Bill Maher is talking shit about China and the Left.
Is he unironically our guy?
Bill Maher is talking shit about China and the Left.
Is he unironically our guy?
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Seems like it.
A fucking commie jew is NOT our guy.
Over broken clocks are right twice a day.
He consistently does shit like this cause he is smart enough to know Trump is going to curb stomp Biden and the democrats.He just wants to be able to say "I told you so, I warned you...blub blub....." at a later date.
Fuck this commie kike and fuck you for suggesting he is /ourguy/
No fuck off rabbi
well yeah he's always been your guy
He’s controlled opposition you faggot.
trips of truth.
No Bill stop making threads about yourself... please
>gives dogwhistles to cuckservatives from time to time to come off as edgy but neutral
>is a piece of shit human otherwise
yeah, he's definitely your guy, faggot
wow, only posted this garbage thread twenty times today
The same guy that says chinese Americans aren't to blame? The same Chinese Americans who go to China on vacation to celebrate their culture there and then came back with a fever knowing that they had a fever and could spread the flu? Those same Chinese americans that traveled to China to practice their culture and eat cats and dogs and live animals and torture them to death so that they taste better? those Chinese Americans?
go away, rabbi
he's not my guy
No, he is a kike pushing the (((MSM))) agenda without naming the jew or the (((coomunists))).
>liberal commie faggot
Not even once.
>"Lets just turn off our televisions and wait for the Mueller Report"
-Bill Maher, April 2018
>"I don't care about the Mueller Report. I know he's guilty, I watch T.V."
-Bill Maher, March 2019
The guy is a conman.
at least OP still has work
sometimes even a broken clock finds a nut twice a day
>Trump is going to curb stomp Biden
Stopped reading there. Delusional.
>boy love productions
/Yourguy/ fucks children
for decades, enforced a one child per family policy
how evil, they should have encouraged them to have 10 kids per family.
and if they did he'd be bitching about that
I normally hate Mar but this was based.
He's a 90's Leftist.
The things that outrage him the most are the illegality of whores and drugs.
A broken clock is right twice a day, user.
he was a libertarian. whatever is popular at the time I guess
Why is a Jew all of a sudden throwing anti-racism out the window and throwing shade at the Chinese?
This is Yas Forums 101
if he was a progressive he wouldn't be ok with a neoliberal like biden. biden is a closet republican
You don't get credit for talking shit when you're just a retard spouting nonsense. Spanish flu? It started in Kansas. Wet markets? They feed the third world. Propose an alternative food source and maybe they can close them down.
Fecal Matter in a shirt and tie...Fuk Him !
billy bill prayed for a recession to stop drump. he got his wish more than he bargained for. dont play with the gods of chaos unless youre willing to pay the price. billy bill clearly is breaking.
you have to get the approval of some jew not at all funny comedian first before opening your mouth.
the absolute state of muttmerica!
He's trying to clean his image, it wasn't that long ago when he was wishing for something like this to happen so it could harm Trump.
>Bill Maher
>commie pot smoking whoremonger Jew
The enemy of my enemy is not my friend if he is my enemy also.
He's a left winger that became right wing with age. I don't think he realizes it yet, but he will.
you think he had a stroke?
I don't buy that mugged by reality bs.
people on the right have poor reasoning skills shitty judgement and don't like to think too hard