"White pride" is different from "black pride", "hispanic pride", etc. Pride in whiteness is pride in a history of slavery and oppression. It's OK for white people to be proud of individual achievements, but it's wrong to be proud of being white. Saying "I am proud to be white" is saying that you're proud of all the horrible things white people have done. Change my view.
"Proud to be white"
>only whites exploited people
>being a historylet
Jesus, our natives fought just as hard to preserve slavery of niggers as white people did
>wall of text
>wypipo bad and evil
>a fucking leaf
Congrats, you hit the Jewfecta
>>wall of text
>just a couple of sentences
Chang do you have anything better to do?
why are you scared to address the question? I'm open to a discussion. or did you just want to be in your little echo chamber?
Why is turkey marked as white but Italy and Greece as non white?
The meme, idiot.
>turks are white
>greeks and italians aren't
au contraire, leafkike
race does not exist, therefore I can do what I want
I am merely expressing pride in my socio-economic heritage
exactly LOL
But I am proud
>means that you're proud of all that exploitation and subjugation
I sure as fuck am, the fact we tried to uplift the lesser races is something I can be proud of even if it was misguided and ultimately led to our downfall as we were too empathetic and kind towards them. If it were the chinks in our place then Africa/India/etc would still be under their rule. Gandhi would have been shot in the middle of the street and anyone who rioted would have been executed too. They'd probably kill their families as well and make a mass grave in the city square to intimidate the rest of the population into subservience. Instead we sat down, treated them like humans (they aren't) and eventually granted them their fucking freedom. They are better off for our benevolent leadership and would probably be an actual respectable nation right now if they had never demanded their freedom from us.
KYS maple Nig only faggot libs write jokes in paragraphs.... Day of the Rake soon
>1 sentence is a paragraph
But why is not being proud to be European in my interests?
Austen, Ralph A., "The Uncomfortable Relationship: African Enslavement in the Common History of Blacks and Jews", in Strangers & neighbors: relations between Blacks & Jews in the United States, Maurianne Adams (Ed.), Univ of Massachusetts Press, 1999, pp 131–135.
>White people
>Suddenly it’s about Europeans
It’s a troll.
Hahaha.... what’s the correct grammar in French faggot? still a faggot leaf who is worried about his labatt blue and maple reserves
White people arent the only race to do bad things in history though, so this argument is retarded. Literally 26 years ago Rwanda had a genocide where they killed lighter skin people called the tutsis and that was one of the ways they identified them. You probably womt learn that in leaf high school. Fucking tired of how literally retarded canadians are.
Genghis Kahn is spinning in his grave.
Dilate and die discord faggots
great "argument"
Yet those non-european fucking slaves still bitch about shit they also, by the way, did to each other. They are no different, merely incompetent. What are they proud of?
>ethnic cleansing
>brutal oppression
it's called cultural enrichment. Schools, Wealth, Health, Medicine, working Bathrooms, Meals and Food, clean Water, Roads and Infrastructure vs. some Mud Huts.
Image is a drawing of leafs close friends
Fuck Xi jing Winnie the Pooh, Free Hong Kong... Taiwan is a free state, fuck the CCP
Right, because it's impossible to be proud of any number of accomplishment independent from the worst thing your race has done. Can't be proud your granddad invented the vacuum cleaner because his cousin got caught diddling the neighbors dog.
Oh wait! That's retarded, and a level of bigotry that could make Hitler blush.
OK jew
Free Taiwan, Xi is a Winnie the Pooh cartoon... Free Tibet, fuck Mao fuck the communist party of China