Was giving women equal rights a mistake?

Was giving women equal rights a mistake?

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hindsight is 2020

No, go start your own onlyfans and make your own money.



The internet was a mistake. Letting jews dominate the media was a mistake

Hindsight in 2020

Giving women any rights was a mistake.

The men who paid her for her services will be the first who hang. First, they will be tortured, though. They must be punished. They must suffer, before we give them the release of death.

Technology after about 1890 was a mistake but here we fucking are.

I don't understand the logic of feminists supporting sex work.
Im all for the people who wants protections for prostitution so it becomes a regulated safe industry
but how can you say your a feminist if your for woman choosing a career that objectifies them and makes them dependent on men

Because to them choice is everything. Doesn't matter if the choice leads women straight into hell, a happy family life is "oppression"

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Sex "work"

Because liberals ruined feminism and made young girls believe that sexual empowerment means turning sex into a transaction and sleeping with 5 different guys a week.

This is a side effect of the welfare state and artificial middle class created by big gov (both private and public employees). Too many stupid people are getting too many resources.

>can't get laid irl because not chad
>finally pay a hooker
>angry toothpaste dictator hangs you sometime in the future

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Based. People always want to blame the whores but if their customer base had any shred of decency and self worth the whores wouldn’t have any stream of income.

These faggots donating on twitch, onlyfans, all of that faggotry....betas are lower than women.

More thots twerking for shekels on onlyfans or whatever = fewer thots with actual jobs = more actual job openings for men with something to contribute


hopefully she gets abducted by some based eastern blocker and they pull a taken on her ass except Liam Neeson aint gonna save her. instead some Uzbekistani will pop a viagra and fuck her unconscious

Just tax it to hell and it will go away. Take the economics pill anons.

We didn't "give" them ER we pretended to acknowledge their existence

Giving women a vote literally destroyed society as a whole

I love that they call laying on a bed taking dick "a job". These bitches need to be forced into work camps shoveling gravel 18 hrs a day / 7 days a week

Being pro woman is being pro whore didnt you know


Yeah cause that works

It depends if you're content living as a bugman simp or not

Im all for this, more sex workers drives the price of anal down

I don’t blame women they are mentally on par with children or the retarded you wouldn’t punch a downie because he fucked up would you? Any man that donates to these thots or uses his funds to support this degeneracy should be dragged from
his bed and beaten in the streets until he is nothing but a pulp. The destruction of society came not from
some whores spreading their legs but by weak men actively encouraging it just so they can masturbate their way into early erectile dysfunction, mental problems, and porn addiction.

Actually getting a hooker is not so bad since you get something out of it.
Paying whores online and fapping to them is just pathetic

Giving women any rights at all was a mistake. We were better off as a species when they knew their place and were subservient entirely to men. Then fucking Adam, a jew of course, had to ruin it for everyone.