Attached: usa-1.png (997x449, 579.03K)

Remember when all the twitter cope about how italys healthcare system sucked dick because they had it worse than us
what now???

It’s a bio weapon created in America

roll for 4

durrrrrrr the US has the highest pop and the highest coronavirus deaths, how could that happen? Imagine being this stupid. inb4 China and being stupid enough to believe their numbers.

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Suck my nuts.

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>PeR cApAtA

I trust the American numbers are at least within a standard deviation of correct, and it's likely they're the second highest deaths right now. but I doubt they compare to whatever the real numbers from China are, a billion people can hide a lot of death.

Euros have 70k deaths to our 20k. Go join them.

Attached: ce6.jpg (501x585, 78.49K)

It's also much worse for type a blood types which are from Europe.

Chinese Communist Party: no respect for human life, no morals or ethics

Lying is breathing for them. Anyone who believes anything they say is not mentally competent.

Even here the local media presents the US as the world leader in corona death and show complete gullibility to fake numbers reported from non democracies like china, russia and the UK.

Attached: CHINA LIED.png (1284x588, 31.86K)

How come US seasonal flu deaths dropped to zero?

How come any health worker can formally declare a death corona-related without any testing - only thing they need is a suspicion?

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Hope this is a troll

Just imagine the smell...

Attached: pitbull_mauls_its_mutt.jpg (599x960, 266.8K)

Nothing new here, it’s well known... if you go to the hospital here, you’re dead meat.

Need surgery? You better draw on your body with a sharpie or they’ll amputate your leg when they’re supposed to remove an appendix...

Yup, that's definitely China for ya.

It's almost as if the US has a shit ton more people. You faggots are completely retarded. nupol sucks so bad.

Digits don't lie

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>All niggers and subhumans


U.S. population: 328,000,000

France/Germany/Italy/U.K./Spain population: 324,000,000

Coronavirus cases:

-U.S.: 526,396
-F/G/I/UK/S: 650,807

Coronavirus deaths:

-U.S.: 20,463

-F/G/I/UK/S: 62,553

Source: Johns Hopkins University & Medicine Coronavirus Resource Center

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Im calling it. Time of death 12:43 est

>"China started it but US was more affected so it's the US' fault."

That's how retarded you sound.

To be fair, Europe has had a few weeks more for people to die
Comparing numbers is rather useless until everything is over and adjusted for preparation time
Only then can we see, who did well and why


China government is wise like 1000 year old fish. You thank me them for peaceful stop of American virus crown CIA virus. Chairman Xi is the leader of free world not Dotard Trum.

t. USA America person

Fake news. Flu, heart attacks, and car accidents aren't Corona deaths

Gook in disguise next thread

>ZOG country inflating numbers
Did anyone think this wouldn't happen?

Nope, niggers are the ones dying.

chaina is gonna pay for all of this. its over, manufacturing is finally coming home. when they go broke and try to collect their debts we are gonna tell ya to fuck off as compensation for the kungflu


I thought Jews had high IQs