Who’s pushing this race mixing?
Redpill on why white celebrity girls go for black guys?
shes american of irish decent
He's not a girl or white.
Listen up you 4 Chan folk, and you listen good.
Look at what the republicans value, and look at their budget. There’s no two ways from Sunday that when this thing goes down river, Bush is going to let the banks write their own rules. I know, I’ve been there. I’ve known eight presidents personally, and three of them intimately.
My mother used to believe, so did my father, that if I run for President I could do it. And I could, I could become a Vice President.
What I’m trying to say, without boring all of you past breakfast, and with you guys all looking dull as hell, I might add. Possibly the dullest audience I’ve ever campaigned too. I have a big stick, the president needs a big stick. And Corn pop has his own website. I have the website number to prove it. We just called it yesterday and spoke, but I don’t have it in front of me. I’m embarassed, you know my memory isn’t as good as Chief Justice Roberta.
Look, there’s one thing that’s lacking in this presidents economic plan, last minute. And I’ll tell you that it’s a three letter word, J-O-B-S.
Look, when the last stock market crashes, George Washington went on television and didn’t just talk about the princes of greed. He said Look at it! Stand up Joe! Show them!
So go out there to the booths and vote Joe 30330
And I appreciate the vote
Celebrities don't make their own choices.
Following them so closely means you don't make as many of your own choices as you feel like you do!
It's already common knowledge the bill eyelash is a coal burner. Slide thread, next
Having a black boyfriend is the ultimate accessory. Just imagine the attention they would get. Duh.
Jewish handlers. Nothing about their lives is authentic, their entire "image" is created by kikes. So they promote race mixing, drugs, and general degeneracy. Same reason why all actors are virtue signalling liberal fags.
People like you are.
>Who’s pushing this race mixing?
first of all thats a guy with a boob job
second of all literally brainwashing: the photos
this is brainwashing: the thread
I hate y'all lmao lowkey :^)
t. black racist who wants to never see any fucking half-black babies :^)
White dudes are spooked by the #MeToo scam and ate reluctant to allow women to fuck their way to the top, since women are ungrateful swine with no accountability.
Non-white men, OTOH, are similarly shielded from accountability by SJW racial bigotry.
Thus, scandalous bitches are sleeping their way up the ladder with black and brown men.
stay mad white goy
>t. black racist who wants to never see any fucking half-black babies
good news shitskin, we found a redeeming quality in you, which means you're better than 99% of subhumans.
Nobody in that photo is white, chang.
Insert ,, Built for bbc " joke here
they do whatever their (((producer))) and (((agent))) tells them.
For approval of black fans. Without the black community their sales go down. Eventually they’ll end up marrying a beta white man.
women flocking to rich celebrities! color me surprized
They really don't though, most celebrities stay with their own race.
People who are culturalized by blacks date black guys, like the Kadashians.
Lmao keep coping brad
> celebrity
> Billie elish
> Panic_button.jpg
congratulations, you've figured out how the female sex drive works. The thing is, like with any addiction the long-term negative consequences only reveal themselves at a later point in time. Indulging into the animalistic instant gratification is a road to perdition if I have ever seen one.
Who's the ugly coal burner?
She's thicc she has sex with blacks. Built for BBC
Mad about what, Herschel?
your not wrong, but it's a bit more complex than you make out to believe
Lol, poor guy. That was basically molestation.
Again, literally none of those people are white. Maybe you should organize your race bait folders better ching chong.
I like how of a sample of 4, 2 are from the same people ... say it with me "selection bias"
>Selection bias is the bias introduced by the selection of individuals, groups or data for analysis in such a way that proper randomization is not achieved, thereby ensuring that the sample obtained is not representative of the population intended to be analyzed. It is sometimes referred to as the selection effect.
latinas like in the first pick are usually really ugly and fat.