I’m tired of it. I’m tired of the death of our society. Tired of seeing open hatred for things we should be proud of. Tired of seeing all this gay tranny shit. Tired of feeling like an outsider in a society built for us. It feels like it wont change. I have no motivation to defend white nationalism or whatever anymore. Every time I see the way things are going or anti-white bs on twitter...I just cry. I feel hopeless. And I have no one to cry to which is the worst part of it all. I wish I could stop but its almost like every night my mind reminds me of things I go to sleep weeping.
How many of you have cried at the state of the world?
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Unfortunately that why ppl take the clownpill.
we are all sheep
You always have someone to go to user
Destroy Christianity and this is the result. Much more to come. Very bad times are coming. The worst part is we were warned many times but refused to listen save will continue to not listen, as a whole.
In 100 years time, no-one will even know any of us even existed
Eat healthy
Improve your self
Find a hobby
Take a break form politics
Remember they want to demoralize us, don’t let it happen stand strong and proud.
gramps would cry.
im glad he didnt have to see it.