Sun Headed Into Hibernation, Solar Studies Predict When our star drops out of its latest sunspot activity cycle, the sun is most likely going into hibernation, scientists announced today. Three independent studies of the sun's insides, surface, and upper atmosphere all predict that the next solar cycle will be significantly delayed—if it happens at all. Normally, the next cycle would be expected to start roughly around 2020. From
"Tomorrow's(Sept 7) second sounding-rocket launch will take off from the White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico, and will also be the third flight of its technology, called the Focusing Optics X-Ray Solar Imager (FOXSI)." Article written September 06, 2018 From
Ice age, earthquakes, shitty magnetic shield of the planet, and GLOBLAL WARMING FAGS BLOWN THE FUCK OUT.
However, this is a GRAND SOLAR MINIMUM, which means it's the end of a Warming Period for at least 30 years. This year's weather is replicating 2014's shitty snowy weather in the later parts of the year, although that time period was just a mid-point between the last Solar Maximum to Minimum. Expect colder winters, stormy springs, cool summers, shitty falls.
Owen Foster
>Fuck does that mean relating to the sun? It gon sleep nigger what the fuck you think baka white folks be ignrt
Austin Bennett
wtf the giant naked fusion reactor in the sky doesn't meke it hot or not on earth playa
James Nguyen
Pretty sure I remember hearing about this shit from a cannabis farmer. Said we were going into a grand solar minimum. Got any source on thorium use? Last I heard it was still quite niche despite how amazing it is.
Ian Brooks
What are you a retarded?
Noah Rodriguez
No faggot I'm a kang of kangs niffa
Angel Carter
If space weather news says it, I'll believe it
Connor James
So you think we could actually stop a world ending asteroid? Cute
Blake Davis
>Sun Headed Into Hibernation Did you just call him Fat?! How dare you?! I'm gonna tell your parents, kid.
Hudson Brooks
Wow you're dumb, let me spell it out for you.
The sun does more than just look bright. It also creates radiation, and is also more dense and massive than Earth. Thus, earth is attracted to the Sun. However, everything on Earth is more close in relativity to it's own core, so things near Earth stay in orbit around Earth. However, this is only possible due to the orbit around the Sun. Once you go beyond the Sun's influence, a little over a trillion miles or so, the Planet would eject it's atmosphere and everything on it. So yes, the Sun has everything to do with our Earth's climate.
Josiah White
>The sun does more than just look bright. rfaggot it obviously is light not hot you faggot
Kevin Wright
Oh look, schizo ramblings.
Nicholas Butler
> >Solar radiation output typically drops during a normal solar minimum, though not enough to disrupt climate patterns on Earth. However, UV radiation output during a grand minimum could mean activity plummets by an additional 7 percent, the researchers wrote in the study. oh look, its literally NOTHING HAHAHA I inquire you to digest your medication
Jace Wilson
yeah but we live in an earth realm with the sun under the firmament, we'll be alright
Josiah Watson
sounds like the book of Revelation, where it says the sun shall be darkened
Jayden Fisher
Ryder Fisher
So what? We get 3C off in average yearly temperature of we get an actual ice age?
Owen Anderson
Great Tribulation The sun will Darken.
Isaiah Jenkins
Wow you dummies are ignoring the key problem which is the weakening of the magnetic cloak that protects the earth from all sorts of radiation; the sun "charges" that magnetic field so when the sun dims our shields go down.
I thought this was the reason for the solar observatory to shut down. Even an employee came on here to explain what was going on there. 2018 was comfy as fuck lads.
whats a good city or country that will stay warm and not get fucked?
Christopher Jenkins
This was the cover story dummy
Levi Lewis
Nah, the sun will be fine, it's that we're about to embark on our planet journey to a different star. Don't worry, most will die in the initial transitional phase where the planet converts to its travel mode. it has happened before and it'll keep on happening my monkey friends
Eli Wood
we have this thread the same time every year friend, right after the yellowstone posts and just before tornado-posting and hurricane general
Leo Allen
Southern us. I welcome this. You northerners and midwesterners can fuck off with your nice weather 9 months out of the year
Jacob Price
Landon Cooper
>travel mode I admit that made me kek
Dylan Ortiz
It's really amazing to me, where do people get their energy from that they are capable of posting this kind of schizoid stuff? What do you people do?
Camden Gray
it's just easier to write than to explain how the continents are going to interlock and the world will then flood as a result and then freeze into a miles thick layer of ice and after that's done it's just a few hundred thousand years until we reach the next star
Leo Hernandez
I went down on your mom.
Owen Phillips
I just coofed and am feeling a little colder than usual.
Thomas Johnson
Just a 1% fluctuation causes measurable climate changes. A 7% decrease has more compounding effects beyond a simps "lol so it's going to be 85 in summer instead of 92? lol" reaction. Rather it means your 25 degree winters will be closer to 0.