Listen to this pathetic man's relationship with his Carnivore daughter, and his blatant crush on her. She sent him to a mental hospital, moved him to Russia, profited off his name, now just Me Tooed him. The problem with him is that Jordan didn't spank her enough as a kid, now he really wants to spank her, but he's a bit shy since he didn't do it when she was younger. He even has to work up the courage to talk to her sometimes. "Well Mikhaila, your mother and I were wondering if you were going to remain with Andrew." "What I want to do with my body is my business. un un un, if I want to date Bisexual Porn Stars than that's my business. I'm a free woman old man." Then he debated Zizek and shit his pants. "Well communism is bad because Marx didn't understand stand human nature." "I don't want to call you a fucking idiot.... But what Marxism have you ever read?" Then his wife died. "Oh boy, things are looking rough. Good thing I have my Bible and Dostoevsky." "Why do you interpret them so retardedly you pathetic Jewish puppet?".... Then he realized he was a fraud, went to Hungary and started crying and the Jews got mad. "Doctor, you're a bad Goyim." "Oh boy oh boy oh boy," Then he became a drug addict, and his daughter moved him to Russia while he was unconscious to be closer to the Gay Pornstar and they experimented on his brain, and he woke up 30 pounds lighter and 6 inches shorter, and he realized he was a pussy that kept getting bossed around, so he decided to ask Mikhaila's boyfriend for advice, and the Boyfriend gave him advice from two books he read called 12 Rules for Life, and Maps of Meaning. Jordan then read the two books, realized he wrote them, and decided to write a third book. Then Mikhaila went back to her husband, and Jordan's wife was resurrected. The End.
Is there a more tragic Story?
He shoulda cleaned his room
>just Me Tooed him.
you cant blame the man
and washed his pee pee
slide it. ddoo dooo doo
What's with her pussy?
Probably a penis
She is extremely sexy, but way too old. I'd have sex with her definitely, but 27 year old women are sad and lonely.
imagine the smell
Yeah, what?
>Hair to cover the retarded shovel face
Not bad, looks better hear than in any other pictures. Batshit crazy though, wouldn’t want to fall asleep around her. Would fuck here, but would avoid eye contact and not give her any identifying information.
>when you're a bit too obsessed with someone
Show me on the doll where his words hurt you, user.
damn. how do I become her next boytoy?
Do you think he goes to a psych?
It'll come out tomorrow, watch
No he plays with toy helicopters.
>is coffee good for you
She has herpes, right?
How do you know, then?
>metooed him
What I miss?
OP seems kinda schizo, likely just schizoposting
Owen Benjamin predicted he abused her, I have not even heard of that from anyone else.
his daughter is cute. sucks for peterson but he was warned. maybe he'll do the right thing.
Where did I ever say that?
Like 2 months ago he was saying he got that vibe, that Peterson abused her. Pointed out he likes his daughters whorish pics on Instagram etc. this was around when we found out Peterson was in rehab for a benzo addiction.
I doubt it.
Yeah me too. Peterson is based and redpilled bro!
Thank brah.
he's a faggot pseudo intellectual soi addicted low impulse control religion tard nigger and his daughter is just another low IQ whore.
how did this fucking retard ever get the spotlight in anything. ever.
Czechposters are in my experience the most based on Yas Forums
Keep up the good work guys
Except for your weird weeb continent, fuck those guys
You realize his daughter runs his IG and all his social media right? I think he posts on his Twitter, but other posts there are obviously managed ones.