Rs53576 polymorphism gene.
The oxytocin (OT) system is known to be implicated in the regulation of complex social behavior, such as empathy, affiliated behavior and parenting, and response to social stress

According to the data for the rs53576 polymorphism of the OXTR gene in 12 nations, the nations with higher frequency of A allele (Japan, China, Korea) are more collectivistic in comparison with those having higher frequency of G allele (USA, UK, Australia, Canada, Netherlands, Italy, Sweden, Germany, Finland)

It is known, that selection in favor of A alleles of rs2254298 and rs53376 SNPs are associated with lack of empathy, manipulation of parental investment in humans [45–47], favoritisms towards sons, being one of possible examples. Practice of infanticide in many human populations being another example of such parental manipulation strategies [48]. Obvious preferences for sons result in sex-biased infanticide, with girls being main targets, are known to be practiced in China, Republic of Korea, India and other countries of East and South Asia [49].
this particular SNP has been correlated with measurable differences in empathy
multiple peer-reviewed publications. Here is an overview

Here is a good one:

And another:

Tl;dr arguing with chinks is POINTLESS as their brains LITERALLY don't work the same way ours do. Literally what the "uneducated laymen/Bogans/Rednecks" have been telling everyone else for YEARS. And this is only ONE difference that has been found. THE TIME FOR TALK IS OVER KICK OUT CHINKS

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Other urls found in this thread:,_Burning_the_Books.jpg

So when a bugman child gets run over by a truck the chinks feel nothing? That's even more horrifying, I thought they were pretending to feel nothing.

Chinese behavior hasn't changed in 2000 years,_Burning_the_Books.jpg

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It's a good thing. Sentimentality is a handicap.

This was a lot of effort just to make a seethe post. Did a chink fuck your girlfriend or something?

>chinks are soulless bug people
colour me surprised m8 is this your first day here?

Oxytocin is known as the "love hormone".

thank you science, now i shouldnt feel bad when chinks will get nuked, cuz they wont feel bad themselves

Did a nigger fuck your sister

now THAT'S a red pill

let's just get this over with

Wouldn't you just love to rub your cock over her stubbly yet nearly hairless superciliary arch bruh? Get some spunk right in those epicanthic folds? No? Just me then.

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The better question to ask would be: did they unleash the wuhan coronavirus on the world?

I got a DNA test on 23andme ...
>inb4 lol giving your genetic information to the eternal jew

and you can download the raw data and then put it into another website like promethease to get the medical info.

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It's only a handicap if you're bluepilled or kiked, Jew bitch. Western empathy built the best societies and best standards of living on earth, it was only after Boasian Anthropology brainwashed a generation of White children of the evils of racism that it began to fall apart. FUCK you soulless bitch, arguing with your disgusting A brain is pointless. The only argument you'll accept is a bullet betwixt the eyes

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It's both. The ones who would want to help are afraid to because they might be forced to pay the medical bills for the injured person.

except Japan is the opposite of China so your theory stupid



Not at all VPNchang. I fuck chinks girlfriend

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They kill 10 million dogs a year, don't do business with China, don't fool for them acting friendly, it's false.

Japs do it too, they're cunts too, they just got civilized by the USA in the 40's and 50's

Most people here are incels who watch anime, so they have that cognitive dissonance when it comes to the Japanese, who are genetically almost identical to the Chinese.

Why do chinks always say incel this or incel that. It's almost as if they have a book of techniques used to discredit people. Go to Hell Chang. Fuck china and all their bugmen

Have sex.

>The genotype distributions for the OXTR rs53576 variant were GG 275 (45%), AG 262 (42.9%), and AA 74 (12.1%), which were in Hardy Weinberg Equilibrium (χ2 = 0.90, p = 0.344). The AA genotype was the least common of the three genotypes, reflecting a frequency f(A) of 0.336 for the A allele. The A allele was more common among Asian participants [f(A) = 0.710] than European participants [f(A) = 0.208, χ2 = 50.86, p < 0.001], Māori/Pacific Island participants [f(A) = 0.317, χ2 = 14.02, p = 0.001] or other ethnicities (Middle Eastern, Indians, and Africans) [f(A) = 0.283, χ2 = 22.43, p < 0.001].


71% of Chinks have the insect gene
22% of shitskins like sandniggers, pajeets, and niggers have the insect gene.
20% of whites have the insect gene.

>It's both. The ones who would want to help are afraid to because they might be forced to pay the medical bills for the injured person.

It's far more than just fear of liability. They don't even bat an eye. It's like if they ran over an aluminum can. Or they get angry the person dented their car. There's no empathy there at all.

>It's almost as if they have a book of techniques used to discredit people.
+1 your social credit score.

This is actually quite based.
Don't be a dumb-fuck. Science will prove race-realism, and it's going to be a glorious shit-storm.

She's cute tho.

I really want to lick the place between her eyebrows.

>It is known, that selection in favor of A alleles of rs2254298 and rs53376 SNPs are associated with lack of empathy, manipulation of parental investment in humans
This is false. The G allele makes you antisocial.

>They found that G;G individuals performed significantly better on the behavioral measure of empathy and were 22.7% less likely to make a mistake on the "Reading the Mind in the Eyes Test" (RMET) (a behavioural measure of empathic accuracy) than A;A/A;G individuals (P = 0.005).

Maybe becaue the test was made by those with the G allele. See It would not be surprising if antisocial people were more likely to empathise with other antisocial people ("all they want to is to get an advantage over the other person, how relatable"), that doesn't mean that antisocial personality is desirable.

>According to the data for the rs53576 polymorphism of the OXTR gene in 12 nations, the nations with higher frequency of A allele (Japan, China, Korea) are more collectivistic in comparison with those having higher frequency of G allele (USA, UK, Australia, Canada, Netherlands, Italy, Sweden, Germany, Finland)
Asians have the ability to systemize, like whites diagnosed with BPD/autism do. (there doesn't seem to be anything missing in those "dosorders", only the extra cognitive ability of systemizing) Why does it make us seem unempathic to those who don't have it I have no idea.
>Systemizing is the drive to analyse or construct a system. A system is anything that follows rules and is thus lawful. It might be a mechanical system (e.g., a machine or a spinning wheel), an abstract system (e.g., number patterns), a natural system (e.g., water flow, or the weather), or a collectible system (e.g., classifying objects such as DVDs by author or toy cars by shape, colour, size). We have found that people with autism or Asperger Syndrome may have unusual talents at systemizing (e.g., in physics), that people who are gifted mathematicians may be more likely to have a diagnosis of autism or Asperger Syndrome, that even among the low-functioning individuals with classic autism, 'obsessional' narrow interests tend to focus on systems, and that their excessively repetitive behaviour and interest may be signs of strong systemizing.
I assume the lack of systemizing is what prevents westerners to form coopertive groups. It's basically systemizing applied to people. A collectivist society must seem extremely confusing to somebody without the ability to systemize.

meanwhile anglos have preference to circumcise and feed ADHD pills like skittles to their sons

and that's a good thing.

I have citizenship. Your black president literally signed my certificate of citizenship. I am staying.

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lol ifanticid was all over Europe just a few hundred years ago. Go read some Greek myths to learn how Europeans love thier children

Retard alert, OP isn't a mutt like you.

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look idk what everyone thinks of chinks, but they have great bodies and milky skin, i would totally fuck a chink


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I got this one as well, but also this