politics online and not find it odd how so many non straight, non CIS people advocate for it
There's a clear pattern, but I can't see what the link is between the two groups at all since if you look at history they're the kind of people who would be forced against their will into work camps and be made to slave themselves to death

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It's really the trannies
No mystery why people with a severe mental illness that makes them deny their entire being might gravitate to an authoritarian belief system that depends on nearly everyone else in the world being wrong and evil

It's easier to market a radical change to people who already feel like change should be made, even in completely different subjects

I think it has to do with a knee jerk reaction to "oi vey whitey doesn't accept you" so they are drawn to it because they want to fight traditional western culture.

because they've had to face adversity instead of being privileged trust fund babies

They are all severely mentally ill.

are you a retard? "anarcho-gommunism" ignores both the state and the corporation and is based on groups of people organizing themselves without the need of help from either of those 2 parties

gommunism is nothing but another word for totalitarianism

ironically the lgbt groups and similar shit is cia and government infiltrated joke

>Implying the lunatic rich kids that get support from media and government face adversity.
Wew lad.


what is bullshit? did hamburgers eat your brain?

you don't even know your retarded ideologies, faggot.

Socialism is state based, communism is supposed to be stateless and moneyless.
Not only are you a retard, you're also a faggot

No I don't eat sheckel food

because there are 'gays' and 'queers'. gays just want to be normal and part of society.
queers see their sexuality as defining their entire life and their politics, thus they want to disrupt western society.

socialism is based if you're a bootlicker who's incapable of making a living without mommy and daddy government and about gommunism you should read more history you dumb fucking toilet cleaner

>socialism is based
not, it's not "based"
I said it's state based, as in BASED ON THE STATE

also nice respect for the proletariat there, quite emblematic for lefty, daddy money dependent trannies like yourself, join the 41%

It's just kind of a lowest common denominator thing going on. Anarcho-communism is a highly idealistic and unrealistic ideology for kids and LGBTs are hopelessly brainwashed zogbots and NWO useful idiots so you can see where the two groups have their "intersectionality" if you're not wearing faggot colored rainbow goggles.

respect for the worker is based on socialism? are you really this braindead? do you understand where tax money goes?

let me make it clear for you:

it doesn't go to workers
it doesn't go to retards
it doesn't go to homeless
it doesn't go to anyone in need

it goes to:
the government
glow agencies such as cia
any group that the state sponsors

literally illiterate

great argument but i couldn't expect anything else from a russo-german worshipping america

Fags are the natural enemies of civilization and society, so of course most would advocate for society degrading and destroying ideologies.

Their life conditions already suck, doofus. The ones with nothing to lose are drawn to authoritarianism.

If you want anti-authoritarianism to win, you have to create a pleasant society.

I had people who incorrectly believed in my hatred try to tell me that when I was advocating for enlightenment values while laboring under a weight of false accusations.

That message was for you, or it was for someone whose viewpoint you're imitating.

Whosoever is believed to be an enemy of civilization IS an enemy of civilization.


I had people who incorrectly believed in my hatred try to tell me that, when I was advocating for enlightenment values while laboring under a weight of false accusations, I was someone whose beliefs would reify themselves.

If you can honestly disbelieve that, you will stop dragging opposition to civilization into existence.

It's the trannies. They call themselves "gay" but really they are straight fetishists who had an identity crisis and transitioned. Look up Autogynephilia. Anyway, they are deeply disturbed individuals and have been clinging on to fags and dykes for wayyyy too long. God, I hate them.

>All animals are equal
>Some animals are more equal than others
Gays are in the more equal class

I don't identify with your ”civilization”. In fact I am in open opposition to it and all its rot.

Gay = immoral
Crime = immoral

it's their political position
they also do drugs and are pro-stealing

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>perceived to be illegitimate
who is an actual "legitimate" authority?

Presumably any authority that is agreed upon by all people involved as being acceptable

I'm OK with unanimity as an indicator so long as one can withdraw agreement and nullify it in their case

yeah but they never fight authorities
what they stand against is what is Normal ie Moral

They chimp out against the ban on drugs even though there is no ban on drugs in their areas
and homosexuality was never really banned either

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