How to Join the Jewish Elite™

Jews, how do i join the yiddish ranks to make it to where the elites are?
Do I just have to sport the outfit and beard?

If you guys are the ones controlling everything, how can a goy like me join the club if I'm not born into the party?

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You can’t.

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but my little baby dinky doesn't have its turtleneck, surely they can make an exception.


I'm a 21 year old ex hasidic Jew.
You can't. Literally.
There are dynasties and bloodlines in on the conspiracy not our entire fucking religion and people... It's pretty sad actually how gullible both average Jew and "Gentile" can be..

If you were born with money or had a product they wanted.. Maybe they would let you in the Masons..

If you have to ask you can't get in. Your kids maybe.

You can spam "Convert to Islam" thread or shill in those

Send a letter to rabbi Trump or rabbi Kushner. Join their lubavitch synagogue and ask over there

>I'm a 21 year old ex hasidic Jew.

Why'd you leave?

Yeah, why did you leave?

woah, link?

I denounced Abrahamism. I only joined for a few reasons. To learn ACTUAL Judaic information. To learn ACTUAL information on my bloodline / family documents in Hebrew (which my grandma and great grandma forgot about and could not read because they lived regular goy lives... Sorta) and finally.. Because I wanted to change the World

I wanted to emigrate. Become a Chayel Boded in the IDF and dedicate my life.. Find the "Moshiach" or at the least help Man ascend from petty difference.. I wanted to unite all Abrahamic faiths and end strife, make Jerusalem the center for not just Israel but the World and above all I wanted to reform the Talmud - allowing "Righteous Gentiles" a place in the system and a remaking of the system entirely down to its roots..

As i learned more.. It was based in entropy. The Zohar has a passage.. "Your mind wanders from you like a camel in the desert.."

Dude the khazarian mafia aren't Jews, the real Jews are black
Stand for the truth to be hated

I will say this. I learned quite a lot... And I mean a lot. So much numerous Hasidic Elders became distressed I was learning Kabbalistic knowledge without first going to Yeshiva..let alone that I had lived the life of a gentile before even going there.. And I went there on my own accord

I think a lot of the Jews were honestly scared of me and didn't know what to think... I left before they were to send me to Tzfat for 7+ years in a Yeshiva.

I also learned I am 25-30% genetically related to the Tribe of Leviim. The rest is gentile blood, which I admire for the fire in my veins..
The Jew blood is.. Weird. Especially when you were/are if Levite/Cohen stock.
Why? Spiritual lifeblood reasons

Bahaha. You think your "New Testament" is any better than the Quran or Tanakh?

They're all equally shit in their own ways. And your path is FALSE. But have fun demeaning yourself, I pity you.

Alexander the Great was a better Man than ANY Abrahamic figure including your little half-Roman half-Jew Illusionist on a stick.

You have to eat a barrel of foreskins

Julian Assange has been dead since 2016. :X

>ex kike
A kike will always be a kike

Very noble, that's usually how it goes though. Systems usually grow to be misaligned with their founding virtues.

>lexander the Great was a better Man
Didn't he fuck a bunch of dudes?


based and foreskin pilled

You have to watch fiddler on the roof 75 times. Many have tried, all have failed.

Woah dude, cool it with the antisemitism

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>Jews, how do i join the yiddish ranks
No rational person wants to be a kike. Its a curse. Despair and death is all that awaits the Jew.

According to Hitler I would have been accepted. I am a 3rd degree Mischling.. He even had a few like me in High Ranks. But .. Fuck you anyhow.
Noble or not I still want to and will help the World... Idealism coupled with pragmatism, Friend.. If this virus calms down I will make my first milliom before 30 in real estate through connections I tirelessly made and use that which I can create a foundation to ascend financially... And invest. In what I WANT.. Politics.. Militias.. Countries... You name it. But.. Above all. I will network even further.. And learn the lives of the Elite scum who control us.. I will shmooze and drink champagne and do the occasional disgusting cocaine bump and ACT.. For the People.. I will not let the People or my Destiny down, user.
One. Hephaestion.. But they were both masculine and were equal Emperors.. A lot of what is said on Alex is misinfo and propaganda by BOTH Leftists and Rightists.. But he also had wives. Roxana in particular.

Attached: 1200px-Il_Sodoma._Marriage_of_Alexander_and_Roxana._detail._Villa_Farnesina,_Rome._fresco_3.jpg (1200x1652, 483.72K)

U need the DNA they are an ethnoreligious cult

Do Mohels suck the dick of adult converts?

Now this I can fap too.Jpeg

Also working on my first million before 30, except through business, wrote a book too.

How do you get adept in networking? personally my social skills are rather lacking.

Just start self identifying as Jewish. The longer you do it the easier it is to ingratiate yourself. But from day 1 other goy will just assume you are being true and give you fucking megabennies. I've gotten raises at twice the rate as my old job and other little things, I started identifying about 4 years ago.

Post truepath redpills please

Ahahah oh shit good question but no mohels don't happen at all not even for babies

I watched one, in a home. They give the baby a cloth with wine to keep in its mouth and they snip it then clean and wrap it.. The baby cries LOUD because it fking hurts but there is no sucking... That only happens with the fucked up Haredi/ULTRA ULTRA orthodox from like New York or Europe (who ironically hate Israel and Zionism)

these faggoty reverse psychology meta threads are so dumb

fuck kikes

They're all fucked up like they never have been before in history especially this year.
What about you? Can't the USA count on you?

You don't. Just like you don't join the royal family.

I wish you luck just use it to create more money and use THAT to shake up the system when you have the chance..
Friend. It's hard. I am an INTP. I will be candidly frank the ONLY thing that allows me to "act" & TRY to small talk is my passion. My desire to change the World and gain what is needed to do so.. I am an INTP if you are aware of MBTi.
It kills me inside to surround myself during, say.. A Polo game. And I have to smile. And sit. And not add opinions when I hear WHINY FAGGOT WEAK LIBERALS talk about politics as if they have a clue.. But you must be silent and not entice arguement.. It is a game

For instance you see how I speak on Alexander? I am like that in real life. I LOVE Western philosophy and so do most subconsciously. I speak on Alexander or Socrates - ideas they had IF they are relevent to the conversation
You convince them of your intellect.. But there is also a fine line of being sociable. You can be masculine or flamboyant..stoic.. Etc. There is a proper and natural way.. Sometimes you have to rely on eye contact and flirtatious means to keep a person's interest.. Its all a learning game Friend.

It's how I convinced a multi millionaire CEO of a Real Estate partner Co. To mentor me, give me a $17/hr. Job with benefits and paid vacation AND free $500 notarization classes... Not too many 21 year olds who graduated through GED can say such a thing

But i am not like most people... Are you?

not bait, just see the common trend of
>jews control everything
>jews are the 1% elite
well if you can't beat them, why not follow in their footsteps if they have a proven system, just knowing inside that it's the system you're following, not the whole belief system.

Wtf is that m8, maybe I know but I have no idea what ye' are referrin to m8y


Also pic related Polo Grounds at VIP section

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