When is the public going to get good masks???

We need them if we are going to keep the infection levels down to a manageable level. Any chance we will get N95’s (or better) in the next 12 months? Really we need them by October at the latest.

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America is researching, in conjunction with military contractors and Silicon Valley. Perhaps in 3 years or so we will crack paper mask technology with little elastic loops.

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These cocksuckers will be selling to other countries and shit. We know how to make masks in bulk, we just don’t have the machines installed yet. Only like 15% of our masks are made in the US. Obviously that is changing, but we only have corporations and ourselves to blame. We let the corporations do this to us.

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>We need them if we are going to keep the infection levels down to a manageable level.
No the fuck we dont, stop being a pussy and go outside

>Any chance we will get N95’s (or better) in the next 12 months?

no chance. its just the flu goyim. dont worry.

I've been selling silver eagles on eBay for $35 a pop, free factory sealed n95 mask ships with purchase lmao.

At the very minimum, old people and sick people need N95’s when they go shopping. Your opinion literally means nothing to me. If we are going to protect our hospital system and our economy, the public needs masks. At bare minimum, the vulnerable need access to them.

>inb4 just kill all old people and the sick

Why don’t you go do it tough guy?

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It’s not name brand so the mask is worthless. Nice side hustle though.

maybe they should have bought them in January instead of listening to the gay niggers on the tv

uh...they're 3M. In the before times you could buy them in single mask clam shell packages for $3 and change

The autists here in Jan already have some. Before the government told us they didn’t work and bought them all in Feb. Stay comfy fren.

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You can make BANK is they are real 3m masks. People will gladly pay $35 bucks for silver and a mask. Rich people will pay just for the mask.

You have to have a high IQ. In which case you already have enough N95 masks.

I have masks, but not many. I bought 120, but had to ship my sister and her husband some because she didn’t prepare. She’s a nurse too, so I can’t leave her hanging. My and my 2 elderly parents only have like 65 to last us an entire year...

Bought mine in January too.

Bought mine in January

>still believing in the corona hoax

please remove yourselves from the gene pool thanks

Buy surgical masks or the face mask that takes cartridges. Surgical masks are avaliable and are 95% effective. The cartridge ones are probably close to 100% but dont forget the virus can get in thru you eyes. So you not really safe no matter what you do. Just try to keep your distance from people and wash your hands often and you'll be alright. Use this time to connect with the outdoor user. Get a boat and go fishing, go hiking or camping. Do something fun

i dont have a single mask and still go outside everyday. you're all faggots, it's not real, fuck you.

>he didn't stock up in january

sorry user, it's called darwinism. enjoy your airborne aids

>be usa
>corporations corrupt
>force corp to work in favor of shareholders
>can face legal action if you don't increase share price
>that'll teach the kikes
>all factories close shop and move to third world to maximize profit

So you meant the Royal 'we'. Your Goverment have privatised mask production, so 'they probably have enought masks. The average schmo is another storey.

I can't sell masks, but I can give them to customers who buy overpriced items. I see masks being sold, but they don't let me. I'm not clear on why exactly.

>We let the corporations do this to us.
Fuck off bootlicker, hope you get corona and die

Amazon you can sell them, but you can’t sell them above a certain price. Also, they are only available for hospitals and government agencies. Be careful about selling overpriced silver and “giving away” a mask. If you are sitting on a stockpile, they will come after you. If you are sitting on a couple hundred, you’re ok. If you have 1000’s of masks, you should sell them to hospitals user. You can charge up to $5 a mask anyway. Contact Amazon directly. Don’t get caught in the silver scheme dude.

i bought 100mask for 25$ after the swinflu h1n1 'crisis' . wait some time after that corona crisis and then prep cheap for next happening.

The hospitals and government agencies are catching up. They nearly have enough. They problem is, the sick and the old don’t have any. These are the people who really need them to stay out of or hospital system. If we want to keep the hospital system running, we need to issue N95 masks to the old and the sick. Set it up at the pharmacy just like buying Sudafed. Make them show their ID and run it in their database to make sure they aren’t buying too many.

Elastic is only good for about 4-6 years depending on the climate. If you don’t have proper straps the mask is useless. Also, the mask itself will turn to shit after about 8 years or less depending on the climate.

never. chinks bought them all in january and sent them to china. now they're for nurses only lol

Half the chinks were just selling them online to anyone willing to pay $11 a mask

>wearinhg a mask
gay and paranoiapilled

>Don’t wear a mask goy
>Cough in your grandmothers mouth goy

Fuck off chang

Kys fag

When the chinks stop stealing it.

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>cares so much about what other people think and appearing "cool" that he puts himself and others in danger
omega beta

Shhh quiet fag

the virus doesn't exist. thank god i never wasted any of my money on stupid masks.

>Any chance we will get N95’s (or better) in the next 12 months?
No, but don't call it a grave it's the future you chose.
Just make sure to remember that you only had to listen to have prevented this when you are drowning in you own blood.

Do you even hear yourself? What's it like being completely devoid of logic?

Thanks. That’s nice