This is the american health care system

>get a broken foot from riding my bike
>go to the ER for an hour, go to physical therapy n all that shit
>supposedly have very good insurance with my work that suppose to cover fucking everything
>still get billed nearly 3,000 FUCKING DOLLARS after the insurance payments,
>oh and all nearly 3000 due by may 2nd too :-))))

They can get fucked i'm not paying for any of this fucking shit! What the FUCK IS WRONG with the healthcare in this country where ((they)) can just suck us dry of money after getting something like a broken fucking foot?!?! Why do we just allow this to go one?!

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The bill says 414.

I believe you just don’t pay those

Just don't pay it thats what I do. Eventually they give up and it goes away

Look at the total brainlet.

Look at the one above that one...

i had a hospital bill from like 2012 never paid it and one from 2015 didn’t pay it either, they go away after so long.

Why doesn't California have state run universal healthcare?

>break a crucial body part from being a fuckhead
>costs 2 weeks salary in a non teenager job to fix instead of being a cripple for life

I paid $30,000 in income tax this year. Your choice what kind of country you want to live in.

Should have been more careful riding your bike you dumb faggot

Hospitals and doctors must be regulated by the state

This is what you get for voting for Trump.
Pay your bills you rat shill.

Was it really that bad that you had to go to the ER and not just urgent care? If so, that bill should be appropriate. If not, you fucked up more than your foot.

If you dont pay they will ruin your credit.

Call them and work out a payment plan and a discount for being "patient pay"

Only 414 Iis due by the 2nd to avoid interest or collection agencies harassing you. Btw the way that's not a bad price for treatment and physical therapy. Mayne instead of bitching you should get better insurance that covers a bigger percentage. You're a fucking broke bicycle riding bum

Healthcare and insurance is for pussies.
Grow a pair.
>broke foot riding a bicycle

>ride children's toy as adult
>break foot riding children's toy
>live in largest, arguably richest state that purports to be far left
>no universal healthcare
>mad at whole country, not your state or your inability to proficiently pedal children's toy
Makes sense!





Sounds like your bone fracture wasn't serious enough to warrant an E-room visit.

Stuff life this is as dumb as when people crash their cars, dont hit anything else or another car, and call the police on thenselves.

Rather dishonest to cover up the, "Please contact xxx-xxxx to set up a payment plan."

It's like that when you have a shitty job. When you are valued as a contributor to the greater good, that would have been a 30 copay. If you dont want to pay, then you should take your poor ass to the county hospital.

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You still only owe 2400 out of almost 4K. You can always shop for better insurance, stupid.

You dumb fucking faggot I didn't get any physic therapy. That was all from 2 hours in the fucking ER you dumb shit, Pacific medical worked with the ER somehow to do my operation. Dumb ass assumption making bitch.

Imagine not being able to pay a $3k bill lmao do you even try to save money? I’ve saved $100k in 3 years since I graduated with a STEM bachelors degree

based, kek

They do. It called the county hospital. I hope you speak fluent Spanish.

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>acct no still visible in pic related
never gunna make it

What bones did you break in your foot specifically?

I discovered salt and invented FM radio.

how do you crash your car without hitting anything?

>go to physical therapy and all that shit
>wtf I didn’t go to physical therapy!!!
Lol. You’re fucking dumber than shit. I wish you died instead of just breaking your foot.

You can pay it off in 6 months.

Broke a tendon in my foot.

I dislocated my thumb, the doctor popped it back in and they tried to charge me $10k

Discovering salt in this thread is not impressive

>broke my left femur pogo-sticking, and yeah, it was a bad green-stick break, the bone was sticking out my thigh, but I just rubbed some dirt on it and it healed a little funny, sure, and when I'm tired, maybe I walk in circles but I'm not going to no "doctor" no sir-ree, not me.

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Seething drone

So why should I pay that bill for you and every coofing beaner who goes to the ER with a stubbed toe?

Take it up with the geographically-isolated insurance oligarchy.

how is this legal? Its a 3 minute job

How do people like you get anywhere in life.

Your out of pocket deductible appears to be $2,000 which is very good, I assume it's a ~$250 a month single person health plan.
You also got charged by a third party care provider which was not covered by your plan. This is quite common, in fact you're lucky radiological services seems to be wrapped into your main care plan.
If I'm right and your deductible has been maxed out all services and care (covered by your plan's network) is free aside from any co-pays.

Why were you riding a bicycle?

Sorry I didn't mean to say that. I actually didn't go to physical therapy.

Don’t break your foot then you fucking dumbass. Why should we all have to pay because you’re a weak idiot? The government/system shouldn’t reward dumb faggots like you.

Fun fact:
Bone out of skin is a compound fracture.
Green stick looks like when you take a wet twig and bend it and is most common in children.

>What is a deductible?
kys faggot

Attached: deductible.png (754x128, 126.78K)

> giving your name at the emergency room
Nigger, you're retarded. Just tell them you're a part of the Cherokee tribe and that your band is Joseph Littlehorse and that you live three miles east of the copper head trading post.
You'll never get a bill.

>Get bill in the mail
>Throw it in the trash

>Seething drone

>Will pay $30,000+ for a vehicle
>Doesn't want to play $2413 to have a broken foot fixed.
>The alternative of not having the broken foot fixed is not being able to walk on it for life.

$2413 is a great price for being have to function again you god damn short sighted idiots.

