Jesus Christ our living Lord was risen today!
God Bless and Happy Easter!
praise christ and happy easter everyone
The Lord is risen!
Praise Yeshua
This thread will get moved to /bant/ where it belongs
Why do mods hate Jesus
happy Easter, praise Jesus Christ.
its ok we are used to it jesus loves you
May Allah forgive you
Faith in Christianity means belief in a fake Jesus. Faith in Christianity means believing in Jewish stories that always include magic.
Praise Jesus and cast Lucifer to that dark abyss!
Fuck jewgle
>kekistan flag
Praise Odin! By Thor's beard! This is the best day of the year
Was Jesus born of a virgin?
2020. Jew on a stick nowhere to be found.
Jesus gave his life for your sins, only through Jesus will you be saved.
The debt has been paid, you only have to receive his love.
Ostara. Start of Spring is a ancient paga holliday that coorelates with astrology and seassons. Easter is just one of hundreds versions of same thing.
It started on 21st december. Sun stayed still in southern crux costelation for 3 days, it rose from the dead and continued to move up and win over winter and dark. This victory is full on easter, spring beginning.
Happy New Year
Happy birthday Jesus, I'll dedicate my first wank of the day to you laddie.
Catholicism is a direct response to the sheer faggotry of the Jews, you fucking retard. What... did your brother tell you this bullshit when you had his dick in your mouth, you uninformed mental shit stain.I don't mind atheists, i do mind stupid fuck ass cunts like you. ffs read a book and poop that cock out of your mouth, you fucking douche flute.
based go off moment
repent, salvation is from the Jews, whatever you do to the Jews you will reap 7x more. Why do you think this board is so cursed? You hate sin not ethnic groups, even if some are more prone to sin it is not the person you hate but the sin produced. Jesus loves you all, catholicism is heresy stop worshipping Mary
Catholics are steering Christianity away from Jesus Christ and God.
ha. thats a cozy little church there. how nice.
Happy Easter lads! Or as I like to call it, Happy Day-he-rose-after-Jews-had-him-killed Day!
>always a memeflag being a memefag
Listening to Mass on the radio, the priest mentioned God the Father raised Jesus Christ from the dead twice already. Didn't he do it on his own power? Theology brainlet here, can someone explain?
Amen, Catholicism produces the most atheists
praise yeshua ben joseph king of the christians
>boiled for your sins