>compound fracture

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I went to one of those 24-hr emergency clinics and got xrays, diagnosis, and prescription meds for $250

I know someone who skidded out on snow on the highway and spun into a ditch, totally wrecking the front end. They called the police. They got their license suspended for showing up to court without insurance after being ticketed for no insurance the year before, along with a couple minor incidents on their record. Basically did everything wrong. Had no clue that car accidents are a crime. Had the nerve to complain about totalitarian police states and shit.
People like this exist and are all around you.

But think about it dude. YOU BROKE YOUR FUCKING FOOT. If this was back in the day its game over for you.

3k for having others fix a foot you fucked up
looks like a good deal to me
would you rather have no foot and 3k in bank?

This conversation is very weird from a non-muricamut view

well you DO tolerate 12mln jews living in your country
that's what you get
+niggers running rampant extra

yes, it truly is.

>pirate flag
>preferring foot to peg leg
get the fuck outta here faggot

We's just not mandatory. It's much better than the rest of the country. Like everything else in California

Man I live in a country with socialized healthcare, I pay way less than that when shit happens. However I pay way more than that every fucking pay check.

Something like 30% of my taxes go to healthcare, so each year I pay about $12,000 in taxes just from income tax, with about a third going directly into healthcare. Or about $4,000 for easy math, regardless of whether or not I use it. It is way better to just put $400 into a draw every month for shut like that then to pay for it whether you need it or not.

i kinda thought the same. i'm glad i'm not the only one

>I know someone who skidded out on snow on the highway and spun into a ditch, totally wrecking the front end. They called the police. They got their license suspended for showing up to court without insurance after being ticketed for no insurance the year before, along with a couple minor incidents on their record. Basically did everything wrong. Had no clue that car accidents are a crime. Had the nerve to complain about totalitarian police states and shit.
peak american

getting taxed 60% of income to say everything is free is very weird from a non-yuropoor view

Cope fatty

>hurts self doing avoidable high risk activity
>why should I have to pay for this?

They do, if you have no insurance.
I used to go to the local clinic all the time. Got meds and check ups for like 30 bucks a visit. Once a year I would go to the VA for my yearly check up and that would be free.
Shit was so cash.

They can’t send it to collections?

I know parking guys will threaten that but they can’t actually do it because you didn’t take anything on creditZ

Amerimutts get taxed and literally get nothing for it lmao it's sad

At least I don't have to sell my house if I have a cancer


Ha, stupid mutt. This is what you get for voting in someone like Trump who wants to build walls and increase taxes and not someone else like Hillary because SHE'S A WOMAN and you have to trigger the libtards epic style by voting a clown in to president

honk honk, user.

So what?
You earn sums of money every month which some europeans dont earn in a year
Is it better to be in nanny state where you earn 1000 dollars a month, but you dont have to pay medical bills in some sense ?
Its not

You simply have shit insurance. I have 2600 bucks max out of pocket per year

i kinda thought the same. i'm glad i'm not the only one

You haven't paid your deductible for the year yet, user. Also, your insurance plan is shit if your deductible is that high. You probably opted for a high-deductible/lower cost plan and you're seeing the downside of betting and losing. Hope your employer at least contributes to a HSA for you that you can pay at least some of this out of.

Yes it's not like if you had no taxes, you have average taxes and shit services

America is for the strong.

They are. That's why they are so fucking expensive retard. BTW, thanks for the free healthcare hans. Definitely took a free hospital trip while I was visiting Germany. BTW, the medical staff was completely incompetent and did a completely pointless test.

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are you a fucking coofer? why is your user so fucked up

i had ulcerative colitis
i went through 4 years of meds, including two different experimental ones i had to sign waivers for, which each injection cost 4,000 dollars, and i had those every week for a year. eventually since none of the meds even worked i had to have a surgery to remove my large intestines.
and i didn't have to pay a single cent for any of it.

oh, and now i live off govt disability gibs and fuck around all day instead of being a wageslave
so i actually came out of my medical issue with profits
i love this country

Funny thing, he's a european immigrant and proudly proclaims his green card status when blacks and mexicans talk about discrimination.

Rember Yas Forums is a natSOC board

I cant believe people are stupid enough to actually pay medical bills lol.

We are Goy cattle. Stupid and ignorant. Don't you like giving all of your money away?

I wish OP had broken his neck for being a colossal commie faggot.

Seems like these people figured it out OP you are whining over nothing.
Also if you really really want to cry about it call the hospital and ask for an itemized bill so you know what they charged you for what exactly. Then call or find out more about your insurance.
One of two things will happen, either they lower the bill because hospitals are a business not a service in America and they love scalping and but hate getting caught, they will reduce your bill upon itemization. When they itemize your bill if they don’t reduce it you’ll find out what you were charged for what and chances are you’ll find out wether or not you were truly covered by insurance.
As other anons state you don’t need to pay the bill, so what if it ruins your credit. It’s just credit and if anything it’ll just ding you a few points if any.
Technically you don’t owe any money

average tax rate in canada/euro is like 40% at most...seething amerifat ameripoors have to reach so fucking hard to rationalize getting fucked up the ass on the daily by their political overlords

Pretty much this. State and Federal for a single Californian earning 50k a year is about 6K. Insurance varies greatly. Hospitals, do get relief funds and they negotiate if you are poor or a noncitizen. Also $3,500 deductable is a very common number on a low cost PPO. Also if you have insurance and a decent paying job and plans to use your credit to purchase something big like a house. Then just get on a payment plan and pay the bill.

Learn from your mistake and setup an HSA. The money grows and you can pull it out later if you end up reaching senility and want to blow all your savings before suckstarting a revolver like a man.